path: root/scripting/source/pyprov/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripting/source/pyprov/')
1 files changed, 984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripting/source/pyprov/ b/scripting/source/pyprov/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..88e0a9efbc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripting/source/pyprov/
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+# XScript implementation for python
+import uno
+import unohelper
+import sys
+import os
+import imp
+import time
+import compiler
+class LogLevel:
+ NONE = 0
+ ERROR = 1
+ DEBUG = 2
+# Configuration ----------------------------------------------------
+LogLevel.use = LogLevel.NONE # production level
+#LogLevel.use = LogLevel.ERROR # for script developers
+#LogLevel.use = LogLevel.DEBUG # for script framework developers
+LOG_STDOUT = True # True, writes to stdout (difficult on windows)
+ # False, writes to user/Scripts/python/log.txt
+ENABLE_EDIT_DIALOG=False # offers a minimal editor for editing.
+def encfile(uni):
+ return uni.encode( sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+def lastException2String():
+ (excType,excInstance,excTraceback) = sys.exc_info()
+ ret = str(excType) + ": "+str(excInstance) + "\n" + \
+ uno._uno_extract_printable_stacktrace( excTraceback )
+ return ret
+def logLevel2String( level ):
+ ret = " NONE"
+ if level == LogLevel.ERROR:
+ ret = "ERROR"
+ elif level >= LogLevel.DEBUG:
+ ret = "DEBUG"
+ return ret
+def getLogTarget():
+ ret = sys.stdout
+ if not LOG_STDOUT:
+ try:
+ pathSubst = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager.createInstance(
+ "" )
+ userInstallation = pathSubst.getSubstituteVariableValue( "user" )
+ if len( userInstallation ) > 0:
+ systemPath = uno.fileUrlToSystemPath( userInstallation + "/Scripts/python/log.txt" )
+ ret = file( systemPath , "a" )
+ except Exception,e:
+ print "Exception during creation of pythonscript logfile: "+ lastException2String() + "\n, delagating log to stdout\n"
+ return ret
+class Logger(LogLevel):
+ def __init__(self , target ):
+ = target
+ def isDebugLevel( self ):
+ return self.use >= self.DEBUG
+ def debug( self, msg ):
+ if self.isDebugLevel():
+ self.log( self.DEBUG, msg )
+ def isErrorLevel( self ):
+ return self.use >= self.ERROR
+ def error( self, msg ):
+ if self.isErrorLevel():
+ self.log( self.ERROR, msg )
+ def log( self, level, msg ):
+ if self.use >= level:
+ try:
+ time.asctime() +
+ " [" +
+ logLevel2String( level ) +
+ "] " +
+ encfile(msg) +
+ "\n" )
+ except Exception,e:
+ print "Error during writing to stdout: " +lastException2String() + "\n"
+log = Logger( getLogTarget() )
+log.debug( "pythonscript loading" )
+#from import typeOfXServiceInfo, typeOfXTypeProvider
+from import RuntimeException
+from import XServiceInfo
+from import IOException
+from import CommandAbortedException, XCommandEnvironment, XProgressHandler
+from import XInteractionHandler
+from import XPropertySet
+from import XNameContainer
+from import XDocumentHandler, InputSource
+from import Exception as UnoException
+from import XInvocation
+from import XActionListener
+from import XScriptProvider, XScript, XScriptContext, ScriptFrameworkErrorException
+from import XBrowseNode
+from import XModifyListener
+CALLABLE_CONTAINER_NAME = "g_exportedScripts"
+# pythonloader looks for a static g_ImplementationHelper variable
+g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
+g_implName = "org.openoffice.pyuno.LanguageScriptProviderFor"+LANGUAGENAME
+BLOCK_SIZE = 65536
+def readTextFromStream( inputStream ):
+ # read the file
+ code = uno.ByteSequence( "" )
+ while True:
+ read,out = inputStream.readBytes( None , BLOCK_SIZE )
+ code = code + out
+ if read < BLOCK_SIZE:
+ break
+ return code.value
+def toIniName( str ):
+ # TODO: what is the official way to get to know whether i am on the windows platform ?
