path: root/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1filter.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/filter/ww1/w1filter.cxx')
1 files changed, 2063 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1filter.cxx b/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1filter.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45e94726cddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1filter.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2063 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
+#include <hintids.hxx>
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
+#include <editeng/paperinf.hxx>
+#include <svtools/filter.hxx>
+#ifndef _GRAPH_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
+#include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/wghtitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/postitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/crsditem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_CNTRITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <editeng/cntritem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/cmapitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/udlnitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/wrlmitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/kernitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/escpitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_TSTPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <editeng/tstpitem.hxx>
+#include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
+#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
+#include <doc.hxx>
+#include <pam.hxx>
+#include <ndtxt.hxx>
+#include <pagedesc.hxx>
+#include <flddat.hxx>
+#include <reffld.hxx>
+#include <expfld.hxx>
+#include <docufld.hxx>
+#include <ftninfo.hxx>
+#include <section.hxx> // class SwSection
+#include <fltini.hxx>
+#include <w1par.hxx>
+#include <docsh.hxx>
+#include <swerror.h>
+#include <mdiexp.hxx>
+#ifndef _STATSTR_HRC
+#include <statstr.hrc>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentProperties.hpp>
+#define MAX_FIELDLEN 64000
+using namespace nsSwDocInfoSubType;
+// hier stehen die methoden operator<<, Out, Start und Stop mit
+// folgender Bedeutung: wenn moeglich wird die information aus dem
+// dokument per
+// operator<<()
+// in die shell uebertragen. sind jedoch weitere parameter noetig
+// wurde der name
+// Out()
+// gewaehlt. ist ein bereich zu kennzeichnen (zB bei attributen
+// von/bis), heissen die methoden
+// Start(), Stop()
+// alle diese methoden stehen in diesem modul, das fuer den filter,
+// jedoch nicht fuer den dumper noetig ist. und da alle regeln ihre
+// ausnahme haben: hier stehen auch methoden, die aus anderen gruenden
+// fuer den dumper sinnlos sind, zB wenn sie auf sv-strukturen beruhen
+// wie zB GetFont() auf SvxFontItem.
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Manager
+Ww1Shell& operator <<(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& This)
+ // verhindern, das bei rekusivem aufruf dies mehrfach passiert:
+ if (!This.Pushed())
+ {
+ { // der wird nur temporaer gebraucht:
+ This.SetInStyle( TRUE );
+ Ww1StyleSheet(This.aFib).Out(rOut, This);
+ This.SetInStyle( FALSE );
+ }
+ { // dieser auch:
+ Ww1Assoc(This.aFib).Out(rOut);
+ }
+ // dieser nicht, der ist bereits member:
+ This.aDop.Out(rOut);
+ // Jetzt entscheiden, wie Seitenvorlagen erzeugt werden
+ if (This.GetSep().Count() <= 1)
+ rOut.SetUseStdPageDesc();
+ }
+ // und jetzt das eigentliche dok:
+ sal_Unicode cUnknown = ' ';
+ while (*This.pSeek < This.pDoc->Count())
+ {
+ // ausgabe des ProgressState nur, wenn im haupttext, da sonst
+ // nicht bestimmt werden kann, wie weit wir sind:
+ if (!This.Pushed())
+ ::SetProgressState(This.Where() * 100 / This.pDoc->Count(),
+ rOut.GetDoc().GetDocShell());
+ // hier werden abwechselnd die attribute und die zeichen in die
+ // shell gepumpt. die positionen werden durch das lesen der
+ // zeichen aus dem manager hoch- gezaehlt. erst alle attribute:
+ This.Out(rOut, cUnknown);
+ // das textdocument pDoc ist ein Ww1PlainText, dessen Out()
+ // methode solange ausgibt, bis entweder ein sonderzeichen
+ // auftaucht oder die anzahl der auszugebenden zeichen erreicht
+ // ist:
+ cUnknown = This.pDoc->Out(rOut, *This.pSeek);
+ }
+ This.SetStopAll(TRUE);
+ This.OutStop(rOut, cUnknown); // Damit die Attribute am Ende geschlossen
+ This.SetStopAll(FALSE); // werden
+ return rOut;
+void Ww1Manager::OutStop(Ww1Shell& rOut, sal_Unicode cUnknown)
+ // Bookmarks brauchen nicht beendet werden ???
+ if (pFld)
+ pFld->Stop(rOut, *this, cUnknown);
+ if (!Pushed())
+ aFtn.Stop(rOut, *this, cUnknown);
+ if (1)
+ aChp.Stop(rOut, *this, cUnknown);
+ if (1)
+ aPap.Stop(rOut, *this, cUnknown);
+ if (!Pushed())
+ aSep.Stop(rOut, *this, cUnknown);
+void Ww1Manager::OutStart( Ww1Shell& rOut )
+// alle attribute, die's brauchen beginnen
+ if (!Pushed())
+ aSep.Start(rOut, *this);
+ if (1)
+ aPap.Start(rOut, *this);
+ if (1)
+ aChp.Start(rOut, *this);
+ if (!Pushed())
+ aFtn.Start(rOut, *this);
+ if (pFld)
+ pFld->Start(rOut, *this);
+ if (!Pushed())
+ aBooks.Start(rOut, *this);
+// bestimmen, wo das naechste Ereigniss ist:
+ ULONG ulEnd = pDoc->Count(); // spaetestens am textende
+ if (!Pushed())
+ if (ulEnd > aSep.Where()) // naechster Sep vorher?
+ ulEnd = aSep.Where();
+ if (1)
+ if (ulEnd > aPap.Where()) // naechster Pap vorher?
+ ulEnd = aPap.Where();
+ if (1)
+ if (ulEnd > aChp.Where()) // naechster Chp vorher?
+ ulEnd = aChp.Where();
+ if (!Pushed())
+ if (ulEnd > aFtn.Where()) // naechster Ftn vorher?
+ ulEnd = aFtn.Where();
+ if (pFld)
+ if (ulEnd > pFld->Where()) // naechster Fld vorher?
+ ulEnd = pFld->Where();
+ if (!Pushed())
+ if (ulEnd > aBooks.Where()) // naechster Bookmark vorher?
+ ulEnd = aBooks.Where();
+ *pSeek = Where(); // momentane position
+ if (*pSeek < ulEnd) // sind wir bereits weiter?
+ *pSeek = ulEnd;
+void Ww1Manager::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, sal_Unicode cUnknown)
+// Je nach modus wird hier mit feldern, fusznoten, zeichenattributen,
+// absatzatributen und sektionen wie folgt verfahren: von allen wird
+// zuallererst die stop-methoden gerufen. stellt das objekt fest, dasz
+// etwas zu beenden ist (natuerlich nicht im ersten durchgang) beendet
+// es dies, ansonsten ist der aufruf wirkungslos. dann werden
+// unbehandelte sonderzeichen augegeben. das werden genauso alle
+// start-methoden gerufen und danach per where festgestellt, an
+// welcher stelle die naechste aktion zu erwarten ist.
+// ist der manager in einem ge'push'ten mode, werden bestimmte
+// elemente ausgeklammert. felder werden wiederum nur in besonderen
+// faellen augeklammert, wenn naemlich bereiche ausgegeben werden, die
+// keine felder enthalten koennen. charakterattribute und
+// paragraphenattribute werden jedoch nie ausgeklammert. die if (1)
+// wurden zur verdeutlichung der einheitlichkeit eingefuegt.
+// Erstmal eine Sonderbehandlung fuer Tabellen:
+// die wichtigen Attribute lassen sich am Besten vor Beendigung derselben
+// abfragen.
+// Optimierung: Sie werden nur auf sinnvolle Werte gesetzt, wenn
+// das 0x07-Zeiche ansteht.
