path: root/sfx2/qa/complex/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/qa/complex/')
1 files changed, 546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/qa/complex/ b/sfx2/qa/complex/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae7970227c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfx2/qa/complex/
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.framework;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+import helper.StreamSimulator;
+ * Test case for the service
+ * Currently, this service is implemented in
+ * sfx2/source/doc/SfxDocumentMetaData.cxx.
+ *
+ * @author mst
+ */
+public class DocumentMetaData extends ComplexTestCase
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames () {
+ return new String[] { "check", "cleanup" };
+ }
+ public void cleanup() {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ // for testing modifications
+ class Listener implements XModifyListener {
+ private boolean m_Called;
+ public Listener() {
+ m_Called = false;
+ }
+ public boolean reset() {
+ boolean oldCalled = m_Called;
+ m_Called = false;
+ return oldCalled;
+ }
+ public void modified(EventObject e) {
+ m_Called = true;
+ }
+ public void disposing(EventObject e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public void check() {
+ try {
+ XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory) param.getMSF();
+ assure("could not create MultiServiceFactory.", xMSF != null);
+ XPropertySet xPropertySet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xMSF);
+ Object defaultCtx = xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");
+ XComponentContext xContext = (XComponentContext)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, defaultCtx);
+ assure("could not get component context.", xContext != null);
+ String temp = util.utils.getOfficeTemp/*Dir*/(xMSF);
+ log.println("tempdir: " + temp);
+ PropertyValue[] noArgs = { };
+ PropertyValue mimetype = new PropertyValue();
+ mimetype.Name = "MediaType";
+ mimetype.Value = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text";
+ PropertyValue[] mimeArgs = { mimetype };
+// new Any("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text")) };
+ PropertyValue cfile = new PropertyValue();
+ cfile.Name = "URL";
+ cfile.Value = temp + "EMPTY.odt";
+ PropertyValue[] mimeEmptyArgs = { mimetype, cfile };
+ log.println("Creating service DocumentProperties...");
+ Object oDP =
+// xMSF.createInstanceWithContext(
+// "", xContext);
+ xMSF.createInstance("");
+ XDocumentProperties xDP = (XDocumentProperties)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentProperties.class, oDP);
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking initialize ...");
+ XDocumentProperties xDP2 = (XDocumentProperties)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentProperties.class,
+ xMSF.createInstance(
+ ""));
+ XInitialization xInit = (XInitialization)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XInitialization.class, xDP2);
+ xInit.initialize(new Object[] { });
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking storing default-initialized meta data ...");
+// xDP2.storeToMedium(temp + "EMPTY.odt", mimeArgs);
+ xDP2.storeToMedium("", mimeEmptyArgs);
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking loading default-initialized meta data ...");
+// xDP2.loadFromMedium(temp + "EMPTY.odt", noArgs);
+ xDP2.loadFromMedium("", mimeEmptyArgs);
+ assure ("Author", "".equals(xDP2.getAuthor()));
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("(Not) Checking preservation of custom meta data ...");
+ xDP2.loadFromMedium(util.utils.getFullTestURL("CUSTOM.odt"),
+ noArgs);
+ assure ("Author", "".equals(xDP2.getAuthor()));
+ xDP2.storeToMedium(temp + "CUSTOM.odt", mimeArgs);
+ //FIXME: now what? comparing for binary equality seems useless
+ // we could unzip the written file and grep for the custom stuff
+ // but would that work on windows...
