diff options
1 files changed, 3090 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/msfilter/msocximex.cxx b/svx/source/msfilter/msocximex.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3cd1912b3c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svx/source/msfilter/msocximex.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3090 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: msocximex.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: cmc $ $Date: 2000-10-10 14:14:41 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/text/VertOrientation.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/text/TextContentAnchorType.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShape.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPage.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XControlShape.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexContainer.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPageSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/form/XFormsSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/form/XForm.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/form/FormComponentType.hpp>
+#include <cppuhelper/extract.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFX_OBJSH_HXX
+#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
+#include <msocximex.hxx>
+#ifndef C2S
+#define C2S(cChar) String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cChar))
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+#if 0
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::form;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
+using namespace ::rtl;
+using namespace cppu;
+#define WW8_ASCII2STR(s) String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(s))
+static char sWW8_form[] = "WW-Standard";
+sal_uInt32 OCX_Control::pColor[25] = {
+0xC0C0C0, 0x008080, 0x000080, 0x808080, 0xC0C0C0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000,
+0x000000, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0x808080, 0x000080,
+0xFFFFFF, 0xC0C0C0, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x000000, 0xC0C0C0, 0xFFFFFF,
+0x000000, 0xC0C0C0, 0x000000, 0xFFFFC0 };
+sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA OCX_Control::aObjInfo[4] = {
+0x00, 0x12, 0x03, 0x00, };
+void Align(SvStorageStream *pS,int nAmount,BOOL bFill=FALSE)
+ if (pS->Tell()%nAmount)
+ {
+ if (bFill == FALSE)
+ pS->SeekRel(nAmount-(pS->Tell()%nAmount));
+ else
+ {
+ int nLen = nAmount-(pS->Tell()%nAmount);
+ for(int i=0;i<nLen;i++)
+ *pS << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ }
+ }
+sal_uInt16 OCX_Control::nStandardId(0x0200);
+sal_uInt16 OCX_FontData::nStandardId(0x0200);
+sal_uInt32 OCX_Control::ImportColor(sal_uInt32 nColor) const
+ sal_uInt8 nUpper = (sal_uInt8)( nColor >> 24 );
+ if (nUpper & 0x80) //Palette color, should be switch on bottom 24 bits
+ {
+ /*Might as well use my systems ones in the absence of any other ideas*/
+ nColor = nColor&0x00FFFFFF;
+ DBG_ASSERT (nColor <= 24,"Unknown Palette Index");
+ if (nColor > 24)
+ nColor = 0xFFFFFF;
+ else
+ nColor = pColor[nColor];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Stored in bgr! rather than rgb
+ nColor = SwapColor(nColor);
+ }
+ return nColor;
+sal_Int16 OCX_FontData::ImportAlign(sal_uInt8 nJustification) const
+ sal_Int16 nRet;
+ switch (nJustification)
+ {
+ default:
+ case 1:
+ nRet = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ nRet = 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ nRet = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return nRet;
+sal_uInt8 OCX_FontData::ExportAlign(sal_Int16 nAlign) const
+ sal_Int8 nRet;
+ switch (nAlign)
+ {
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ nRet = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ nRet = 2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ nRet = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ return nRet;
+sal_uInt32 OCX_Control::SwapColor(sal_uInt32 nColor) const
+ sal_uInt8 r(nColor&0xFF),g(((nColor)>>8)&0xFF),b((nColor>>16)&0xFF);
+ nColor = (r<<16) + (g<<8) + b;
+ return nColor;
+sal_uInt32 OCX_Control::ExportColor(sal_uInt32 nColor) const
+ sal_uInt8 nUpper = (sal_uInt8)( nColor >> 24 );
+ if (nUpper & 0x80) //Palette color, should be switch on bottom 24 bits
+ {
+ /*Might as well use my systems ones in the absence of any other ideas*/
+ nColor = nColor&0x00FFFFFF;
+ DBG_ASSERT (nColor <= 24,"Unknown Palette Index");
+ if (nColor > 24)
+ nColor = 0xFFFFFF;
+ else
+ nColor = pColor[nColor];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Stored in bgr! rather than rgb
+ nColor = SwapColor(nColor);
+ }
+ return nColor;
+sal_Int16 OCX_Control::ImportBorder(sal_uInt16 nSpecialEffect,
+ sal_uInt16 nBorderStyle) const
+ if ((nSpecialEffect == 0) && (nBorderStyle == 0))
+ return 0; //No Border
+ else if ((nSpecialEffect == 0) && (nBorderStyle == 1))
+ return 2; //Flat Border
+ return 1; //3D Border
+sal_uInt8 OCX_Control::ExportBorder(sal_uInt16 nBorder,sal_uInt8 &rBorderStyle)
+ const
+ sal_uInt8 nRet;
+ switch(nBorder)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ nRet = rBorderStyle = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case 1:
+ nRet = 2;
+ rBorderStyle = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ nRet = 3;
+ rBorderStyle = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return nRet;
+const uno::Reference< drawing::XDrawPage >&
+ SvxMSConvertOCXControls::GetDrawPage()
+ if( ! && pDocSh )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< drawing::XDrawPageSupplier > xTxtDoc(pDocSh->GetModel(),
+ uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ DBG_ASSERT(,"XDrawPageSupplier nicht vom XModel erhalten");
+ xDrawPage = xTxtDoc->getDrawPage();
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "XDrawPage nicht erhalten" );
+ }
+ return xDrawPage;
+const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >&
+ SvxMSConvertOCXControls::GetServiceFactory()
+ if( ! && pDocSh )
+ {
+ xServiceFactory = uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >
+ (pDocSh->GetBaseModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ "XMultiServiceFactory nicht vom Model erhalten" );
+ }
+ return xServiceFactory;