+ BOOL bLHasTtp = FALSE;
+ if( cUnknown == 0x07 )
+ {
+ bLIsTtp = IsInTtp();
+ bLHasTtp = HasTtp();
+ }
+ OutStop( rOut, cUnknown ); // Attrs ggfs. beenden
+// meta-zeichen interpretieren:
+ if (!Ww1PlainText::IsChar(cUnknown))
+ switch (cUnknown)
+ {
+ case 0x02:
+ // dontknow
+ break;
+ case 0x07: // table
+ if (rOut.IsInTable() && HasInTable() && !bLIsTtp && !bLHasTtp)
+ rOut.NextTableCell();
+ break;
+ case 0x09: // tab
+ rOut.NextTab();
+ break;
+ case 0x0a: // linefeed
+ rOut.NextParagraph();
+ break;
+ case 0x0b: // linebreak
+ if (rOut.IsInTable())
+// rOut.NextBand(); // war Stuss
+ ;
+ else
+ rOut.NextLine();
+ break;
+ case 0x0d: // carriage return
+ // ignore
+ break;
+ case 0x0c: // pagebreak
+ rOut.NextPage();
+ break;
+ case 0x14: // sectionendchar
+ // ignore here
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ OutStart( rOut ); // Attrs ggfs. starten und Naechste Pos berechnen
+SvxFontItem Ww1Manager::GetFont(USHORT nFCode)
+ return aFonts.GetFont(nFCode);
+void Ww1Manager::Push0(Ww1PlainText* _pDoc, ULONG ulSeek, Ww1Fields* _pFld)
+ DBG_ASSERT(!Pushed(), "Ww1Manager");
+ this->pDoc = _pDoc;
+ pSeek = new ULONG;
+ *pSeek = pDoc->Where();
+ aPap.Push(ulSeek);
+ aChp.Push(ulSeek);
+ this->pFld = _pFld;
+// ulSeek ist der FC-Abstand zwischen Hauptest-Start und Sondertext-Start
+// ulSeek2 ist der Offset dieses bestimmten Sondertextes im Sondertext-Bereich,
+// also z.B. der Offset des speziellen K/F-Textes
+void Ww1Manager::Push1(Ww1PlainText* _pDoc, ULONG ulSeek, ULONG ulSeek2,
+ Ww1Fields* _pFld)
+ DBG_ASSERT(!Pushed(), "Ww1Manager");
+ this->pDoc = _pDoc;
+ pSeek = new ULONG;
+ *pSeek = pDoc->Where();
+ aPap.Push(ulSeek + ulSeek2);
+ aChp.Push(ulSeek + ulSeek2);
+ if( _pFld )
+ _pFld->Seek( ulSeek2 );
+ this->pFld = _pFld;
+void Ww1Manager::Pop()
+ DBG_ASSERT(Pushed(), "Ww1Manager");
+ delete pDoc;
+ pDoc = &aDoc;
+ delete pSeek;
+ pSeek = &ulDocSeek;
+ aChp.Pop();
+ aPap.Pop();
+ delete pFld;
+ pFld = &aFld;
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bookmarks
+void Ww1Bookmarks::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT)
+ if (GetIsEnd())
+ {
+ rOut.SetBookEnd(GetHandle());
+ return;
+ }
+ const String & rName = GetName();
+ if( rName.EqualsAscii( "_Toc", 0, 4 ) ) // "_Toc*" ist ueberfluessig
+ return;
+ if( rOut.IsFlagSet( SwFltControlStack::HYPO )
+ && rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "FORMULAR" ) )
+ rOut.SetProtect();
+ // Fuer UEbersetzung Bookmark -> Variable setzen
+ long nLen = Len();
+ if( nLen > MAX_FIELDLEN )
+ // Lese Inhalt des Bookmark
+ // geht vermulich auch ueber Ww1PlainText
+ String aVal( rMan.GetText().GetText( Where(), nLen ) );
+ // in 2 Schritten, da OS/2 zu doof ist
+ SwFltBookmark aBook( rName, aVal, GetHandle(), FALSE );
+ rOut << aBook;
+void Ww1Bookmarks::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ Out(rOut, rMan);
+ (*this)++;
+ }
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Footnotes
+void Ww1Footnotes::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex < Count(), "WwFootnotes");
+ sal_Unicode c;
+ rMan.Fill(c);
+ DBG_ASSERT(c==0x02, "Ww1Footnotes");
+ if (c==0x02)
+ {
+ Ww1FtnText* pText = new Ww1FtnText(rMan.GetFib());
+ // beginn des textes dieser fusznote:
+ ULONG start = aText.Where(nPlcIndex);
+ pText->Seek(start);
+ // laenge des textes
+ ULONG count = aText.Where(nPlcIndex+1) - start;
+ pText->SetCount(count);
+ // fusznotenkennung sollte das erste byte sein
+ pText->Out(c);
+ DBG_ASSERT(c==0x02, "Ww1Footnotes");
+ count--; // fuer das eben gelesene kenn-byte
+ // fusznoten mode beginnen:
+ rOut.BeginFootnote();
+ bStarted = TRUE;
+ rMan.Push0(pText, pText->Offset(rMan.GetFib()),
+ new Ww1FootnoteFields(rMan.GetFib()));
+ rOut << rMan;
+ rMan.Pop();
+ rOut.EndFootnote();
+ }
+ else
+ (*this)++;
+ }
+void Ww1Footnotes::Stop(Ww1Shell& /*rOut*/, Ww1Manager& rMan, sal_Unicode& c)
+ if (bStarted && rMan.Where() > Where())
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex < Count(), "Ww1Footnotes");
+// DBG_ASSERT(c==0x02, "Ww1Footnotes"); // scheint Stuss zu sein
+ c = ' ';
+ (*this)++;
+ }
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fields
+void Ww1Fields::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where()){
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex < Count(), "Ww1Fields");
+ if (GetData()->chGet() == 19)
+ Out(rOut, rMan);
+ else
+ (*this)++; // ignore
+ }
+void Ww1Fields::Stop( Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, sal_Unicode& c)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex < Count(), "Ww1Fields");
+ if (GetData()->chGet() != 19)
+ {
+ rMan.Fill( c );
+ DBG_ASSERT(c==21, "Ww1Fields");
+ (*this)++;
+ c = ' ';
+ if (pField)
+ // haben wir ein fertiges feld da, das eingefuegt werden soll?
+ {
+ rOut << *pField;
+ delete pField;
+ pField = 0;
+ // das macht der filter so, damit attribute die ueber das feld
+ // gelten auch wirklich eingelesen werden und dem feld
+ // zugeordnet werden.
+ }
+ if (sErgebnis.Len())
+ rOut << sErgebnis;
+ }
+ }
+enum WWDateTime{ WW_DONTKNOW = 0x0, WW_DATE = 0x1, WW_TIME = 0x2, WW_BOTH = 0x3 };
+static WWDateTime GetTimeDatePara( const String& rForm,
+ SwTimeFormat* pTime = 0,
+ SwDateFormat* pDate = 0 )
+ WWDateTime eDT = WW_BOTH;
+ if( STRING_NOTFOUND == rForm.Search( 'H' )) // H -> 24h
+ {
+ if( pTime )
+ *pTime = TF_SSMM_24;
+ }
+ else if( STRING_NOTFOUND == rForm.Search( 'H' )) // h -> 24h
+ {
+ if( pTime )
+ *pTime = TF_SSMM_12;
+ }
+ else // keine Zeit
+ {
+ eDT = (WWDateTime)( eDT & ~(USHORT)WW_TIME );
+ }
+ xub_StrLen nDPos = 0;
+ while( STRING_NOTFOUND != nDPos )
+ {
+ nDPos = rForm.Search( 'M', nDPos ); // M -> Datum
+ if( !nDPos )
+ break;
+ sal_Unicode cPrev = rForm.GetChar( nDPos - 1 );
+ // ignoriere dabei "AM", "aM", "PM", "pM"
+ if( 'a' != cPrev && 'A' != cPrev && 'p' != cPrev && 'P' != cPrev )
+ break;
+ // else search again
+ ++nDPos;
+ }
+ if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nDPos ) // Monat -> Datum ?