+ if( hasattr(sys , "dllhandle") ):
+ return str + ".ini"
+ return str + "rc"
+""" definition: storageURI is the system dependent, absolute file url, where the script is stored on disk
+ scriptURI is the system independent uri
+class MyUriHelper:
+ def __init__( self, ctx, location ):
+ self.s_UriMap = \
+ { "share" : "${$BRAND_BASE_DIR/program/" + toIniName( "bootstrap") + "::BaseInstallation}/share/Scripts/python" , \
+ "share:uno_packages" : "$UNO_SHARED_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages", \
+ "user" : "${$BRAND_BASE_DIR/program/" + toIniName( "bootstrap") + "::UserInstallation}/user/Scripts/python" , \
+ "user:uno_packages" : "$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages" }
+ self.m_uriRefFac = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("",ctx)
+ if location.startswith( "" ):
+ self.m_baseUri = location + "/Scripts/python"
+ self.m_scriptUriLocation = "document"
+ else:
+ self.m_baseUri = expandUri( self.s_UriMap[location] )
+ self.m_scriptUriLocation = location
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "initialized urihelper with baseUri="+self.m_baseUri + ",m_scriptUriLocation="+self.m_scriptUriLocation )
+ def getRootStorageURI( self ):
+ return self.m_baseUri
+ def getStorageURI( self, scriptURI ):
+ return self.scriptURI2StorageUri(scriptURI)
+ def getScriptURI( self, storageURI ):
+ return self.storageURI2ScriptUri(storageURI)
+ def storageURI2ScriptUri( self, storageURI ):
+ if not storageURI.startswith( self.m_baseUri ):
+ message = "pythonscript: storage uri '" + storageURI + "' not in base uri '" + self.m_baseUri + "'"
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( message )
+ raise RuntimeException( message )
+ ret = "" + \
+ storageURI[len(self.m_baseUri)+1:].replace("/","|") + \
+ "?language=" + LANGUAGENAME + "&location=" + self.m_scriptUriLocation
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "converting storageURI="+storageURI + " to scriptURI=" + ret )
+ return ret
+ def scriptURI2StorageUri( self, scriptURI ):
+ try:
+ myUri = self.m_uriRefFac.parse(scriptURI)
+ ret = self.m_baseUri + "/" + myUri.getName().replace( "|", "/" )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "converting scriptURI="+scriptURI + " to storageURI=" + ret )
+ return ret
+ except UnoException, e:
+ log.error( "error during converting scriptURI="+scriptURI + ": " + e.Message)
+ raise RuntimeException( "pythonscript:scriptURI2StorageUri: " +e.getMessage(), None )
+ except Exception, e:
+ log.error( "error during converting scriptURI="+scriptURI + ": " + str(e))
+ raise RuntimeException( "pythonscript:scriptURI2StorageUri: " + str(e), None )
+class ModuleEntry:
+ def __init__( self, lastRead, module ):
+ self.lastRead = lastRead
+ self.module = module
+def hasChanged( oldDate, newDate ):
+ return newDate.Year > oldDate.Year or \
+ newDate.Month > oldDate.Month or \
+ newDate.Day > oldDate.Day or \
+ newDate.Hours > oldDate.Hours or \
+ newDate.Minutes > oldDate.Minutes or \
+ newDate.Seconds > oldDate.Seconds or \
+ newDate.HundredthSeconds > oldDate.HundredthSeconds
+def ensureSourceState( code ):
+ if not code.endswith( "\n" ):
+ code = code + "\n"
+ code = code.replace( "\r", "" )
+ return code
+def checkForPythonPathBesideScript( url ):
+ if url.startswith( "file:" ):
+ path = unohelper.fileUrlToSystemPath( url+"/" );
+ log.log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "checking for existence of " + path )
+ if 1 == os.access( encfile(path), os.F_OK) and not path in sys.path:
+ log.log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "adding " + path + " to sys.path" )
+ sys.path.append( path )
+ path = unohelper.fileUrlToSystemPath( url+"/pythonpath" );
+ log.log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "checking for existence of " + path )
+ if 1 == os.access( encfile(path), os.F_OK) and not path in sys.path:
+ log.log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "adding " + path + " to sys.path" )
+ sys.path.append( path )
+class ScriptContext(unohelper.Base):
+ def __init__( self, ctx, doc ):
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ self.doc = doc
+ # XScriptContext
+ def getDocument(self):
+ return self.getDesktop().getCurrentComponent()
+ def getDesktop(self):
+ return self.ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ "", self.ctx )