+const uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes >& SvxMSConvertOCXControls::GetShapes()
+ if( ! )
+ {
+ GetDrawPage();
+ if( )
+ {
+ xShapes = uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes >(xDrawPage,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "XShapes nicht vom XDrawPage erhalten" );
+ }
+ }
+ return xShapes;
+const uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer >&
+ SvxMSConvertOCXControls::GetFormComps()
+ if( ! )
+ {
+ GetDrawPage();
+ if( )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormsSupplier > xFormsSupplier( xDrawPage,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ "XFormsSupplier nicht vom XDrawPage erhalten" );
+ uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xNameCont =
+ xFormsSupplier->getForms();
+ // Das Formular bekommt einen Namen wie "WW-Standard[n]" und
+ // wird in jedem Fall neu angelegt.
+ UniString sName( sWW8_form, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ sal_uInt16 n = 0;
+ while( xNameCont->hasByName( sName ) )
+ {
+ sName.AssignAscii( sWW8_form );
+ sName += String::CreateFromInt32( ++n );
+ }
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory
+ = GetServiceFactory();
+ if( ! )
+ return xFormComps;
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance(WW8_ASCII2STR(
+ ""));
+ if( )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFormPropSet( xCreate,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xFormPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ uno::Reference< form::XForm > xForm( xCreate, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "keine Form?")
+ uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > xForms( xNameCont,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "XForms nicht erhalten" );
+ aTmp.setValue( &xForm,
+ ::getCppuType((uno::Reference < form::XForm >*)0));
+ xForms->insertByIndex( xForms->getCount(), aTmp );
+ xFormComps = uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer >
+ (xCreate, uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return xFormComps;
+sal_Bool OCX_CommandButton::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp,
+ awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName =
+ WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xCreate, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nBackColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"), aTmp);
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
+ if ((!(fEnabled)) || (fLocked))
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ if (pCaption)
+ {
+ UniString sTmp(pCaption,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_GroupBox::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_CommandButton::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x32, 0x05, 0xD7,
+ 0x69, 0xCE, 0xCD, 0x11, 0xA7, 0x77, 0x00, 0xDD,
+ 0x01, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x57, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x20, 0x43, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x6D,
+ 0x61, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x42, 0x75, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6F,
+ 0x6E, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D,
+ 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F,
+ 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00, 0x16, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E,
+ 0x43, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x42,
+ 0x75, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x43, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x00,
+ 0x61, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x42, 0x00,
+ 0x75, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00,
+ 0x6E, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(8);
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=0;//fEnabled;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp |= 0x02;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nCaptionLen = pStr->getLength();
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ nCaptionLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nCaptionLen;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ ByteString sByte(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ sal_uInt8 nTmp = 0x27;
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ nTmp |= 0x08;
+ *xContents << nTmp;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_ImageButton::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x32, 0x05, 0xD7,
+ 0x69, 0xCE, 0xCD, 0x11, 0xA7, 0x77, 0x00, 0xDD,
+ 0x01, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x57, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x20, 0x43, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x6D,
+ 0x61, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x42, 0x75, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6F,
+ 0x6E, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D,
+ 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F,
+ 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00, 0x16, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E,
+ 0x43, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x42,
+ 0x75, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x43, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x00,
+ 0x61, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x42, 0x00,
+ 0x75, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00,
+ 0x6E, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(8);
+ uno::Any aTmp=rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=0;//fEnabled;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp |= 0x02;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ sal_uInt8 nTmp = 0x26;
+ *xContents << nTmp;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_OptionButton::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp, awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName =
+ WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
+ if ((!(fEnabled)) || (fLocked))
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ INT16 nTmp = pValue[0]-0x30;
+ aTmp <<= nTmp;
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultState"), aTmp);
+ }
+ if (pCaption)