+ {
+ static SwDateFormat __READONLY_DATA aDateA[32] =
+ {
+ };
+ BOOL bHasDay = STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.Search( 't' ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.Search( 'T' ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.Search( 'd' ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.Search( 'D' );
+ BOOL bLongDayOfWeek= STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "tttt" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "TTTT" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "dddd" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "DDDD" );
+ BOOL bDayOfWeek = STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "ttt" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "TTT" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "ddd" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "DDD" );
+ // M, MM -> numeric month
+ // MMM, MMMM -> text. month
+ BOOL bLitMonth = STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "MMM" );
+ // MMMM -> full month
+ BOOL bFullMonth = STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "MMMM" );
+ // jj, JJ -> 2-col-year
+ // jjjj, JJJJ -> 4-col-year
+ BOOL bFullYear = STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "jjj" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "JJJ" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "yyy" ) ||
+ STRING_NOTFOUND != rForm.SearchAscii( "YYY" );
+ USHORT i = ( bLitMonth & 1 )
+ | ( ( bFullYear & 1 ) << 1 )
+ | ( ( bFullMonth & 1 ) << 2 )
+ | ( ( bDayOfWeek & 1 ) << 3 )
+ | ( ( bLongDayOfWeek & 1 ) << 4 );
+ if( pDate )
+ {
+ if( !bHasDay && !bFullMonth )
+ *pDate = DFF_MY;
+ else
+ *pDate = aDateA[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eDT = (WWDateTime)( eDT & ~(USHORT)WW_DATE );
+ }
+ return eDT;
+extern void sw3io_ConvertFromOldField( SwDoc& rDoc, USHORT& rWhich,
+ USHORT& rSubType, ULONG &rFmt,
+ USHORT nVersion );
+void Ww1Fields::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT nDepth)
+ String sType; // der typ als string
+ String sFormel; // die formel
+ String sFormat;
+ String sDTFormat; // Datum / Zeit-Format
+ W1_FLD* pData = GetData(); // die an den plc gebunden daten
+ DBG_ASSERT(pData->chGet()==19, "Ww1Fields"); // sollte beginn sein
+ sal_Unicode c;
+ rMan.Fill( c );
+ DBG_ASSERT(c==19, "Ww1Fields"); // sollte auch beginn sein
+ if (pData->chGet()==19 && c == 19)
+ {
+ String aStr;
+ c = rMan.Fill( aStr, GetLength() );
+ DBG_ASSERT(Ww1PlainText::IsChar(c), "Ww1Fields");
+ xub_StrLen pos = aStr.Search(' ');
+ // get type out of text
+ sType = aStr.Copy( 0, pos );
+ aStr.Erase( 0, pos );
+ if ( pos != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ aStr.Erase(0, 1);
+ sFormel += aStr;
+ BYTE rbType = pData->fltGet();
+ do {
+ // solange den formelteil einlesen, bis das feld entweder
+ // zuende ist oder der ergebnisteil beginnt. dabei koennen
+ // natuerlich neue felder beginnen (word unterstuetzt felder,
+ // die wiederum felder beinhalten).
+ (*this)++;
+ pData = GetData();
+ if (pData->chGet()==19) // nested field
+ {
+ Out(rOut, rMan, nDepth+1);
+ rMan.Fill(c);
+ DBG_ASSERT(c==21, "Ww1PlainText");
+ sFormel.AppendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Ww" ));
+ sFormel += String::CreateFromInt32( nPlcIndex );
+ c = rMan.Fill(aStr, GetLength());
+ DBG_ASSERT(Ww1PlainText::IsChar(c), "Ww1PlainText");
+ sFormel += aStr;
+ }
+ }
+ while (pData->chGet()==19);
+ // get format out of text
+ pos = sFormel.SearchAscii( "\\*" );
+ sFormat = sFormel.Copy( pos );
+ sFormel.Erase( pos );
+ pos = sFormel.SearchAscii( "\\@" );
+ sDTFormat = sFormel.Copy( pos );
+ sFormel.Erase( pos );
+ // der formelteil ist zuende, kommt ein ergebnisteil?
+ if( pData->chGet() == 20 )
+ {
+ rMan.Fill( c );
+ DBG_ASSERT(c==20, "Ww1PlainText");
+ c = rMan.Fill(sErgebnis, GetLength());
+ if (!Ww1PlainText::IsChar(c))
+ sErgebnis += c; //~ mdt: sonderzeichenbenhandlung
+ (*this)++;
+ pData = GetData();
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(pData->chGet()==21, "Ww1PlainText");
+ BOOL bKnown = TRUE;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pField==0, "Ww1PlainText");
+ if (pField != 0)
+ {
+ rOut << *pField;
+ delete pField;
+ pField = 0;
+ }
+// naja, aber info enthaelt alle moeglichkeiten, die auch direkt da sind
+ switch (rbType)
+ {
+ case 3: // bookmark reference
+ rOut.ConvertUStr( sFormel );
+ pField = new SwGetRefField( (SwGetRefFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType( RES_GETREFFLD ),
+ sFormel,
+ 0,
+// pField = new SwGetExpField((SwGetExpFieldType*)
+// rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_GETEXPFLD), sFormel, nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_STRING);
+// ,
+// nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_STRING, VVF_SYS);
+ break;
+ case 6: // set command
+ {
+ pos = aStr.Search(' ');
+ String aName( aStr.Copy( 0, pos ));
+ aStr.Erase(0, pos );
+ aStr.Erase(0, 1);
+ if( !aName.Len() )
+ break;
+ rOut.ConvertUStr( aName );
+ SwFieldType* pFT = rOut.GetDoc().InsertFldType(
+ SwSetExpFieldType( &rOut.GetDoc(), aName, nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_STRING ) );
+ pField = new SwSetExpField((SwSetExpFieldType*)pFT, aStr);
+ ((SwSetExpField*)pField)->SetSubType( nsSwExtendedSubType::SUB_INVISIBLE );
+// Invisible macht in 378 AErger, soll aber demnaechst gehen
+ // das Ignorieren des Bookmarks ist nicht implementiert
+ }
+ break;
+ case 14: // info var
+ {
+ pos = aStr.Search(' ');
+ String aSubType( aStr.Copy( 0, pos ));
+ aStr.Erase(0, pos );
+ aStr.Erase(0, 1);
+ rOut.ConvertUStr( aSubType );
+ // ganz grosze schiete: der typ 'info' kann einem der
+ // typen 15..31 entsprechen. er enthaelt als formel
+ // das eingentliche feld der doc-info.
+ // kein ';' benutzen mit folgendem macro:
+#define IS(sd, se, t) \
+ if (aSubType.EqualsAscii( sd ) || aSubType.EqualsAscii( se)) \
+ rbType = t; \
+ else
+ // deutsche bez. englische bez. typ-code
+ IS("titel", "title", 15)
+ IS("thema", "subject", 16)
+ IS("autor", "author", 17)
+ IS("stichw?rter", "keywords", 18) //~ mdt: umlaut
+ IS("kommentar", "comment", 19)
+ IS("gespeichertvon", "lastrevisedby", 20)
+ IS("ertelldat", "creationdate", 21)
+ IS("speicherdat", "revisiondate", 22)
+ IS("druckdat", "printdate", 23)
+ IS("version", "revisionnumber", 24)
+ IS("zeit", "edittime", 25)
+ IS("anzseit", "numberofpages", 26)
+ IS("anzw?rter", "numberofwords", 27) //~ mdt: umlaut
+ IS("anzzeichen", "numberofchars", 28)
+ IS("dateiname", "filename", 29)
+ IS("vorlage", "templatename", 30)
+ bKnown = FALSE;
+#undef IS
+ if (rbType != 14)
+ goto oncemore;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 15: // title
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DOCINFOFLD), DI_TITEL, String(), 0);
+ break;
+ case 16: // subject
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DOCINFOFLD), DI_THEMA, String(), 0);
+ break;
+ case 17: // author
+ pField = new SwAuthorField((SwAuthorFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_AUTHORFLD), AF_NAME );
+ break;
+ case 18: // keywords
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DOCINFOFLD), DI_KEYS, String(), 0);
+ break;
+ case 19: // comments
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DOCINFOFLD), DI_COMMENT, String(), 0);
+ break;
+ case 20: // last revised by
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ break;
+ case 21: // creation date
+ case 22: // revision date
+ case 23: // print date
+ case 25:{// edit time
+ USHORT nSub;
+ USHORT nReg = 0; // RegInfoFormat, DefaultFormat fuer DocInfoFelder
+ switch( rbType )
+ {
+ default:
+ case 21: nSub = DI_CREATE; nReg = DI_SUB_DATE; break;
+ case 23: nSub = DI_PRINT; nReg = DI_SUB_DATE; break;
+ case 22: nSub = DI_CHANGE; nReg = DI_SUB_DATE; break;
+ case 25: nSub = DI_CHANGE; nReg = DI_SUB_TIME; break;
+ }