+ def getComponentContext(self):
+ return self.ctx
+# Global Module Administration
+# does not fit together with script
+# engine lifetime management
+#g_scriptContext = ScriptContext( uno.getComponentContext(), None )
+#g_modules = {}
+#def getModuleByUrl( url, sfa ):
+# entry = g_modules.get(url)
+# load = True
+# lastRead = sfa.getDateTimeModified( url )
+# if entry:
+# if hasChanged( entry.lastRead, lastRead ):
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug("file " + url + " has changed, reloading")
+# else:
+# load = False
+# if load:
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "opening >" + url + "<" )
+# code = readTextFromStream( sfa.openFileRead( url ) )
+ # execute the module
+# entry = ModuleEntry( lastRead, imp.new_module("ooo_script_framework") )
+# entry.module.__dict__[GLOBAL_SCRIPTCONTEXT_NAME] = g_scriptContext
+# entry.module.__file__ = url
+# exec code in entry.module.__dict__
+# g_modules[ url ] = entry
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "mapped " + url + " to " + str( entry.module ) )
+# return entry.module
+class ProviderContext:
+ def __init__( self, storageType, sfa, uriHelper, scriptContext ):
+ self.storageType = storageType
+ self.sfa = sfa
+ self.uriHelper = uriHelper
+ self.scriptContext = scriptContext
+ self.modules = {}
+ self.rootUrl = None
+ self.mapPackageName2Path = None
+ def getTransientPartFromUrl( self, url ):
+ rest = url.replace( self.rootUrl , "",1 ).replace( "/","",1)
+ return rest[0:rest.find("/")]
+ def getPackageNameFromUrl( self, url ):
+ rest = url.replace( self.rootUrl , "",1 ).replace( "/","",1)
+ start = rest.find("/") +1
+ return rest[start:rest.find("/",start)]
+ def removePackageByUrl( self, url ):
+ items = self.mapPackageName2Path.items()
+ for i in items:
+ if url in i[1].pathes:
+ self.mapPackageName2Path.pop(i[0])
+ break
+ def addPackageByUrl( self, url ):
+ packageName = self.getPackageNameFromUrl( url )
+ transientPart = self.getTransientPartFromUrl( url )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "addPackageByUrl : " + packageName + ", " + transientPart + "("+url+")" + ", rootUrl="+self.rootUrl )
+ if self.mapPackageName2Path.has_key( packageName ):
+ package = self.mapPackageName2Path[ packageName ]
+ package.pathes = package.pathes + (url, )
+ else:
+ package = Package( (url,), transientPart)
+ self.mapPackageName2Path[ packageName ] = package
+ def isUrlInPackage( self, url ):
+ values = self.mapPackageName2Path.values()
+ for i in values:
+# print "checking " + url + " in " + str(i.pathes)
+ if url in i.pathes:
+ return True
+# print "false"
+ return False
+ def setPackageAttributes( self, mapPackageName2Path, rootUrl ):
+ self.mapPackageName2Path = mapPackageName2Path
+ self.rootUrl = rootUrl
+ def getPersistentUrlFromStorageUrl( self, url ):
+ # package name is the second directory
+ ret = url
+ if self.rootUrl:
+ pos = len( self.rootUrl) +1
+ ret = url[0:pos]+url[url.find("/",pos)+1:len(url)]
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "getPersistentUrlFromStorageUrl " + url + " -> "+ ret)
+ return ret
+ def getStorageUrlFromPersistentUrl( self, url):
+ ret = url
+ if self.rootUrl:
+ pos = len(self.rootUrl)+1
+ packageName = url[pos:url.find("/",pos+1)]
+ package = self.mapPackageName2Path[ packageName ]
+ ret = url[0:pos]+ package.transientPathElement + "/" + url[pos:len(url)]
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "getStorageUrlFromPersistentUrl " + url + " -> "+ ret)
+ return ret
+ def getFuncsByUrl( self, url ):
+ src = readTextFromStream( self.sfa.openFileRead( url ) )
+ checkForPythonPathBesideScript( url[0:url.rfind('/')] )
+ src = ensureSourceState( src )
+ code = compiler.parse( src )
+ allFuncs = []
+ if code == None:
+ return allFuncs
+ g_exportedScripts = []
+ for node in code.node.nodes:
+ if node.__class__.__name__ == 'Function':
+ allFuncs.append(
+ elif node.__class__.__name__ == 'Assign':
+ for assignee in node.nodes:
+ if == 'g_exportedScripts':
+ for item in node.expr:
+ if item.__class__.__name__ == 'Name':
+ g_exportedScripts.append(
+ return g_exportedScripts
+ return allFuncs
+ def getModuleByUrl( self, url ):
+ entry = self.modules.get(url)
+ load = True
+ lastRead = self.sfa.getDateTimeModified( url )
+ if entry:
+ if hasChanged( entry.lastRead, lastRead ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "file " + url + " has changed, reloading" )
+ else:
+ load = False
+ if load:
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "opening >" + url + "<" )
+ src = readTextFromStream( self.sfa.openFileRead( url ) )
+ checkForPythonPathBesideScript( url[0:url.rfind('/')] )
+ src = ensureSourceState( src )
+ # execute the module
+ entry = ModuleEntry( lastRead, imp.new_module("ooo_script_framework") )
+ entry.module.__dict__[GLOBAL_SCRIPTCONTEXT_NAME] = self.scriptContext
+ code = None
+ if url.startswith( "file:" ):
+ code = compile( src, encfile(uno.fileUrlToSystemPath( url ) ), "exec" )
+ else:
+ code = compile( src, url, "exec" )
+ exec code in entry.module.__dict__
+ entry.module.__file__ = url
+ self.modules[ url ] = entry
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "mapped " + url + " to " + str( entry.module ) )
+ return entry.module
+def isScript( candidate ):
+ ret = False
+ if isinstance( candidate, type(isScript) ):
+ ret = True
+ return ret
+class ScriptBrowseNode( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode , XPropertySet, XInvocation, XActionListener ):
+ def __init__( self, provCtx, uri, fileName, funcName ):
+ self.fileName = fileName
+ self.funcName = funcName
+ self.provCtx = provCtx
+ self.uri = uri
+ def getName( self ):
+ return self.funcName
+ def getChildNodes(self):
+ return ()
+ def hasChildNodes(self):
+ return False
+ def getType( self):
+ return SCRIPT
+ def getPropertyValue( self, name ):
+ ret = None
+ try:
+ if name == "URI":
+ ret = self.provCtx.uriHelper.getScriptURI(
+ self.provCtx.getPersistentUrlFromStorageUrl( self.uri + "$" + self.funcName ) )
+ elif name == "Editable" and ENABLE_EDIT_DIALOG:
+ ret = not self.provCtx.sfa.isReadOnly( self.uri )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "ScriptBrowseNode.getPropertyValue called for " + name + ", returning " + str(ret) )
+ except Exception,e:
+ log.error( "ScriptBrowseNode.getPropertyValue error " + lastException2String())
+ raise
+ return ret
+ def setPropertyValue( self, name, value ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "ScriptBrowseNode.setPropertyValue called " + name + "=" +str(value ) )
+ def getPropertySetInfo( self ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "ScriptBrowseNode.getPropertySetInfo called " )
+ return None
+ def getIntrospection( self ):
+ return None
+ def invoke( self, name, params, outparamindex, outparams ):
+ if name == "Editable":
+ servicename = ""
+ ctx = self.provCtx.scriptContext.getComponentContext()
+ dlgprov = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ servicename, ctx )
+ self.editor = dlgprov.createDialog(
+ "" +
+ "ScriptBindingLibrary.MacroEditor?location=application")
+ code = readTextFromStream(self.provCtx.sfa.openFileRead(self.uri))
+ code = ensureSourceState( code )
+ self.editor.getControl("EditorTextField").setText(code)
+ self.editor.getControl("RunButton").setActionCommand("Run")
+ self.editor.getControl("RunButton").addActionListener(self)
+ self.editor.getControl("SaveButton").setActionCommand("Save")
+ self.editor.getControl("SaveButton").addActionListener(self)
+ self.editor.execute()
+ return None
+ def actionPerformed( self, event ):
+ try:
+ if event.ActionCommand == "Run":
+ code = self.editor.getControl("EditorTextField").getText()
+ code = ensureSourceState( code )
+ mod = imp.new_module("ooo_script_framework")
+ mod.__dict__[GLOBAL_SCRIPTCONTEXT_NAME] = self.provCtx.scriptContext
+ exec code in mod.__dict__
+ values = mod.__dict__.get( CALLABLE_CONTAINER_NAME , None )
+ if not values:
+ values = mod.__dict__.values()
+ for i in values:
+ if isScript( i ):
+ i()
+ break
+ elif event.ActionCommand == "Save":
+ toWrite = uno.ByteSequence(
+ str(
+ self.editor.getControl("EditorTextField").getText().encode(
+ sys.getdefaultencoding())) )
+ copyUrl = self.uri + ".orig"
+ self.provCtx.sfa.move( self.uri, copyUrl )
+ out = self.provCtx.sfa.openFileWrite( self.uri )
+ out.writeBytes( toWrite )
+ out.close()
+ self.provCtx.sfa.kill( copyUrl )
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug("Save is not implemented yet")
+# text = self.editor.getControl("EditorTextField").getText()
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug("Would save: " + text)
+ except Exception,e:
+ # TODO: add an error box here !