+ {
+ UniString sTmp(pCaption,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_OptionButton::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x50, 0x1D, 0xD2, 0x8B,
+ 0x42, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0x11, 0x9E, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0xF3, 0x21, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x4F, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69,
+ 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x42, 0x75, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x6E,
+ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x62,
+ 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F, 0x62,
+ 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E, 0x4F,
+ 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x42, 0x75, 0x74,
+ 0x74, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x39,
+ 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x4F, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00,
+ 0x6F, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x42, 0x00, 0x75, 0x00,
+ 0x74, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00,
+ 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(12);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0x80;
+ pBlockFlags[4] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[5] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[6] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[7] = 0;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=0;//=fEnabled;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp |= 0x02;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ nStyle = 5;
+ *xContents << nStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x40;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nValueLen = 1|0x80000000;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultState"));
+ INT16 nDefault;
+ aTmp >>= nDefault;
+ *xContents << nValueLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x40;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nCaptionLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nCaptionLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nCaptionLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x80;
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ nDefault += 0x30;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(nDefault);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[4];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[5];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[6];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[7];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_TextBox::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp, awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName =
+ WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xCreate, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ if (fLocked)
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nBackColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"), aTmp);
+ sal_Bool bTmp=fMultiLine;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTmp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("MultiLine"), aTmp);
+ INT16 nTmp = nMaxLength;
+ aTmp <<= nTmp;
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("MaxTextLen"), aTmp);
+ sal_Bool bTemp1,bTemp2;
+ uno::Any aBarsH,aBarsV;
+ switch(nScrollBars)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ bTemp1 = sal_True;
+ bTemp2 = sal_False;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ bTemp1 = sal_False;
+ bTemp2 = sal_True;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ bTemp1 = sal_True;
+ bTemp2 = sal_True;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ bTemp1 = sal_False;
+ bTemp2 = sal_False;
+ break;
+ }
+ aBarsH = bool2any(bTemp1);
+ aBarsV = bool2any(bTemp2);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("HScroll"), aBarsH);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("VScroll"), aBarsV);
+ nTmp = nPasswordChar;
+ aTmp <<= nTmp;
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("EchoChar"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportBorder(nSpecialEffect,nBorderStyle);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"), aTmp);
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultText"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_TextBox::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x1D, 0xD2, 0x8B,
+ 0x42, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0x11, 0x9E, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0xF3, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x78, 0x74,
+ 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x45, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64,
+ 0x20, 0x4F, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D,
+ 0x73, 0x2E, 0x54, 0x65, 0x78, 0x74, 0x42, 0x6F,
+ 0x78, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x54, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00,
+ 0x42, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(12);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0x00;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0x80;
+ pBlockFlags[4] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[5] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[6] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[7] = 0;
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=0x19;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"));
+ fLocked = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fLocked)
+ nTemp |= 0x04;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x48);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x80);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("MultiLine"));
+ fMultiLine = any2bool(aTmp);
+ nTemp = 0x2C;
+ if (fMultiLine)
+ nTemp |= 0x80;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("MaxTextLen"));
+ aTmp >>= nMaxLength;
+ *xContents << nMaxLength;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x08;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"));
+ sal_Int16 nBorder;
+ aTmp >>= nBorder;
+ nSpecialEffect = ExportBorder(nBorder,nBorderStyle);