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking loading from test document...");
+ String file = util.utils.getFullTestURL("TEST.odt");
+ xDP.loadFromMedium(file, noArgs);
+/* XInputStream xStream =
+ new StreamSimulator("./testdocuments/TEST.odt", true, param);
+ Object oSF =
+ xMSF.createInstance("");
+ XSingleServiceFactory xSF = (XSingleServiceFactory)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSingleServiceFactory.class, oSF);
+ Object oStor = xSF.createInstanceWithArguments(
+ new Object[] { xStream });
+ XStorage xStor = (XStorage) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XStorage.class, oStor);
+ xDP.loadFromStorage(xStor);*/
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking meta-data import...");
+ assure ("Author", "Karl-Heinz Mustermann".equals(xDP.getAuthor()));
+ assure ("Generator",
+ "StarOffice/8$Solaris_x86 OpenOffice.org_project/680m232$Build-9227"
+ .equals(xDP.getGenerator()));
+ assure ("CreationDate", 2007 == xDP.getCreationDate().Year);
+ assure ("Title", "Urgent Memo".equals(xDP.getTitle()));
+ assure ("Subject", "Wichtige Mitteilung".equals(xDP.getSubject()));
+ assure ("Description",
+ "Modern internal company memorandum in full-blocked style"
+ .equals(xDP.getDescription()));
+// assure ("Language", "".equals(xDP.getLanguage()));
+ assure ("ModifiedBy",
+ "Karl-Heinz Mustermann".equals(xDP.getModifiedBy()));
+ assure ("ModificationDate", 10 == xDP.getModificationDate().Month);
+ assure ("PrintedBy",
+ "Karl-Heinz Mustermann".equals(xDP.getPrintedBy()));
+ assure ("PrintDate", 29 == xDP.getPrintDate().Day);
+ assure ("TemplateName",
+ "Modern Memo".equals(xDP.getTemplateName()));
+ assure ("TemplateURL",
+ xDP.getTemplateURL().endsWith(""));
+ assure ("TemplateDate", 17 == xDP.getTemplateDate().Hours);
+ assure ("AutoloadURL", "../TEST.odt".equals(xDP.getAutoloadURL()));
+ assure ("AutoloadSecs", 0 == xDP.getAutoloadSecs());
+ assure ("DefaultTarget", "_blank".equals(xDP.getDefaultTarget()));
+ assure ("EditingCycles", 3 == xDP.getEditingCycles());
+ assure ("EditingDuration", 320 == xDP.getEditingDuration());
+ String[] kws = xDP.getKeywords();
+ assure ("Keywords", fromArray(kws).containsAll(
+ fromArray(new Object[] { "Asien", "Memo", "Reis" })));
+ NamedValue[] ds = xDP.getDocumentStatistics();
+/* for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; ++i) {
+ log.println("nv: " + ds[i].Name + " " + ds[i].Value);
+ }
+ NamedValue nv1 = new NamedValue("WordCount", new Integer(23));
+ NamedValue nv2 = new NamedValue("WordCount", new Integer(23));
+ log.println("eq: " + nv1.equals(nv2)); // grrr, this is false...
+ assure ("DocumentStatistics:WordCount", containsNV(ds,
+ new NamedValue("WordCount", new Integer(23))));
+ assure ("DocumentStatistics:PageCount", containsNV(ds,
+ new NamedValue("PageCount", new Integer(1))));
+ XPropertyContainer udpc = xDP.getUserDefinedProperties();
+ XPropertySet udps = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XPropertySet.class, udpc);
+ assure ("UserDefined 1", "Dies ist ein wichtiger Hinweis"
+ .equals(udps.getPropertyValue("Hinweis")));
+ assure ("UserDefined 2", ("Kann Spuren von N"
+ + new String(new byte[] { (byte) 0xc3, (byte) 0xbc }, "UTF-8")
+ + "ssen enthalten")
+ .equals(udps.getPropertyValue("Warnung")));
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking meta-data updates...");
+ String str;
+ DateTime dt = new DateTime();
+ Locale l = new Locale();
+ int i;
+ str = "me";
+ xDP.setAuthor(str);
+ assure ("setAuthor", str.equals(xDP.getAuthor()));
+ str = "the computa";
+ xDP.setGenerator(str);
+ assure ("setGenerator", str.equals(xDP.getGenerator()));
+ dt.Year = 2038;
+ dt.Month = 1;
+ dt.Day = 1;
+ xDP.setCreationDate(dt);
+ assure ("setCreationDate", dt.Year == xDP.getCreationDate().Year);
+ str = "El t'itulo";
+ xDP.setTitle(str);
+ assure ("setTitle", str.equals(xDP.getTitle()));
+ str = "Ein verkommenes Subjekt";
+ xDP.setSubject(str);
+ assure ("setSubject", str.equals(xDP.getSubject()));
+ str = "Este descripci'on no es importante";
+ xDP.setDescription(str);
+ assure ("setDescription", str.equals(xDP.getDescription()));
+ l.Language = "en";
+ l.Country = "GB";
+ xDP.setLanguage(l);
+ Locale l2 = xDP.getLanguage();
+ assure ("setLanguage Lang", l.Language.equals(l2.Language));
+ assure ("setLanguage Cty", l.Country.equals(l2.Country));
+ str = "myself";
+ xDP.setModifiedBy(str);
+ assure ("setModifiedBy", str.equals(xDP.getModifiedBy()));
+ dt.Year = 2042;
+ xDP.setModificationDate(dt);
+ assure ("setModificationDate",
+ dt.Year == xDP.getModificationDate().Year);
+ str = "i didnt do it";
+ xDP.setPrintedBy(str);
+ assure ("setPrintedBy", str.equals(xDP.getPrintedBy()));
+ dt.Year = 2024;
+ xDP.setPrintDate(dt);
+ assure ("setPrintDate", dt.Year == xDP.getPrintDate().Year);
+ str = "blah";
+ xDP.setTemplateName(str);
+ assure ("setTemplateName", str.equals(xDP.getTemplateName()));
+ str = "gopher://some-hole-in-the-ground/";
+ xDP.setTemplateURL(str);
+ assure ("setTemplateURL", str.equals(xDP.getTemplateURL()));
+ dt.Year = 2043;
+ xDP.setTemplateDate(dt);
+ assure ("setTemplateDate", dt.Year == xDP.getTemplateDate().Year);
+ str = "http://nowhere/";
+ xDP.setAutoloadURL(str);
+ assure ("setAutoloadURL", str.equals(xDP.getAutoloadURL()));
+ i = 3661; // this might not work (due to conversion via double...)