+ switch( GetTimeDatePara( sDTFormat ) )
+ {
+ case WW_DATE: nReg = DI_SUB_DATE; break;
+ case WW_TIME: nReg = DI_SUB_TIME; break;
+ case WW_BOTH: nReg = DI_SUB_DATE; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ // WW_DONTKNOW -> Default bereits gesetzt
+ }
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DOCINFOFLD), nSub | nReg, String());
+ }
+ break;
+ case 24: // revision number
+ pField = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DOCINFOFLD), DI_DOCNO, String(), 0);
+ break;
+ case 26: // number of pages
+ pField = new SwDocStatField((SwDocStatFieldType*)
+ break;
+ case 27: // number of words
+ pField = new SwDocStatField((SwDocStatFieldType*)
+ break;
+ case 28: // number of chars
+ pField = new SwDocStatField((SwDocStatFieldType*)
+ break;
+ case 29: // file name
+ pField = new SwFileNameField((SwFileNameFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_FILENAMEFLD));
+ break;
+ case 30: // doc template name
+ pField = new SwTemplNameField((SwTemplNameFieldType*)
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ case 32:{
+ SwDateFormat aDate = DF_SSYS;
+ SwTimeFormat aTime = TF_SYSTEM;
+ WWDateTime eDT = GetTimeDatePara(sDTFormat, &aTime, &aDate);
+ if( eDT == WW_DONTKNOW ) // kein D/T-Formatstring
+ eDT = ( rbType == 32 ) ? WW_TIME : WW_DATE; // benutze ID
+ if( eDT & WW_DATE )
+ {
+ ULONG nFormat = aDate;
+ sw3io_ConvertFromOldField( rOut.GetDoc(),
+ nWhich, nSubType, nFormat, 0x0110 );
+ pField = new SwDateTimeField((SwDateTimeFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DATETIMEFLD), DATEFLD, nFormat);
+ if( eDT == WW_BOTH )
+ rOut << * pField << ' ';
+ // Mogel: direkt einfuegen und Space dahinter
+ }
+ if( eDT & WW_TIME )
+ {
+ ULONG nFormat = aTime;
+ sw3io_ConvertFromOldField( rOut.GetDoc(),
+ nWhich, nSubType, nFormat, 0x0110 );
+ pField = new SwDateTimeField((SwDateTimeFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_DATETIMEFLD), TIMEFLD, nFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 33: // current page
+ pField = new SwPageNumberField((SwPageNumberFieldType*)
+ break;
+ case 34: // evaluation exp
+ {
+ if (nDepth == 0)
+ {
+ SwGetExpFieldType* pFieldType =
+ (SwGetExpFieldType*)rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_GETEXPFLD);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pFieldType!=0, "Ww1Fields");
+ if (pFieldType != 0)
+ pField = new SwGetExpField(pFieldType, sFormel,
+ nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_STRING, VVF_SYS);
+ }
+ else // rekursion:
+ {
+ String aName( String::CreateFromAscii(
+ aName += String::CreateFromInt32( nPlcIndex );
+ SwFieldType* pFT = rOut.GetDoc().GetFldType( RES_SETEXPFLD, aName, false);
+ if (pFT == 0)
+ {
+ SwSetExpFieldType aS(&rOut.GetDoc(), aName, nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_FORMULA);
+ pFT = rOut.GetDoc().InsertFldType(aS);
+ }
+ SwSetExpField aFld((SwSetExpFieldType*)pFT, sFormel);
+ aFld.SetSubType(nsSwExtendedSubType::SUB_INVISIBLE);
+ rOut << aFld;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 36: // print command, Einfuegendatei
+ {
+ pos = aStr.Search(' ');
+ String aFName( aStr.Copy( 0, pos ));
+ aStr.Erase(0, pos );
+ aStr.Erase(0, 1);
+ if( !aFName.Len() )
+ break;
+ aFName.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "\\\\", String( '\\' ));
+// char* pBook = FindNextPara( pNext, 0 ); //!! Bookmark/Feld-Name
+// //!! erstmal nicht
+// ConvertFFileName( aPara, pFName ); //!! WW1 ????
+ aFName = URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs(
+ INetURLObject(rOut.GetBaseURL()), aFName );
+ String aName( String::CreateFromAscii(
+ SwSectionData * pSection = new SwSectionData( FILE_LINK_SECTION,
+ rOut.GetDoc().GetUniqueSectionName( &aStr ) );
+ pSection->SetLinkFileName( aFName );
+ pSection->SetProtectFlag( true );
+ rOut << SwFltSection( pSection );
+ rOut.EndItem( RES_FLTR_SECTION );
+ rOut.NextParagraph();
+ }
+ case 37: // page ref
+ pField = new SwGetRefField(
+ (SwGetRefFieldType*)rOut.GetSysFldType(RES_GETREFFLD),
+ sFormel, 0, 0, REF_PAGE);
+ break;
+ case 38: // ask command
+ {
+ pos = aStr.Search(' ');
+ String aName( aStr.Copy( 0, pos ));
+ aStr.Erase(0, pos );
+ aStr.Erase(0, 1);
+ if( !aName.Len() )
+ break;
+ SwFieldType* pFT = rOut.GetDoc().InsertFldType(
+ SwSetExpFieldType( &rOut.GetDoc(), aName, nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_STRING ) );
+ pField = new SwSetExpField((SwSetExpFieldType*)pFT, aStr );
+ ((SwSetExpField*)pField)->SetInputFlag( TRUE );
+ ((SwSetExpField*)pField)->SetSubType(nsSwExtendedSubType::SUB_INVISIBLE);
+// pField.SetPromptText( aQ ); //!! fehlt noch
+// aFld.SetPar2( aDef ); //!! dito
+ // das Ignorieren des Bookmarks ist nicht implementiert
+ }
+ case 39: // fillin command
+ pField = new SwInputField(
+ (SwInputFieldType*)rOut.GetSysFldType( RES_INPUTFLD ),
+ aEmptyStr, sFormel,
+ INP_TXT, 0 ); // sichtbar ( geht z.Zt. nicht anders )
+ break;
+ case 51: // macro button
+ {
+ pos = aStr.Search(' ');
+ String aName( aStr.Copy( 0, pos ));
+ aStr.Erase(0, pos );
+ aStr.Erase(0, 1);
+ if( !aName.Len() || !aStr.Len() )
+ break;
+ aName.InsertAscii( "StarOffice.Standard.Modul1.", 0 );
+ pField = new SwMacroField( (SwMacroFieldType*)
+ rOut.GetSysFldType( RES_MACROFLD ),
+ aName, aStr );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 55: // read tiff / or better: import anything
+ {
+ const sal_Unicode* pFormel = sFormel.GetBuffer();
+ const sal_Unicode* pDot = 0;
+ String sName;
+ while (*pFormel != '\0' && *pFormel != ' ')
+ {
+ // ab hier koennte eine extension kommen
+ if (*pFormel == '.')
+ pDot = pFormel;
+ else
+ // aha: wir waren bislang noch in dirs
+ if (*pFormel == '\\')
+ {
+ pDot = 0;
+ if (pFormel[1] == '\\')
+ pFormel++;
+ }
+ if (*pFormel != '\0')
+ sName += *pFormel++;
+ }
+ if( pDot )
+ {
+ String sExt;
+ while( *pDot != '\0' && *pDot != ' ')
+ sExt += *pDot++;
+ if( sExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( ".tiff" )
+ || sExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( ".bmp" )
+ || sExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( ".gif" )
+ || sExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( ".pcx" )
+ || sExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( ".pic" ))
+ rOut.AddGraphic( sName );
+ else
+ bKnown = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ bKnown = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: // unknown
+ DBG_ASSERT(FALSE, "Ww1PlainText");
+ // unsupported:
+ case 1: // unknown
+ case 2: // possible bookmark
+ case 4: // index entry
+ // wwpar5: 1351/1454
+ case 5: // footnote ref
+// pField = new SwGetRefField(
+// (SwGetRefFieldType*)rDoc.GetSysFldType(RES_GETREFFLD),
+// sFormel, REF_FOOTNOTE, 0, REF_BEGIN);
+ case 7: // if command
+ case 8: // create index
+ // wwpar5: 1351/1454
+ case 9: // table of contents entry
+ // wwpar5: 1351/1454
+ case 10: // style ref
+ case 11: // doc ref
+ case 12: // seq ref
+ case 13: // create table of contents
+ // wwpar5: 1351/1454
+ case 35: // literal text
+ // print merge:
+ case 40: // data command
+ case 41: // next command
+ case 42: // nextif command
+ case 43: // skipif command
+ case 44: // number of record
+ //
+ case 45: // dde ref
+ case 46: // dde auto ref
+ case 47: // glossary entry
+ case 48: // print char
+ case 49: // formula def
+ case 50: // goto button
+ case 52: // auto number outline
+ case 53: // auto number legal
+ case 54: // auto number arabic
+ bKnown = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( bKnown || sErgebnis.EqualsAscii( "\270" ))
+ this->sErgebnis.Erase();
+ else
+ this->sErgebnis = sErgebnis;
+ }
+ else // oops: we are terribly wrong: skip this
+ (*this)++;
+ULONG Ww1Fields::GetLength()
+// berechnet die laenge eines feldteiles. nicht mitgerechnet werden
+// die terminierenden zeichen im text (19, 20, 21) die beginn, trenner
+// und ende bedeuten.