+ *xContents << nBorderStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x10;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("HScroll"));
+ sal_Bool bTemp1 = any2bool(aTmp);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("VScroll"));
+ sal_Bool bTemp2 = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
+ nScrollBars =0;
+ else if (bTemp1 && bTemp2)
+ nScrollBars = 3;
+ else if (!bTemp1 && bTemp2)
+ nScrollBars = 2;
+ else
+ nScrollBars = 1;
+ *xContents << nScrollBars;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x20;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("EchoChar"));
+ UINT16 nTmp;
+ aTmp >>= nTmp;
+ nPasswordChar = nTmp;
+ *xContents << nPasswordChar;
+ pBlockFlags[1] |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultText"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nValueLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ {
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nValueLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nValueLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x40;
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << nSpecialEffect;
+ pBlockFlags[3] |= 0x04;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[4];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[5];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[6];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[7];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_FieldControl::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x1D, 0xD2, 0x8B,
+ 0x42, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0x11, 0x9E, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0xF3, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x78, 0x74,
+ 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x45, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64,
+ 0x20, 0x4F, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D,
+ 0x73, 0x2E, 0x54, 0x65, 0x78, 0x74, 0x42, 0x6F,
+ 0x78, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x54, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00,
+ 0x42, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(12);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0x00;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0x80;
+ pBlockFlags[4] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[5] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[6] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[7] = 0;
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=0x19;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"));
+ fLocked = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fLocked)
+ nTemp |= 0x04;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x48);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x80);
+ nTemp = 0x2C;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"));
+ sal_Int16 nBorder;
+ aTmp >>= nBorder;
+ nSpecialEffect = ExportBorder(nBorder,nBorderStyle);
+ *xContents << nBorderStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x10;
+#if 0 //Each control has a different Value format, and how to convert each to text has to be found out
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultText"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nValueLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ {
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nValueLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nValueLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x40;
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << nSpecialEffect;
+ pBlockFlags[3] |= 0x04;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+#if 0
+ if (nValueLen)
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[4];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[5];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[6];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[7];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_ToggleButton::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp, awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName =
+ WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
+ if ((!(fEnabled)) || (fLocked))
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ INT16 nTmp=pValue[0]-0x30;
+ aTmp <<= nTmp;
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultState"), aTmp);
+ }
+ if (pCaption)
+ {
+ UniString sTmp(pCaption,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_Label::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp,awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName = WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
+ if ((!(fEnabled)) || (fLocked))
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nBackColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportBorder(nSpecialEffect,nBorderStyle);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"), aTmp);
+ bTemp=fWordWrap;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("MultiLine"), aTmp);
+ if (pCaption)
+ {
+ UniString sTmp(pCaption,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_ComboBox::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp, awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName = WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xCreate, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTmp=fEnabled;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTmp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ bTmp=fLocked;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTmp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"), aTmp);
+ if (nDropButtonStyle)
+ bTmp=sal_True;
+ else
+ bTmp=sal_False;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTmp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Dropdown"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultText"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nBackColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportBorder(nSpecialEffect,nBorderStyle);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"), aTmp);
+ INT16 nTmp=nMaxLength;
+ aTmp <<= nTmp;
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("MaxTextLen"), aTmp);
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_ComboBox::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x30, 0x1D, 0xD2, 0x8B,