+ xDP.setAutoloadSecs(i);
+// log.println("set: " + i + " get: " + xDP.getAutoloadSecs());
+ assure ("setAutoloadSecs", i == xDP.getAutoloadSecs());
+ str = "_blank";
+ xDP.setDefaultTarget(str);
+ assure ("setDefaultTarget", str.equals(xDP.getDefaultTarget()));
+ i = 42;
+ xDP.setEditingCycles((short) i);
+ assure ("setEditingCycles", i == xDP.getEditingCycles());
+ i = 84;
+ xDP.setEditingDuration(i);
+ assure ("setEditingDuration", i == xDP.getEditingDuration());
+ str = "";
+ String[] kws2 = new String[] {
+ "keywordly", "keywordlike", "keywordalicious" };
+ xDP.setKeywords(kws2);
+ kws = xDP.getKeywords();
+ assure ("setKeywords", fromArray(kws).containsAll(fromArray(kws2)));
+ NamedValue[] ds2 = new NamedValue[] {
+ new NamedValue("SyllableCount", new Integer(9)),
+ new NamedValue("FrameCount", new Integer(2)),
+ new NamedValue("SentenceCount", new Integer(7)) };
+ xDP.setDocumentStatistics(ds2);
+ ds = xDP.getDocumentStatistics();
+ assure ("setDocumentStatistics:SyllableCount", containsNV(ds,
+ new NamedValue("SyllableCount", new Integer(9))));
+ assure ("setDocumentStatistics:FrameCount", containsNV(ds,
+ new NamedValue("FrameCount", new Integer(2))));
+ assure ("setDocumentStatistics:SentenceCount", containsNV(ds,
+ new NamedValue("SentenceCount", new Integer(7))));
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking user-defined meta-data updates...");
+ // actually, this tests the PropertyBag service
+ // but maybe the DocumentProperties service will be implemented
+ // differently some day...
+ boolean b = true;
+ double d = 3.1415;
+ // note that Time is only supported for backward compatibilty!
+ Time t = new Time();
+ t.Hours = 1;
+ t.Minutes = 16;
+ Date date = new Date();
+ date.Year = 2071;
+ date.Month = 2;
+ date.Day = 3;
+ dt.Year = 2065;
+ Duration dur = new Duration();
+ dur.Negative = true;
+ dur.Years = 1001;
+ dur.Months = 999;
+ dur.Days = 888;
+ dur.Hours = 777;
+ dur.Minutes = 666;
+ dur.Seconds = 555;
+ dur.MilliSeconds = 444;
+ udpc.addProperty("Frobnicate", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE,
+ new Boolean(b));
+ udpc.addProperty("FrobDuration", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, dur);
+ udpc.addProperty("FrobDuration2", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, t);
+ udpc.addProperty("FrobEndDate", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, date);
+ udpc.addProperty("FrobStartTime", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, dt);
+ udpc.addProperty("Pi", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, new Double(d));
+ udpc.addProperty("Foo", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, "bar");
+ udpc.addProperty("Removed", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, "bar");
+ // #i94175#: empty property name is valid ODF 1.1
+ udpc.addProperty("", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, "eeeeek");
+ try {
+ udpc.removeProperty("Info 1");
+ udpc.removeProperty("Removed");
+ } catch (UnknownPropertyException e) {
+ assure("removeProperty failed", false);
+ }
+ try {
+ udpc.addProperty("Forbidden", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE,
+ new String[] { "foo", "bar" });
+ assure("inserting value of non-supported type did not fail",
+ false);
+ } catch (IllegalTypeException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ assure ("UserDefined bool", new Boolean(b).equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Frobnicate")));
+ assure ("UserDefined duration", eqDuration(dur, (Duration)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobDuration")));
+ assure ("UserDefined time", eqTime(t, (Time)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobDuration2")));
+ assure ("UserDefined date", eqDate(date, (Date)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobEndDate")));
+ assure ("UserDefined datetime", eqDateTime(dt, (DateTime)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobStartTime")));
+ assure ("UserDefined float", new Double(d).equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Pi")));
+ assure ("UserDefined string", "bar".equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Foo")));
+ assure ("UserDefined empty name", "eeeeek".equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("")));
+ try {
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Removed");
+ assure("UserDefined remove didn't", false);
+ } catch (UnknownPropertyException e) {
+ // ok
+ }
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking storing meta-data to file...");
+ xDP.storeToMedium(temp + "TEST.odt", mimeArgs);
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking loading meta-data from stored file...");
+ xDP.loadFromMedium(temp + "TEST.odt", noArgs);
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking user-defined meta-data from stored file...");
+ udpc = xDP.getUserDefinedProperties();
+ udps = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XPropertySet.class, udpc);
+ assure ("UserDefined bool", new Boolean(b).equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Frobnicate")));
+ assure ("UserDefined duration", eqDuration(dur, (Duration)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobDuration")));
+ // this is now a Duration!