+ ULONG ulBeg = Where();
+ ULONG ulEnd = Where(nPlcIndex+1);
+ DBG_ASSERT(ulBeg<ulEnd, "Ww1Fields");
+ return (ulEnd - ulBeg) - 1;
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sep
+void Ww1Sep::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ rOut.NextSection();
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt = rOut.GetPageDesc().GetMaster();
+ W1_DOP& rDOP = rMan.GetDop().GetDOP();
+ rOut.GetPageDesc().SetLandscape(rDOP.fWideGet());
+ SwFmtFrmSize aSz(rFmt.GetFrmSize());
+ aSz.SetWidth(rDOP.xaPageGet());
+ aSz.SetHeight(rDOP.yaPageGet());
+ rFmt.SetFmtAttr(aSz);
+ SvxLRSpaceItem aLR(rDOP.dxaLeftGet()+rDOP.dxaGutterGet(),
+ rDOP.dxaRightGet(), 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rFmt.SetFmtAttr(aLR);
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL(rDOP.dyaTopGet(), rDOP.dyaBottomGet(), RES_UL_SPACE);
+ rFmt.SetFmtAttr(aUL);
+ // sobald wir mit dem lesen der zeichen soweit sind, wo sep's
+ // momentanes attribut beginnt, wird dieses attribut eingefuegt.
+ // diese methode ist bei den meisten start/stop methoden der
+ // memberklassen des managers identisch.
+ BYTE* pByte = GetData();
+ Ww1SprmSep aSprm(rFib, SVBT32ToUInt32(pByte + 2));
+ aSprm.Start(rOut, rMan);
+ aSprm.Stop(rOut, rMan);
+ (*this)++;
+ aHdd.Start(rOut, rMan);
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pap
+void Ww1Pap::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ BYTE* pByte;
+ USHORT cb;
+ // bereitstellen der zu startenden attribute
+ if (FillStart(pByte, cb))
+ {
+ Ww1SprmPapx aSprm(pByte, cb);
+ // und ausgeben:
+ aSprm.Start(rOut, rMan);
+ }
+ (*this)++;
+ }
+void Ww1Pap::Stop(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, sal_Unicode&)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where() || rMan.IsStopAll())
+ {
+ BYTE* pByte;
+ USHORT cb;
+ if (FillStop(pByte, cb)){
+ Ww1SprmPapx aSprm(pByte, cb);
+ aSprm.Stop(rOut, rMan);
+ }else{
+ DBG_ASSERT( !nPlcIndex || rMan.IsStopAll(), "Pap-Attribut-Stop verloren" );
+// rMan.IsStopAll() ist nicht schoen.
+ }
+ }
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// W1_CHP
+// momentan laesst sich die ausgabe von W1CHPxen nicht nur per define
+// loesen....
+void W1_CHP::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (fBoldGet())
+ rOut << SvxWeightItem(
+ if (fItalicGet())
+ rOut << SvxPostureItem(
+ if (fStrikeGet())
+ rOut << SvxCrossedOutItem(
+ if (fOutlineGet())
+ rOut << SvxContourItem(!rOut.GetContour(), RES_CHRATR_CONTOUR);
+ if (fSmallCapsGet())
+ rOut << SvxCaseMapItem(
+ if (fCapsGet())
+ rOut << SvxCaseMapItem(
+ if (fsHpsGet())
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(hpsGet() * 10, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ if (fsKulGet())
+ switch (kulGet()) {
+ case 0: {
+ } break;
+ default: DBG_ASSERT(FALSE, "Chpx");
+ case 1: {
+ } break;
+ case 2: {
+ } break;
+ case 3: {
+ } break;
+ case 4: {
+ } break;
+ }
+ if (fsIcoGet())
+ switch(icoGet()) {
+ default: DBG_ASSERT(FALSE, "Chpx");
+ case 0: { rOut.EndItem(RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 1: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_BLACK), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 2: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_LIGHTBLUE), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 3: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_LIGHTCYAN), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 4: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_LIGHTGREEN), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 5: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_LIGHTMAGENTA), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 6: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_LIGHTRED), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 7: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_YELLOW), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ case 8: { rOut << SvxColorItem(Color(COL_WHITE), RES_CHRATR_COLOR); } break;
+ }
+ if (fsSpaceGet()) {
+ short sQps = qpsSpaceGet();
+ if (sQps > 56)
+ sQps = sQps - 64;
+ rOut << SvxKerningItem(sQps, RES_CHRATR_KERNING);
+ }
+ if (fsPosGet()) {
+ if (hpsPosGet() == 0)
+ else {
+ short sHps = hpsPosGet();
+ if (sHps > 128)
+ sHps = sHps - 256;
+ sHps *= 100;
+ sHps /= 24;
+ rOut << SvxEscapementItem(sHps, 100, RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fsFtcGet()) {
+ SvxFontItem aFont(rMan.GetFont(ftcGet()));
+ rOut << aFont;
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chp
+void Ww1Chp::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ W1_CHP aChpx;
+ if (FillStart(aChpx))
+ {
+ aChpx.Out(rOut, rMan);
+ if (aChpx.fcPicGet())
+ {
+ Ww1Picture aPic(rMan.GetFib().GetStream(),
+ aChpx.fcPicGet());
+ if (!aPic.GetError())
+ aPic.Out(rOut, rMan);
+ }
+ }
+ (*this)++;
+ }
+void Ww1Chp::Stop(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, sal_Unicode&)
+ if (rMan.Where() >= Where())
+ {
+ W1_CHP aChpx;
+ if (FillStop(aChpx))
+ {
+ // zuerst alle toggle-flags
+ if (aChpx.fBoldGet())
+ if (aChpx.fItalicGet())
+ if (aChpx.fStrikeGet())
+ if (aChpx.fOutlineGet())
+ if (aChpx.fSmallCapsGet() || aChpx.fCapsGet())
+ // dann alle zahl-werte, diese haben flags, wenn sie gesetzt
+ // sind..................
+ if (aChpx.fsHpsGet())
+ if (aChpx.fsKulGet())
+ if (aChpx.fsIcoGet())
+ if (aChpx.fsSpaceGet())
+ if (aChpx.fsPosGet())
+ if (aChpx.fsFtcGet())
+ rOut.EndItem(RES_CHRATR_FONT);
+ }else{
+ DBG_ASSERT( !nPlcIndex, "Chp-Attribut-Stop verloren" );
+ }
+ }
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Style
+void Ww1Style::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+// Zuerst Basis, damit Attribute des Basis-Styles erkannt werden
+// first: Base................................................
+ if(pParent->GetStyle(stcBase).IsUsed() ) // Basis gueltig ?
+ rOut.BaseStyle(stcBase);
+// next of all: CHP...............................................
+ aChpx.Out(rOut, rMan);
+// Last: PAP.......................................................
+ if (pPapx)
+ pPapx->Start(rOut, rMan);
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ww1PlainText
+// die Out() methoden von plaintext fuer den filter geben eine anzahl
+// zeichen aus auf die shell, einen string oder einen char, wieviel
+// zeichen ausgegeben werden, bestimmt ulEnd, das das ende bestimmt,
+// bis zudem ausgegeben wird. ausserdem beenden die methoden die
+// ausgabe bei kontrollzeichen.
+// diese sind definiert durch MinChar. alle zeichen mit wert darunter
+// gelten als kontroll- zeichen. dafuer gibts die methode IsChar, die
+// zurueckgibt, ob es sich um ein standard zeichen handelt. kommt ein
+// solches zeichen, wird dieses zeichen zurueckgegeben und die methode
+// beendet, auch wenn ulEnd noch nicht erreicht wurde. bei nutzung
+// also beachten, dasz wenn !IsChar(Out(...)) gilt, ulEnd unter
+// umstaenden nicht erreicht wurde. dann wurde das kontrollzeichen
+// zwar (weg-)gelesen, jedoch noch nicht ausgegeben.