+ 0x42, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0x11, 0x9E, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0xF3, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x43, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x62,
+ 0x6F, 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65,
+ 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74,
+ 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72,
+ 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x6F,
+ 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x39,
+ 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x43, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00,
+ 0x6F, 0x00, 0x42, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00,
+ 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(12);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0x00;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0x80;
+ pBlockFlags[4] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[5] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[6] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[7] = 0;
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=0x19;//fEnabled;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"));
+ fLocked = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fLocked)
+ nTemp |= 0x04;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x48);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x80);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x2C);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"));
+ sal_Int16 nBorder;
+ aTmp >>= nBorder;
+ nSpecialEffect = ExportBorder(nBorder,nBorderStyle);
+ *xContents << nBorderStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x10;
+ nStyle = 3;
+ *xContents << nStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x40;
+ Align(xContents,2,TRUE);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("LineCount"));
+ aTmp >>= nListRows;
+ *xContents << nListRows;
+ pBlockFlags[1] |= 0x40;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(1); //DefaultSelected One
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x01;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Dropdown"));
+ nDropButtonStyle = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (nDropButtonStyle)
+ nDropButtonStyle=0x02;
+ *xContents << nDropButtonStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x04;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Text"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nValueLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ {
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ nValueLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nValueLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << nSpecialEffect;
+ pBlockFlags[3] |= 0x04;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[4];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[5];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[6];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[7];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_ListBox::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp, awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName = WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTmp=fEnabled;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTmp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ bTmp=fLocked;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTmp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ sal_Bool bTemp = nMultiState;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("MultiSelection"), aTmp);
+#if 0 //Don't delete this for now until I figure out if I can make this
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultText"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nBackColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportBorder(nSpecialEffect,nBorderStyle);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"), aTmp);
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_ListBox::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x20, 0x1D, 0xD2, 0x8B,
+ 0x42, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0x11, 0x9E, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0xF3, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74,
+ 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x45, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64,
+ 0x20, 0x4F, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D,
+ 0x73, 0x2E, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x42, 0x6F,
+ 0x78, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x4C, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00,
+ 0x42, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(12);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0x80;
+ pBlockFlags[4] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[5] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[6] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[7] = 0;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=fEnabled;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp = nTemp << 1;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("ReadOnly"));
+ fLocked = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fLocked)
+ nTemp |= 0x04;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("MultiSelection"));
+ nMultiState = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (nMultiState)
+ {
+ *xContents << nMultiState;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ nStyle = 2;
+ *xContents << nStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x40;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+#if 0
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultText"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nValueLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ {
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ nValueLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nValueLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+#if 0
+ if (nValueLen)
+ {
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[4];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[5];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[6];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[7];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_ModernControl::Read(SvStorageStream *pS)