+ log.error( lastException2String() )
+ def setValue( self, name, value ):
+ return None
+ def getValue( self, name ):
+ return None
+ def hasMethod( self, name ):
+ return False
+ def hasProperty( self, name ):
+ return False
+class FileBrowseNode( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode ):
+ def __init__( self, provCtx, uri , name ):
+ self.provCtx = provCtx
+ self.uri = uri
+ = name
+ self.funcnames = None
+ def getName( self ):
+ return
+ def getChildNodes(self):
+ ret = ()
+ try:
+ self.funcnames = self.provCtx.getFuncsByUrl( self.uri )
+ scriptNodeList = []
+ for i in self.funcnames:
+ scriptNodeList.append(
+ ScriptBrowseNode(
+ self.provCtx, self.uri,, i ))
+ ret = tuple( scriptNodeList )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "returning " +str(len(ret)) + " ScriptChildNodes on " + self.uri )
+ except Exception, e:
+ text = lastException2String()
+ log.error( "Error while evaluating " + self.uri + ":" + text )
+ raise
+ return ret
+ def hasChildNodes(self):
+ try:
+ return len(self.getChildNodes()) > 0
+ except Exception, e:
+ return False
+ def getType( self):
+ return CONTAINER
+class DirBrowseNode( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode ):
+ def __init__( self, provCtx, name, rootUrl ):
+ self.provCtx = provCtx
+ = name
+ self.rootUrl = rootUrl
+ def getName( self ):
+ return
+ def getChildNodes( self ):
+ try:
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "DirBrowseNode.getChildNodes called for " + self.rootUrl )
+ contents = self.provCtx.sfa.getFolderContents( self.rootUrl, True )
+ browseNodeList = []
+ for i in contents:
+ if i.endswith( ".py" ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "adding filenode " + i )
+ browseNodeList.append(
+ FileBrowseNode( self.provCtx, i, i[i.rfind("/")+1:len(i)-3] ) )
+ elif self.provCtx.sfa.isFolder( i ) and not i.endswith("/pythonpath"):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "adding DirBrowseNode " + i )
+ browseNodeList.append( DirBrowseNode( self.provCtx, i[i.rfind("/")+1:len(i)],i))
+ return tuple( browseNodeList )
+ except Exception, e:
+ text = lastException2String()
+ log.error( "DirBrowseNode error: " + str(e) + " while evaluating " + self.rootUrl)
+ log.error( text)
+ return ()
+ def hasChildNodes( self ):
+ return True
+ def getType( self ):
+ return CONTAINER
+ def getScript( self, uri ):
+ log.debug( "DirBrowseNode getScript " + uri + " invoked" )
+ raise IllegalArgumentException( "DirBrowseNode couldn't instantiate script " + uri , self , 0 )
+class ManifestHandler( XDocumentHandler, unohelper.Base ):
+ def __init__( self, rootUrl ):
+ self.rootUrl = rootUrl
+ def startDocument( self ):
+ self.urlList = []
+ def endDocument( self ):
+ pass
+ def startElement( self , name, attlist):
+ if name == "manifest:file-entry":
+ if attlist.getValueByName( "manifest:media-type" ) == "application/":
+ self.urlList.append(
+ self.rootUrl + "/" + attlist.getValueByName( "manifest:full-path" ) )
+ def endElement( self, name ):
+ pass
+ def characters ( self, chars ):
+ pass
+ def ignoreableWhitespace( self, chars ):
+ pass
+ def setDocumentLocator( self, locator ):
+ pass
+def isPyFileInPath( sfa, path ):
+ ret = False
+ contents = sfa.getFolderContents( path, True )
+ for i in contents:
+ if sfa.isFolder(i):
+ ret = isPyFileInPath(sfa,i)
+ else:
+ if i.endswith(".py"):
+ ret = True
+ if ret:
+ break
+ return ret
+# extracts META-INF directory from
+def getPathesFromPackage( rootUrl, sfa ):
+ ret = ()
+ try:
+ fileUrl = rootUrl + "/META-INF/manifest.xml"
+ inputStream = sfa.openFileRead( fileUrl )
+ parser = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager.createInstance( "" )
+ handler = ManifestHandler( rootUrl )
+ parser.setDocumentHandler( handler )
+ parser.parseStream( InputSource( inputStream , "", fileUrl, fileUrl ) )