+sal_Unicode Ww1PlainText::Out( Ww1Shell& rOut, ULONG& ulEnd )
+// gibt die zeichen bis ulEnd aus, es sei den es kommen sonderzeichen
+// die eine bedeutung haben wie absatzende oder seitenumbruch.
+ if (ulEnd > Count())
+ ulEnd = Count();
+ while (ulSeek < ulEnd)
+ {
+ sal_Unicode c = (*this)[ulSeek];
+ (*this)++;
+ if (Ww1PlainText::IsChar(c))
+ rOut << c;
+ else
+ return c;
+ }
+ return Ww1PlainText::MinChar;
+sal_Unicode Ww1PlainText::Out( String& rStr, ULONG ulEnd )
+// wie Out(Shell..., jedoch ausgabe auf einen string
+ rStr.Erase();
+ if (ulEnd > Count())
+ ulEnd = Count();
+ while (ulSeek < ulEnd)
+ {
+ sal_Unicode c = (*this)[ulSeek];
+ (*this)++;
+ if( Ww1PlainText::IsChar(c) )
+ rStr += c;
+ else
+ return c;
+ }
+ return Ww1PlainText::MinChar;
+// hier eruebrigt sich ulEnd...oder?
+sal_Unicode Ww1PlainText::Out( sal_Unicode& rRead )
+ rRead = (*this)[ulSeek];
+ (*this)++;
+ return rRead;
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ww1SprmPapx
+void Ww1SprmPapx::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ if( !rMan.IsInStyle() ){ // Innerhalb Style gehts ueber die
+ // normalen Attribute
+ if (!rOut.IsInFly()
+ && !rOut.IsInTable() // Nicht innerhalb Tabelle!
+ && ( rMan.HasPPc() || rMan.HasPDxaAbs())){ // Fly-Start
+ rOut.BeginFly(); // eAnchor );
+ }
+ if (!rOut.IsInTable() && rMan.HasInTable())
+ {
+ rOut.BeginTable();
+ }
+ rOut.SetStyle(aPapx.stcGet());
+ }
+ Ww1Sprm::Start(rOut, rMan);
+void Ww1SprmPapx::Stop(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ Ww1Sprm::Stop(rOut, rMan);
+ if( !rMan.IsInStyle() ) // Innerhalb Style gehts ueber die
+ { // normalen Attribute
+ if (rOut.IsInTable() &&( rMan.IsStopAll() || !rMan.HasInTable()))
+ rOut.EndTable();
+ if( rOut.IsInFly() &&
+ ( rMan.IsStopAll()
+ || ( !rMan.HasPPc() && !rMan.HasPDxaAbs() // Fly-Ende
+ && !rOut.IsInTable()))) // Nicht innerhalb Tabelle!
+ rOut.EndFly();
+ }
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fonts
+SvxFontItem Ww1Fonts::GetFont(USHORT nFCode)
+// erzeugen eine fonts im sw-sinne aus den word-strukturen
+ FontFamily eFamily = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;
+ String aName;
+ FontPitch ePitch = PITCH_DONTKNOW;
+ rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW;
+ switch (nFCode)
+ {
+// In the Winword 1.x format, the names of the first three fonts were
+// omitted from the table and assumed to be "Tms Rmn" (for ftc = 0),
+// "Symbol", and "Helv"
+ case 0:
+ eFamily = FAMILY_ROMAN;
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Tms Rmn" ));
+ eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Symbol" ));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Helv" ));
+ eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ W1_FFN* pF = GetFFN(nFCode - 3);
+ if (pF != 0)
+ {
+ // Fontname .........................................
+ aName = String( (sal_Char*)pF->szFfnGet(),
+ // Pitch .............................................
+ static FontPitch ePitchA[] =
+ {
+ };
+ ePitch = ePitchA[pF->prgGet()];
+ // CharSet ...........................................
+ eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ if (aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Symbol")
+ || aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Symbol Set")
+ || aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Wingdings")
+ || aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("ITC Zapf Dingbats") )
+ // FontFamily ........................................
+ USHORT b = pF->ffGet();
+ static FontFamily eFamilyA[] =
+ {
+ };
+ if (b < sizeof(eFamilyA))
+ eFamily = eFamilyA[b];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(FALSE, "WW1Fonts::GetFont: Nicht existenter Font !");
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Helv" ));
+ eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Extrawurst Hypo
+ if ( SwFltGetFlag( nFieldFlags, SwFltControlStack::HYPO )
+ && ( aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Helv")
+ || aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Helvetica") ) )
+ {
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Helvetica Neue" ));
+ if (eFamily==FAMILY_DONTKNOW)
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // VCL matcht die Fonts selber
+ // allerdings passiert bei Helv, Tms Rmn und System Monospaced
+ // Scheisse, so dass diese ersetzt werden muessen.
+ // Nach TH sollen diese durch feste Werte ersetzt werden,
+ // also nicht ueber System::GetStandardFont, damit keine
+ // Namenslisten auftauchen ( Dieses koennte den User verwirren )
+ if( aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Helv"))
+ {
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Helvetica" ));
+ if (eFamily==FAMILY_DONTKNOW)
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
+ }
+ else if (aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("Tms Rmn"))
+ {
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Times New Roman" ));
+ if (eFamily==FAMILY_DONTKNOW)
+ eFamily = FAMILY_ROMAN;
+ }
+ else if (aName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("System Monospaced") )
+ {
+ aName.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Courier" ));
+ ePitch = PITCH_FIXED;
+ }
+ }
+// nun koennen wir den font basteln: .........................
+ return SvxFontItem(eFamily, aName, aEmptyStr, ePitch, eCharSet, RES_CHRATR_FONT);
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dop
+void Ww1Dop::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut)
+ //~ mdt: fehlt
+ // aDop.fWidowControlGet(); // keine Absatztrennung fuer einzelne Zeilen
+ long nDefTabSiz = aDop.dxaTabGet();
+ if (nDefTabSiz < 56)
+ nDefTabSiz = 709;
+ // wir wollen genau einen DefaultTab
+ ((SvxTabStop&)aNewTab[0]).GetAdjustment() = SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DEFAULT;
+ rOut.GetDoc().GetAttrPool().SetPoolDefaultItem( aNewTab); //~ mdt: besser (GetDoc)
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt = rOut.GetPageDesc().GetMaster();
+ W1_DOP& rDOP = GetDOP();
+ rOut.GetPageDesc().SetLandscape(rDOP.fWideGet());
+ SwFmtFrmSize aSz(rFmt.GetFrmSize());
+ aSz.SetWidth(rDOP.xaPageGet());
+ aSz.SetHeight(rDOP.yaPageGet());
+ rFmt.SetFmtAttr(aSz);
+ SvxLRSpaceItem aLR(rDOP.dxaLeftGet()+rDOP.dxaGutterGet(),
+ rDOP.dxaRightGet(), 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rFmt.SetFmtAttr(aLR);
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL(rDOP.dyaTopGet(), rDOP.dyaBottomGet(), RES_UL_SPACE);
+ rFmt.SetFmtAttr(aUL);
+ SwFtnInfo aInfo;
+ aInfo = rOut.GetDoc().GetFtnInfo(); // Copy-Ctor privat
+ // wo positioniert ? ( 0 == Section, 1 == Page,
+ // 2 == beim Text -> Page, 3 == Doc )
+ switch( rDOP.fpcGet() ){
+ case 1:
+ case 2: aInfo.ePos = FTNPOS_PAGE; break;
+ default: aInfo.ePos = FTNPOS_CHAPTER; break;
+ }
+// aInfo.eNum = ( rDOP.fFtnRestartGet() ) ? FTNNUM_CHAPTER : FTNNUM_DOC;
+ // Da Sw unter Chapter anscheinend was anderes versteht als PMW
+ // hier also immer Doc !
+ aInfo.eNum = FTNNUM_DOC;
+ // wie neu nummerieren ?