+ *pS >> nIdentifier;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nIdentifier==nStandardId,
+ "A control that has a different identifier");
+ *pS >> nFixedAreaLen;
+ pS->Read(pBlockFlags,8);
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x01)
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fEnabled = (nTemp & 0x02) >> 1;
+ fLocked = (nTemp & 0x04) >> 2;
+ fBackStyle = (nTemp & 0x02) >> 3;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fColumnHeads = (nTemp & 0x04) >> 2;
+ fIntegralHeight = (nTemp & 0x08) >> 3;
+ fMatchRequired = (nTemp & 0x10) >> 4;
+ fAlignment = (nTemp & 0x20) >> 5;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fDragBehaviour = (nTemp & 0x08) >> 3;
+ fEnterKeyBehaviour = (nTemp & 0x10) >> 4;
+ fEnterFieldBehaviour = (nTemp & 0x20) >> 5;
+ fTabKeyBehaviour = (nTemp & 0x40) >> 6;
+ fWordWrap = (nTemp & 0x80) >> 7;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fSelectionMargin = (nTemp & 0x04) >> 2;
+ fAutoWordSelect = (nTemp & 0x08) >> 3;
+ fAutoSize = (nTemp & 0x10) >> 4;
+ fHideSelection = (nTemp & 0x20) >> 5;
+ fAutoTab = (nTemp & 0x40) >> 6;
+ fMultiLine = (nTemp & 0x80) >> 7;
+ }
+ /*If any of these are set they follow eachother in this order one after
+ another padded out to the next U32 boundary with 0's
+ U8 can abut each other U16 must start on a U16 boundary and are padded to
+ that with 0's. A standardish word alignment structure*/
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x02)
+ *pS >> nBackColor;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x04)
+ *pS >> nForeColor;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x08)
+ *pS >> nMaxLength;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x10)
+ *pS >> nBorderStyle;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x20)
+ *pS >> nScrollBars;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x40)
+ *pS >> nStyle;// (UI 0 == Data 3, UI 2 = Data 7)
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x80)
+ *pS >> nMousePointer;
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x02)
+ *pS >> nPasswordChar; //HUH ??? always 0 ??? not sure maybe just padding
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x04)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nListWidth;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x08)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nBoundColumn;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x10)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nTextColumn;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x20)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nColumnCount;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x40)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nListRows;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x80)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nUnknown8; //something to do with ColumnWidths
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x01)
+ *pS >> nMatchEntry;
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x02)
+ *pS >> nListStyle;
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x04)
+ *pS >> nShowDropButtonWhen;
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x10)
+ *pS >> nDropButtonStyle;
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x20)
+ *pS >> nMultiState;
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x40)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nValueLen; //bit 0x80000000L set
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[2] & 0x80)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nCaptionLen; //bit 0x80000000L set
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x01)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nHorzPos;
+ *pS >> nVertPos;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x02)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nBorderColor;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x04)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4); // NEW
+ *pS >> nSpecialEffect;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x08)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nIcon;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nIcon == 0xFFFF, "Unexpected nIcon");
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x10)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nPicture;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPicture == 0xFFFF, "Unexpected nIcon");
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x20)
+ *pS >> nAccelerator;
+ /*
+ if (pBlockFlags[3] & 0x80)
+ *pS >> nUnknown9;
+ */
+ if (pBlockFlags[4] & 0x01)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nGroupNameLen; // bit 0x80000000L set
+ }
+ //End
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nWidth;
+ *pS >> nHeight;
+ if (nValueLen)
+ {
+ nValueLen &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ pValue= new char[nValueLen+1];
+ pS->Read(pValue,nValueLen);
+ pValue[nValueLen]=0;
+ Align(pS,4);
+ }
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ nCaptionLen &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ pCaption = new char[nCaptionLen+1];
+ pS->Read(pCaption,nCaptionLen);
+ pCaption[nCaptionLen]=0;
+ Align(pS,4);
+ }
+ if (nGroupNameLen)
+ {
+ nGroupNameLen &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ pGroupName = new char[nGroupNameLen+1];
+ pS->Read(pGroupName,nGroupNameLen);
+ pGroupName[nGroupNameLen]=0;
+ Align(pS,4);
+ }
+ if (nIcon)
+ {
+ pS->Read(pIconHeader,20);
+ *pS >> nIconLen;
+ pIcon = new sal_uInt8[nIconLen];
+ pS->Read(pIcon,nIconLen);
+ }
+ if (nPicture)
+ {
+ pS->Read(pPictureHeader,20);
+ *pS >> nPictureLen;
+ pPicture = new sal_uInt8[nPictureLen];
+ pS->Read(pPicture,nPictureLen);
+ }
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_CommandButton::Read(SvStorageStream *pS)
+ *pS >> nIdentifier;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nStandardId==nIdentifier,
+ "A control that has a different identifier");
+ *pS >> nFixedAreaLen;
+ pS->Read(pBlockFlags,4);
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x01)