+ Duration t_dur = new Duration(false, (short)0, (short)0, (short)0,
+ t.Hours, t.Minutes, t.Seconds,
+ (short)(10 * t.HundredthSeconds));
+ assure ("UserDefined time", eqDuration(t_dur, (Duration)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobDuration2")));
+ assure ("UserDefined date", eqDate(date, (Date)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobEndDate")));
+ assure ("UserDefined datetime", eqDateTime(dt, (DateTime)
+ udps.getPropertyValue("FrobStartTime")));
+ assure ("UserDefined float", new Double(d).equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Pi")));
+ assure ("UserDefined string", "bar".equals(
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Foo")));
+ try {
+ udps.getPropertyValue("Removed");
+ assure("UserDefined remove didn't", false);
+ } catch (UnknownPropertyException e) {
+ // ok
+ }
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking notification listener interface...");
+ Listener listener = new Listener();
+ XModifyBroadcaster xMB = (XModifyBroadcaster)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModifyBroadcaster.class, xDP);
+ xMB.addModifyListener(listener);
+ xDP.setAuthor("not me");
+ assure ("Listener Author", listener.reset());
+ udpc.addProperty("Listener", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, "foo");
+ assure ("Listener UserDefined Add", listener.reset());
+ udps.setPropertyValue("Listener", "bar");
+ assure ("Listener UserDefined Set", listener.reset());
+ udpc.removeProperty("Listener");
+ assure ("Listener UserDefined Remove", listener.reset());
+ xMB.removeModifyListener(listener);
+ udpc.addProperty("Listener2", PropertyAttribute.REMOVEABLE, "foo");
+ assure ("Removed Listener UserDefined Add", !listener.reset());
+ log.println("...done");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ report(e);
+ }
+ }
+ // grrr...
+ boolean eqDateTime(DateTime a, DateTime b) {
+ return a.Year == b.Year && a.Month == b.Month && a.Day == b.Day
+ && a.Hours == b.Hours && a.Minutes == b.Minutes
+ && a.Seconds == b.Seconds
+ && a.HundredthSeconds == b.HundredthSeconds;
+ }
+ boolean eqDate(Date a, Date b) {
+ return a.Year == b.Year && a.Month == b.Month && a.Day == b.Day;
+ }
+ boolean eqTime(Time a, Time b) {
+ return a.Hours == b.Hours && a.Minutes == b.Minutes
+ && a.Seconds == b.Seconds
+ && a.HundredthSeconds == b.HundredthSeconds;
+ }
+ boolean eqDuration(Duration a, Duration b) {
+ return a.Years == b.Years && a.Months == b.Months && a.Days == b.Days
+ && a.Hours == b.Hours && a.Minutes == b.Minutes
+ && a.Seconds == b.Seconds
+ && a.MilliSeconds == b.MilliSeconds
+ && a.Negative == b.Negative;
+ }
+ java.util.Collection fromArray(Object[] os) {
+ java.util.Collection ret = new java.util.HashSet();
+ for (int i = 0; i < os.length; ++i) {
+ ret.add(os[i]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // bah, structs do not have proper equals(), and uno.Type is not comparable
+ public static boolean containsNV (NamedValue[] nvs, NamedValue nv) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < nvs.length; ++i) {
+ if (nvs[i].Name.equals(nv.Name) && nvs[i].Value.equals(nv.Value)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void report(Exception e) {
+ log.println("Exception occurred:");
+ e.printStackTrace(( log);
+ failed();
+ }