+ // SW-UI erlaubt Nummer nur bei FTNNUM_DOC
+ if( rDOP.nFtnGet() > 0 && aInfo.eNum == FTNNUM_DOC )
+ aInfo.nFtnOffset = rDOP.nFtnGet() - 1;
+ rOut.GetDoc().SetFtnInfo( aInfo );
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assoc
+void Ww1Assoc::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut)
+//~ mdt: fehlen: FileNext, Dot, DataDoc, HeaderDoc, Criteria1,
+// Criteria2, Criteria3, Criteria4, Criteria5, Criteria6, Criteria7
+ SwDocShell *pDocShell(rOut.GetDoc().GetDocShell());
+ DBG_ASSERT(pDocShell, "no SwDocShell");
+ if (pDocShell) {
+ uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xDPS(
+ pDocShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
+ uno::Reference<document::XDocumentProperties> xDocProps(
+ xDPS->getDocumentProperties());
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "DocumentProperties is null");
+ if ( {
+ xDocProps->setTitle( GetStr(Title) );
+ xDocProps->setSubject( GetStr(Subject) );
+ xDocProps->setDescription( GetStr(Comments) );
+ xDocProps->setKeywords(
+ ::comphelper::string::convertCommaSeparated( GetStr(KeyWords) ) );
+ xDocProps->setAuthor( GetStr(Author) );
+ xDocProps->setModifiedBy( GetStr(LastRevBy) );
+ }
+ }
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StyleSheet
+void Ww1StyleSheet::OutDefaults(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT stc)
+ switch (stc){
+ case 222: // Null
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(240, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ rOut << SvxFontItem(rMan.GetFont(2));
+ break;
+ case 223: // annotation reference
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(160, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 224: // annotation text
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 225: // table of contents 8
+ case 226: // table of contents 7
+ case 227: // table of contents 6
+ case 228: // table of contents 5
+ case 229: // table of contents 4
+ case 230: // table of contents 3
+ case 231: // table of contents 2
+ case 232: // table of contents 1
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(( 232 - stc ) * 720, 720, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ // Tabulatoren fehlen noch !
+ break;
+ case 233: // index 7
+ case 234: // und index 6
+ case 235: // und index 5
+ case 236: // und index 4
+ case 237: // und index 3
+ case 238: // und index 2
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(( 239 - stc ) * 360, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ break;
+ case 239: // index 1
+ break;
+ case 240: // line number
+ break;
+ case 241: // index heading
+ break;
+ case 242: // footer
+ case 243:{ // ... und header
+ SvxTabStopItem aAttr(RES_PARATR_TABSTOP);
+ SvxTabStop aTabStop;
+ aTabStop.GetTabPos() = 4535; // 8 cm
+ aTabStop.GetAdjustment() = SVX_TAB_ADJUST_CENTER;
+ aAttr.Insert( aTabStop );
+ aTabStop.GetTabPos() = 9071; // 16 cm
+ aTabStop.GetAdjustment() = SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT;
+ aAttr.Insert( aTabStop );
+ rOut << aAttr;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 244: // footnote reference
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(160, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ rOut << SvxEscapementItem(6 * 100 / 24, 100, RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT);
+ break;
+ case 245: // footnote text
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 246: // heading 9
+ case 247: // und heading 8
+ case 248: // und heading 7
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(720, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxPostureItem(
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 249: // heading 6
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(720, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 250: // heading 5
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(720, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxWeightItem(rOut.GetWeightBold()?WEIGHT_NORMAL:WEIGHT_BOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT);
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 251: // heading 4
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(360, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(240, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 252: // heading 3
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(360, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxWeightItem(rOut.GetWeightBold()?WEIGHT_NORMAL:WEIGHT_BOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT);
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(240, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ case 253: // heading 2
+ rOut << SvxULSpaceItem(120, 0, RES_UL_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxWeightItem(rOut.GetWeightBold()?WEIGHT_NORMAL:WEIGHT_BOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT);
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(240, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ rOut << SvxFontItem(rMan.GetFont(2));
+ break;
+ case 254: // heading 1
+ rOut << SvxULSpaceItem(240, 0, RES_UL_SPACE);
+ rOut << SvxWeightItem(rOut.GetWeightBold()?WEIGHT_NORMAL:WEIGHT_BOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT);
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(240, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ rOut << SvxFontItem(rMan.GetFont(2));
+ break;
+ case 255: // Normal indent
+ rOut << SvxLRSpaceItem(720, 0, 0, 0, RES_LR_SPACE);
+ break;
+ case 0: // Normal
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ default: // selbstdefiniert
+ rOut << SvxFontHeightItem(200, 100, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE);
+ break;
+ }
+void Ww1StyleSheet::OutOne(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT stc)
+// aType = RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN; break;
+// aType = RES_POOLCOLL_SIGNATURE; break;
+// aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_IDXH; break;
+ switch (stc)
+ {
+ case 222: // Null
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT; break; //???
+ case 223: // annotation reference
+ break;
+ case 224: // annotation text
+ break;
+ case 225: // table of contents 8
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT8; break;
+ case 226: // table of contents 7
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT7; break;
+ case 227: // table of contents 6
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT6; break;
+ case 228: // table of contents 5
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT5; break;
+ case 229: // table of contents 4
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT4; break;
+ case 230: // table of contents 3
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT3; break;
+ case 231: // table of contents 2
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT2; break;
+ case 232: // table of contents 1
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_CNTNT1; break;
+ case 233: // index 7
+ break;
+ case 234: // index 6
+ break;
+ case 235: // index 5
+ break;
+ case 236: // index 4
+ break;
+ case 237: // index 3
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_IDX3; break;
+ case 238: // index 2
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_IDX2; break;
+ case 239: // index 1
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TOX_IDX1; break;
+ case 240: // line number
+ break;
+ case 241: // index heading
+ break;
+ case 242: // footer
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTER; break;
+ case 243: // header
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_HEADER; break;
+ case 244: // footnote reference
+ break;
+ case 245: // footnote text
+ case 246: // heading 9
+ break;
+ case 247: // heading 8
+ break;
+ case 248: // heading 7
+ break;
+ case 249: // heading 6
+ break;
+ case 250: // heading 5
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE5; break;
+ case 251: // heading 4
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE4; break;
+ case 252: // heading 3
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE3; break;
+ case 253: // heading 2
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE2; break;
+ case 254: // heading 1
+ aType = RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE1; break;
+ case 255: // Normal indent
+ case 0: // Normal
+// aType = RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT; break; // Das ist "textkoerper"
+ }
+ if (aType == RES_NONE)
+ rOut.BeginStyle(stc, GetStyle(stc).GetName() );
+ else
+ rOut.BeginStyle(stc, aType);
+ OutDefaults(rOut, rMan, stc);
+ GetStyle(stc).Out(rOut, rMan);
+ rOut.EndStyle();
+// rMan.SetInApo(FALSE);
+// OutOneWithBase() liest einen Style mit OutOne() einen Style ein
+// Jedoch liest er, wenn noch nicht geschehen, den Basisstyle rekursiv ein
+void Ww1StyleSheet::OutOneWithBase(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan,
+ USHORT stc, BYTE* pbStopRecur )
+// SH: lineares Einlesen ist Scheisse, da dann BasedOn nicht gesetzt
+// werden kann und ausserdem Toggle- und Modify-Attrs (z.B. Tabs ) nicht gehen.
+ Ww1Style& rSty = GetStyle(stc);
+ USHORT nBase = rSty.GetnBase();
+ if( nBase != stc
+ && !rOut.IsStyleImported( nBase )
+ && GetStyle(nBase).IsUsed()
+ && !pbStopRecur[nBase] ){
+ pbStopRecur[nBase] = 1;
+ OutOneWithBase( rOut, rMan, nBase, pbStopRecur ); // Rekursiv
+ }
+ OutOne( rOut, rMan, stc );
+void Ww1StyleSheet::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+ USHORT stc;
+ BYTE bStopRecur[256];
+ memset( bStopRecur, FALSE, sizeof(bStopRecur) );
+// 1. Durchlauf: Styles mit Basisstyles rekursiv
+ for (stc=0;stc<Count();stc++)
+ if (GetStyle(stc).IsUsed() && !rOut.IsStyleImported( stc ) )
+ OutOneWithBase( rOut, rMan, stc, bStopRecur );
+// 2. Durchlauf: Follow-Styles
+ for (stc=0;stc<Count();stc++){
+ Ww1Style& rSty = GetStyle(stc);
+ if ( rSty.IsUsed() ){
+ USHORT nNext = rSty.GetnNext();
+ if( nNext != stc && GetStyle(nNext).IsUsed() )
+ rOut.NextStyle( stc, nNext );
+ }
+ }
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Picture
+static ULONG GuessPicSize(W1_PIC* pPic)
+ USHORT maxx = pPic->mfp.xExtGet();
+ USHORT padx = ((maxx + 7) / 8) * 8;
+ USHORT maxy = pPic->mfp.yExtGet();
+ return 120L + (ULONG)padx * maxy;
+// folgende methode schreibt eine windows-.BMP-datei aus einem
+// embeddeten bild in ww-1 dateien
+// gelesen wird 4-bit format, geschrieben jedoch 8-bit.