+ *pS >> nForeColor;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x02)
+ *pS >> nBackColor;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x04)
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fEnabled = (nTemp&0x02)>>1;
+ fLocked = (nTemp&0x04)>>2;
+ fBackStyle = (nTemp&0x08)>>3;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fWordWrap = (nTemp&0x80)>>7;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fAutoSize = (nTemp&0x10)>>4;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x08)
+ *pS >> nCaptionLen;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x10) /*Picture Position, a strange mechanism here*/
+ {
+ *pS >> nVertPos;
+ *pS >> nHorzPos;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x40) /*MousePointer*/
+ *pS >> nMousePointer;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x80)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nPicture;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x01)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nAccelerator;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x04)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nIcon;
+ }
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ nCaptionLen &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ pCaption = new char[nCaptionLen+1];
+ pS->Read(pCaption,nCaptionLen);
+ pCaption[nCaptionLen]=0;
+ }
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nWidth;
+ *pS >> nHeight;
+ if (nIcon)
+ {
+ pS->Read(pIconHeader,20);
+ *pS >> nIconLen;
+ pIcon = new sal_uInt8[nIconLen];
+ pS->Read(pIcon,nIconLen);
+ }
+ if (nPicture)
+ {
+ pS->Read(pPictureHeader,20);
+ *pS >> nPictureLen;
+ pPicture = new sal_uInt8[nPictureLen];
+ pS->Read(pPicture,nPictureLen);
+ }
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_Label::Read(SvStorageStream *pS)
+ *pS >> nIdentifier;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nStandardId==nIdentifier,
+ "A control that has a different identifier");
+ *pS >> nFixedAreaLen;
+ pS->Read(pBlockFlags,4);
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x01)
+ *pS >> nForeColor;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x02)
+ *pS >> nBackColor;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x04)
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fEnabled = (nTemp&0x02)>>1;
+ fLocked = (nTemp&0x04)>>2;
+ fBackStyle = (nTemp&0x08)>>3;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fWordWrap = (nTemp&0x80)>>7;
+ *pS >> nTemp;
+ fAutoSize = (nTemp&0x10)>>4;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x08)
+ *pS >> nCaptionLen;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x10)
+ {
+ *pS >> nVertPos;
+ *pS >> nHorzPos;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x40)
+ *pS >> nMousePointer;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x80)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nBorderColor;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x01)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nBorderStyle;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x02)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nSpecialEffect;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x04)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nPicture;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x08)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nAccelerator;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[1] & 0x10)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nIcon;
+ }
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ nCaptionLen &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ pCaption = new char[nCaptionLen+1];
+ pS->Read(pCaption,nCaptionLen);
+ pCaption[nCaptionLen]=0;
+ Align(pS,4);
+ }
+ *pS >> nWidth;
+ *pS >> nHeight;
+ if (nIcon)
+ {
+ pS->Read(pIconHeader,20);
+ *pS >> nIconLen;
+ pIcon = new sal_uInt8[nIconLen];
+ pS->Read(pIcon,nIconLen);
+ }
+ if (nPicture)
+ {
+ pS->Read(pPictureHeader,20);
+ *pS >> nPictureLen;
+ pPicture = new sal_uInt8[nPictureLen];
+ pS->Read(pPicture,nPictureLen);
+ }
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_Label::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x23, 0x9E, 0x8C, 0x97,
+ 0xB0, 0xD4, 0xCE, 0x11, 0xBF, 0x2D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x3F, 0x40, 0xD0, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x4C, 0x61, 0x62, 0x65,
+ 0x6C, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D,
+ 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F,
+ 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E,
+ 0x4C, 0x61, 0x62, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x4C, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
+ 0x6C, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aTest[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x4C, 0x61, 0x62, 0x65,
+ 0x6C, 0x31, 0x18, 0x00, 0xEC, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x7B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00,
+ 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0xC3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x54, 0x69, 0x6D, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4E, 0x65,
+ 0x77, 0x20, 0x52, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x00,
+ };
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(8);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0x20;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x02;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=fEnabled;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp = nTemp << 1;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("MultiLine"));
+ fWordWrap = any2bool(aTmp);
+ nTemp=fWordWrap;
+ nTemp = nTemp << 7;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nCaptionLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ nCaptionLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nCaptionLen;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x08;
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ }
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"));
+ sal_Int16 nBorder;
+ aTmp >>= nBorder;
+ sal_uInt8 nNewBorder;
+ nSpecialEffect = ExportBorder(nBorder,nNewBorder);
+ nBorderStyle = nNewBorder;