+ for i in tuple(handler.urlList):
+ if not isPyFileInPath( sfa, i ):
+ handler.urlList.remove(i)
+ ret = tuple( handler.urlList )
+ except UnoException, e:
+ text = lastException2String()
+ log.debug( "getPathesFromPackage " + fileUrl + " Exception: " +text )
+ pass
+ return ret
+class Package:
+ def __init__( self, pathes, transientPathElement ):
+ self.pathes = pathes
+ self.transientPathElement = transientPathElement
+class DummyInteractionHandler( unohelper.Base, XInteractionHandler ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ pass
+ def handle( self, event):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: DummyInteractionHandler.handle " + str( event ) )
+class DummyProgressHandler( unohelper.Base, XProgressHandler ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ pass
+ def push( self,status ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: DummyProgressHandler.push " + str( status ) )
+ def update( self,status ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: DummyProgressHandler.update " + str( status ) )
+ def pop( self ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: DummyProgressHandler.push " + str( event ) )
+class CommandEnvironment(unohelper.Base, XCommandEnvironment):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.progressHandler = DummyProgressHandler()
+ self.interactionHandler = DummyInteractionHandler()
+ def getInteractionHandler( self ):
+ return self.interactionHandler
+ def getProgressHandler( self ):
+ return self.progressHandler
+#maybe useful for debugging purposes
+#class ModifyListener( unohelper.Base, XModifyListener ):
+# def __init__( self ):
+# pass
+# def modified( self, event ):
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: ModifyListener.modified " + str( event ) )
+# def disposing( self, event ):
+# log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: ModifyListener.disposing " + str( event ) )
+def mapStorageType2PackageContext( storageType ):
+ ret = storageType
+ if( storageType == "share:uno_packages" ):
+ ret = "shared"
+ if( storageType == "user:uno_packages" ):
+ ret = "user"
+ return ret
+def getPackageName2PathMap( sfa, storageType ):
+ ret = {}
+ packageManagerFactory = uno.getComponentContext().getValueByName(
+ "/singletons/" )
+ packageManager = packageManagerFactory.getPackageManager(
+ mapStorageType2PackageContext(storageType))
+# packageManager.addModifyListener( ModifyListener() )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: getPackageName2PathMap start getDeployedPackages" )
+ packages = packageManager.getDeployedPackages(
+ packageManager.createAbortChannel(), CommandEnvironment( ) )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "pythonscript: getPackageName2PathMap end getDeployedPackages (" + str(len(packages))+")" )
+ for i in packages:
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "inspecting package " + i.Name + "("+i.Identifier.Value+")" )
+ transientPathElement = penultimateElement( i.URL )
+ j = expandUri( i.URL )
+ pathes = getPathesFromPackage( j, sfa )
+ if len( pathes ) > 0:
+ # map package name to url, we need this later
+ log.isErrorLevel() and log.error( "adding Package " + transientPathElement + " " + str( pathes ) )
+ ret[ lastElement( j ) ] = Package( pathes, transientPathElement )
+ return ret
+def penultimateElement( aStr ):
+ lastSlash = aStr.rindex("/")
+ penultimateSlash = aStr.rindex("/",0,lastSlash-1)
+ return aStr[ penultimateSlash+1:lastSlash ]
+def lastElement( aStr):
+ return aStr[ aStr.rfind( "/" )+1:len(aStr)]
+class PackageBrowseNode( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode ):
+ def __init__( self, provCtx, name, rootUrl ):
+ self.provCtx = provCtx
+ = name
+ self.rootUrl = rootUrl
+ def getName( self ):
+ return
+ def getChildNodes( self ):