+void Ww1Picture::WriteBmp(SvStream& rOut)
+ long nSize = pPic->lcbGet() - (sizeof(*pPic)-sizeof(pPic->rgb));
+ BYTE* p = pPic->rgbGet();
+ USHORT maxx = pPic->mfp.xExtGet();
+ USHORT padx = ((maxx + 7) / 8) * 8;
+ USHORT maxy = pPic->mfp.yExtGet();
+ /*USHORT unknown1 = SVBT16ToShort(p);*/ p+= sizeof(SVBT16); nSize -= sizeof(SVBT16);
+ /*USHORT unknown2 = SVBT16ToShort(p);*/ p+= sizeof(SVBT16); nSize -= sizeof(SVBT16);
+ USHORT x = SVBT16ToShort(p);
+ (void) x;
+ p+= sizeof(SVBT16); nSize -= sizeof(SVBT16);
+ USHORT y = SVBT16ToShort(p);
+ (void) y;
+ p+= sizeof(SVBT16); nSize -= sizeof(SVBT16);
+ USHORT planes = SVBT16ToShort(p);
+ (void) planes;
+ p+= sizeof(SVBT16); nSize -= sizeof(SVBT16);
+ USHORT bitcount = SVBT16ToShort(p);
+ (void) bitcount;
+ p+= sizeof(SVBT16); nSize -= sizeof(SVBT16);
+ DBG_ASSERT(x==maxx, "Ww1Picture");
+ DBG_ASSERT(y==maxy, "Ww1Picture");
+ DBG_ASSERT(planes==1, "Ww1Picture");
+ DBG_ASSERT(bitcount==4, "Ww1Picture");
+ DBG_ASSERT(16*3+padx*maxy/2==nSize, "Ww1Picture");
+ SVBT32 tmpLong;
+ SVBT16 tmpShort;
+ SVBT8 tmpByte;
+#define wLong(n) \
+ UInt32ToSVBT32(n, tmpLong); \
+ if ((rOut.Write(tmpLong, sizeof(SVBT32))) != sizeof(SVBT32)) goto error;
+#define wShort(n) \
+ ShortToSVBT16(n, tmpShort); \
+ if ((rOut.Write(tmpShort, sizeof(SVBT16))) != sizeof(SVBT16)) goto error;
+#define wByte(n) \
+ ByteToSVBT8(n, tmpByte); \
+ if ((rOut.Write(tmpByte, sizeof(SVBT8))) != sizeof(SVBT8)) goto error;
+ wByte('B'); wByte('M');
+ wLong(54 + 4 * 16 + padx * maxy);
+ wLong(0);
+ wLong(54 + 4 * 16);
+ wLong(40);
+ wLong(maxx);
+ wLong(maxy);
+ wShort(1);
+ wShort(8);
+ wLong(0);
+ wLong(0);
+ wLong(0);
+ wLong(0);
+ wLong(16);
+ wLong(16);
+ for (i=0;nSize>0&&i<16;i++)
+ {
+ wByte(*p);
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ wByte(*p);
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ wByte(*p);
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ wByte(0);
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(padx*maxy/2==nSize, "Ww1Picture");
+#if 1
+ {
+ BYTE* pBuf = new BYTE[padx];
+ for (j=0;nSize>0&&j<maxy;j++)
+ {
+ BYTE* q = pBuf;
+ for (i=0;nSize>0&&i<maxx;i+=2)
+ {
+ *q++ = *p>>4;
+ *q++ = *p&0xf;
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ }
+ for (;i<padx;i+=2)
+ {
+ *q++ = 0;
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ }
+ if(rOut.Write(pBuf, padx) != padx){
+ delete [] pBuf;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] pBuf;
+ }
+ for (j=0;nSize>0&&j<maxy;j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0;nSize>0&&i<maxx;i+=2)
+ {
+ wByte(*p>>4);
+ wByte(*p&0xf);
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ }
+ for (;i<padx;i+=2)
+ {
+ wByte(0);
+ p++;
+ nSize -= sizeof(BYTE);
+ }
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(nSize==0, "Ww1Picture");
+#undef wLong
+#undef wShort
+#undef wByte
+ rOut.Seek(0);
+ return;
+ ;
+void Ww1Picture::Out(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& /*rMan*/)
+ Graphic* pGraphic = 0;
+ USHORT mm;
+ switch (mm = pPic->mfp.mmGet())
+ {
+ case 8: // embedded metafile
+ {
+ SvMemoryStream aOut(8192, 8192);
+ aOut.Write(pPic->rgbGet(), pPic->lcbGet() -
+ (sizeof(*pPic)-sizeof(pPic->rgb)));
+ aOut.Seek(0);
+ GDIMetaFile aWMF;
+ if (ReadWindowMetafile( aOut, aWMF, NULL ) && aWMF.GetActionCount() > 0)
+ {
+ aWMF.SetPrefMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM));
+ Size aOldSiz(aWMF.GetPrefSize());
+ Size aNewSiz(pPic->mfp.xExtGet(), pPic->mfp.yExtGet());
+ Fraction aFracX(aNewSiz.Width(), aOldSiz.Width());
+ Fraction aFracY(aNewSiz.Height(), aOldSiz.Height());
+ aWMF.Scale(aFracX, aFracY);
+ aWMF.SetPrefSize(aNewSiz);
+ pGraphic = new Graphic(aWMF);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 94: // embedded name SH:??? Was denn nun ? Embeddet oder Name ?
+ case 98: // TIFF-Name
+ {
+ String aDir( (sal_Char*)pPic->rgbGet(),
+ (USHORT)(pPic->lcbGet() - (sizeof(*pPic)-sizeof(pPic->rgb))),
+ rOut.AddGraphic( aDir );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 97: // embedded bitmap
+// case 99: // SH: bei meinem BspDoc 41738.doc auch embedded Bitmap,
+ // aber leider anderes Format
+ {
+ ULONG nSiz = GuessPicSize(pPic);
+ SvMemoryStream aOut(nSiz, 8192);
+ WriteBmp(aOut);
+ Bitmap aBmp;
+ aOut >> aBmp;
+ pGraphic = new Graphic(aBmp);
+ }
+ default:
+ DBG_ASSERT(pPic->mfp.mmGet() == 97, "Ww1Picture");
+ }
+ if (pGraphic)
+ rOut << *pGraphic;
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HeaderFooter
+void Ww1HeaderFooter::Start(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan)
+// wird sowieso nur bei SEPs aufgerufen, keine weitere pruefung
+// noetig:
+ if (!rMan.Pushed())
+ {
+ while ((*this)++)
+ switch (eHeaderFooterMode)
+ {
+ case FtnSep:
+ break;
+ case FtnFollowSep:
+ break;
+ case FtnNote:
+ break;
+ case EvenHeadL:
+ break;
+ case OddHeadL:
+ {
+ ULONG begin = 0;
+ ULONG end = 0;
+ if (FillOddHeadL(begin, end))
+ {
+ Ww1HddText* pText = new Ww1HddText(rMan.GetFib());
+ pText->Seek(begin);
+ pText->SetCount(end-begin);
+ rOut.BeginHeader();
+ rMan.Push1(pText, pText->Offset(rMan.GetFib()), begin,
+ new Ww1HeaderFooterFields(rMan.GetFib()));
+ rOut << rMan;
+ rMan.Pop();
+ rOut.EndHeaderFooter();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EvenFootL:
+ break;
+ case OddFootL:
+ {
+ ULONG begin = 0;
+ ULONG end = 0;
+ if (FillOddFootL(begin, end))
+ {
+ Ww1HddText* pText = new Ww1HddText(rMan.GetFib());
+ pText->Seek(begin);
+ pText->SetCount(end-begin);
+ rOut.BeginFooter();
+ rMan.Push1(pText, pText->Offset(rMan.GetFib()), begin,
+ new Ww1HeaderFooterFields(rMan.GetFib()));
+ rOut << rMan;
+ rMan.Pop();
+ rOut.EndHeaderFooter();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case FirstHeadL:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Ww1HeaderFooter::Stop(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, sal_Unicode&)
+ if (!rMan.Pushed() && eHeaderFooterMode != None
+// && rMan.GetText().Where() >= rMan.GetText().Count()
+ )
+ {
+ Start(rOut, rMan);
+ }