+ items = self.provCtx.mapPackageName2Path.items()
+ browseNodeList = []
+ for i in items:
+ if len( i[1].pathes ) == 1:
+ browseNodeList.append(
+ DirBrowseNode( self.provCtx, i[0], i[1].pathes[0] ))
+ else:
+ for j in i[1].pathes:
+ browseNodeList.append(
+ DirBrowseNode( self.provCtx, i[0]+"."+lastElement(j), j ) )
+ return tuple( browseNodeList )
+ def hasChildNodes( self ):
+ return len( self.mapPackageName2Path ) > 0
+ def getType( self ):
+ return CONTAINER
+ def getScript( self, uri ):
+ log.debug( "DirBrowseNode getScript " + uri + " invoked" )
+ raise IllegalArgumentException( "PackageBrowseNode couldn't instantiate script " + uri , self , 0 )
+class PythonScript( unohelper.Base, XScript ):
+ def __init__( self, func, mod ):
+ self.func = func
+ self.mod = mod
+ def invoke(self, args, out, outindex ):
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "PythonScript.invoke " + str( args ) )
+ try:
+ ret = self.func( *args )
+ except UnoException,e:
+ # UNO Exception continue to fly ...
+ text = lastException2String()
+ complete = "Error during invoking function " + \
+ str(self.func.__name__) + " in module " + \
+ self.mod.__file__ + " (" + text + ")"
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( complete )
+ # some people may beat me up for modifying the exception text,
+ # but otherwise office just shows
+ # the type name and message text with no more information,
+ # this is really bad for most users.
+ e.Message = e.Message + " (" + complete + ")"
+ raise
+ except Exception,e:
+ # General python exception are converted to uno RuntimeException
+ text = lastException2String()
+ complete = "Error during invoking function " + \
+ str(self.func.__name__) + " in module " + \
+ self.mod.__file__ + " (" + text + ")"
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( complete )
+ raise RuntimeException( complete , self )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "PythonScript.invoke ret = " + str( ret ) )
+ return ret, (), ()
+def expandUri( uri ):
+ if uri.startswith( "" ):
+ uri = uri.replace( "", "",1)
+ uri = uno.getComponentContext().getByName(
+ "/singletons/" ).expandMacros( uri )
+ if uri.startswith( "file:" ):
+ uri = uno.absolutize("",uri) # necessary to get rid of .. in uri
+ return uri
+class PythonScriptProvider( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode, XScriptProvider, XNameContainer):
+ def __init__( self, ctx, *args ):
+ if log.isDebugLevel():
+ mystr = ""
+ for i in args:
+ if len(mystr) > 0:
+ mystr = mystr +","
+ mystr = mystr + str(i)
+ log.debug( "Entering PythonScriptProvider.ctor" + mystr )
+ storageType = ""
+ if isinstance(args[0],unicode ):
+ storageType = args[0]
+ else:
+ storageType = args[0].SCRIPTING_DOC_URI
+ isPackage = storageType.endswith( ":uno_packages" )
+ try:
+# urlHelper = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(
+# "", (LANGUAGENAME, storageType), ctx)
+ urlHelper = MyUriHelper( ctx, storageType )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "got urlHelper " + str( urlHelper ) )
+ rootUrl = expandUri( urlHelper.getRootStorageURI() )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( storageType + " transformed to " + rootUrl )
+ ucbService = ""
+ sfa = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( ucbService, ctx )
+ if not sfa:
+ log.debug("PythonScriptProvider couldn't instantiate " +ucbService)
+ raise RuntimeException(
+ "PythonScriptProvider couldn't instantiate " +ucbService, self)
+ self.provCtx = ProviderContext(
+ storageType, sfa, urlHelper, ScriptContext( uno.getComponentContext(), None ) )
+ if isPackage:
+ mapPackageName2Path = getPackageName2PathMap( sfa, storageType )
+ self.provCtx.setPackageAttributes( mapPackageName2Path , rootUrl )
+ self.dirBrowseNode = PackageBrowseNode( self.provCtx, LANGUAGENAME, rootUrl )
+ else:
+ self.dirBrowseNode = DirBrowseNode( self.provCtx, LANGUAGENAME, rootUrl )
+ except Exception, e:
+ text = lastException2String()
+ log.debug( "PythonScriptProvider could not be instantiated because of : " + text )
+ raise e
+ def getName( self ):
+ return self.dirBrowseNode.getName()
+ def getChildNodes( self ):
+ return self.dirBrowseNode.getChildNodes()
+ def hasChildNodes( self ):
+ return self.dirBrowseNode.hasChildNodes()
+ def getType( self ):
+ return self.dirBrowseNode.getType()
+ def getScript( self, uri ):
+ log.debug( "DirBrowseNode getScript " + uri + " invoked" )
+ raise IllegalArgumentException( "DirBrowseNode couldn't instantiate script " + uri , self , 0 )
+ def getScript( self, scriptUri ):
+ try:
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "getScript " + scriptUri + " invoked")
+ storageUri = self.provCtx.getStorageUrlFromPersistentUrl(
+ self.provCtx.uriHelper.getStorageURI(scriptUri) );
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "getScript: storageUri = " + storageUri)
+ fileUri = storageUri[0:storageUri.find( "$" )]
+ funcName = storageUri[storageUri.find( "$" )+1:len(storageUri)]
+ mod = self.provCtx.getModuleByUrl( fileUri )
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( " got mod " + str(mod) )
+ func = mod.__dict__[ funcName ]
+ log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "got func " + str( func ) )
+ return PythonScript( func, mod )
+ except Exception, e:
+ text = lastException2String()
+ log.error( text )
+ raise ScriptFrameworkErrorException( text, self, scriptUri, LANGUAGENAME, 0 )
+ # XServiceInfo
+ def getSupportedServices( self ):
+ return g_ImplementationHelper.getSupportedServices(g_implName)
+ def supportsService( self, ServiceName ):
+ return g_ImplementationHelper.supportsService( g_implName, ServiceName )
+ def getImplementationName(self):
+ return g_implName
+ def getByName( self, name ):
+ log.debug( "getByName called" + str( name ))
+ return None
+ def getElementNames( self ):
+ log.debug( "getElementNames called")
+ return ()
+ def hasByName( self, name ):
+ try:
+ log.debug( "hasByName called " + str( name ))
+ uri = expandUri(name)
+ ret = self.provCtx.isUrlInPackage( uri )
+ log.debug( "hasByName " + uri + " " +str( ret ) )
+ return ret
+ except Exception, e:
+ text = lastException2String()
+ log.debug( "Error in hasByName:" + text )
+ return False
+ def removeByName( self, name ):
+ log.debug( "removeByName called" + str( name ))
+ uri = expandUri( name )
+ if self.provCtx.isUrlInPackage( uri ):
+ self.provCtx.removePackageByUrl( uri )
+ else:
+ log.debug( "removeByName unknown uri " + str( name ) + ", ignoring" )
+ raise NoSuchElementException( uri + "is not in package" , self )
+ log.debug( "removeByName called" + str( uri ) + " successful" )
+ def insertByName( self, name, value ):
+ log.debug( "insertByName called " + str( name ) + " " + str( value ))
+ uri = expandUri( name )
+ if isPyFileInPath( self.provCtx.sfa, uri ):
+ self.provCtx.addPackageByUrl( uri )
+ else:
+ # package is no python package ...
+ log.debug( "insertByName: no python files in " + str( uri ) + ", ignoring" )
+ raise IllegalArgumentException( uri + " does not contain .py files", self, 1 )
+ log.debug( "insertByName called " + str( uri ) + " successful" )
+ def replaceByName( self, name, value ):
+ log.debug( "replaceByName called " + str( name ) + " " + str( value ))
+ removeByName( name )
+ insertByName( name )
+ log.debug( "replaceByName called" + str( uri ) + " successful" )
+ def getElementType( self ):
+ log.debug( "getElementType called" )
+ return uno.getTypeByName( "void" )
+ def hasElements( self ):
+ log.debug( "hasElements got called")
+ return False
+g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \
+ PythonScriptProvider,g_implName, \
+ ("",
+log.debug( "pythonscript finished intializing" )