+ *xContents << nBorderStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[1] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << nSpecialEffect;
+ pBlockFlags[1] |= 0x02;
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+typedef OCX_Control *(*FNCreate)();
+struct OCX_map
+ FNCreate pCreate;
+ const char *sId;
+ sal_Int16 nId;
+ const char *sName;
+static const int NO_OCX=16;
+OCX_map aOCXTab[NO_OCX] =
+ {&OCX_CommandButton::Create,"D7053240-CE69-11CD-a777-00dd01143c57",
+ form::FormComponentType::COMMANDBUTTON,"CommandButton"},
+ {&OCX_Label::Create, "978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-bf2d-00aa003f40d0",
+ form::FormComponentType::FIXEDTEXT,"Label"},
+ {&OCX_TextBox::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::TEXTFIELD,"TextBox"},
+ {&OCX_ListBox::Create,"8BD21D20-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::LISTBOX,"ListBox"},
+ {&OCX_ComboBox::Create,"8BD21D30-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::COMBOBOX,"ComboBox"},
+ {&OCX_CheckBox::Create,"8BD21D40-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::CHECKBOX,"CheckBox"},
+ {&OCX_OptionButton::Create,"8BD21D50-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::RADIOBUTTON,"OptionButton"},
+ {&OCX_ToggleButton::Create,"8BD21D60-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ -1,"ToggleButton"},
+ {&OCX_Image::Create,"4C599241-6926-101B-9992-00000b65c6f9",
+ form::FormComponentType::IMAGECONTROL,"Image"},
+ {&OCX_FieldControl::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::DATEFIELD,"TextBox"},
+ {&OCX_FieldControl::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::TIMEFIELD,"TextBox"},
+ {&OCX_FieldControl::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::NUMERICFIELD,"TextBox"},
+ {&OCX_FieldControl::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::CURRENCYFIELD,"TextBox"},
+ {&OCX_FieldControl::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::PATTERNFIELD,"TextBox"},
+#if 0
+ {&OCX_FieldControl::Create,"8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3",
+ form::FormComponentType::FORMULAFIELD,"TextBox"},
+ {&OCX_ImageButton::Create,"D7053240-CE69-11CD-a777-00dd01143c57",
+ form::FormComponentType::IMAGEBUTTON,"CommandButton"},
+ {&OCX_GroupBox::Create,"",
+ form::FormComponentType::GROUPBOX,""}
+OCX_Control * SvxMSConvertOCXControls::OCX_Factory(const String &sName)
+ for (int i=0;i<NO_OCX;i++)
+ {
+ if ( sName.EqualsAscii( aOCXTab[i].sId ))
+ return(aOCXTab[i].pCreate());
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+OCX_Control * SvxMSConvertOCXControls::OCX_Factory(
+ const uno::Reference< awt::XControlModel > &rControlModel,
+ String &rId, String &rName)
+ rName.Erase();
+ rId.Erase();
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(
+ rControlModel,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ uno::Any aTmp = xPropSet->getPropertyValue(
+ OUString::createFromAscii("ClassId"));
+ sal_Int16 nClassId = *(sal_Int16*) aTmp.getValue();
+//Begin nasty hack
+ /*
+ There is a truly horrible thing with EditControls and FormattedField
+ Controls, they both pretend to have an EDITBOX ClassId for compability
+ reasons, at some stage in the future hopefully there will be a proper
+ FormulaField ClassId rather than this piggybacking two controls onto the
+ same ClassId, when this happens uncomment the FORMULAFIELD in the OCX_Tab
+ and delete this block, cmc.
+ And also the nClassId for ImageControls is being reported as "CONTROL"
+ rather than IMAGECONTROL
+ */
+ if (nClassId == form::FormComponentType::TEXTFIELD)
+ {
+ uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xInfo(rControlModel,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if (xInfo->
+ supportsService(OUString::createFromAscii(
+ "")))
+ {
+ rId.AppendAscii("8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9e0d-00aa006002f3");
+ rName.AppendAscii("TextBox");
+ return new OCX_FieldControl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nClassId == form::FormComponentType::CONTROL)
+ {
+ uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xInfo(rControlModel,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if (xInfo->
+ supportsService(OUString::createFromAscii(
+ "")))
+ nClassId = form::FormComponentType::IMAGECONTROL;
+ }
+//End nasty hack
+ //sal_Int16 nClassId = FormComponentType::COMMANDBUTTON;
+ for (int i=0;i<NO_OCX;i++)
+ {
+ if ( nClassId == aOCXTab[i].nId )
+ {
+ rId.AppendAscii(aOCXTab[i].sId);
+ rName.AppendAscii(aOCXTab[i].sName);
+ return(aOCXTab[i].pCreate());
+ }
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+sal_Bool SvxMSConvertOCXControls::ReadOCXStream( SvStorageRef& rSrc1,
+ uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > *pShapeRef,BOOL bFloatingCtrl)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_False;
+ SvStorageStreamRef xSrc2 = rSrc1->OpenStream( WW8_ASCII2STR("\3OCXNAME") );
+ SvStorageStream* pSt = xSrc2;
+ xSrc2 = rSrc1->OpenStream( WW8_ASCII2STR("contents") );
+ pSt = xSrc2;
+ /*Get Class Id of this object, see if it is one of the types
+ *that this importer can handle, call the appropiate handler
+ to read that control, and call the appropiate handler to
+ insert that control
+ */
+ OCX_Control *pObj=NULL;
+ SvGlobalName aTest = rSrc1->GetClassName();
+ if (pObj = OCX_Factory(aTest.GetHexName()))
+ {
+ com::sun::star::awt::Size aSz;
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > xFComp;
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rServiceFactory =
+ GetServiceFactory();
+ if(!
+ return(sal_False);
+ if(bRet = pObj->FullRead(pSt))
+ if (pObj->Import(rServiceFactory,xFComp,aSz))
+ bRet = InsertControl( xFComp, aSz,pShapeRef,bFloatingCtrl);
+ delete pObj;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool SvxMSConvertOCXControls::WriteOCXStream( SvStorageRef& rSrc1,
+ const uno::Reference< awt::XControlModel > &rControlModel,
+ const awt::Size &rSize, String &rName)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_False;
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "UNO-Control missing Model, panic!" );
+ if( ! )
+ return sal_False;
+#if 0
+ uno::Any aTmp = xPropSet->getPropertyValue(
+ OUString::createFromAscii("ClassId"));
+ sal_Int16 nClassId = *(sal_Int16*) aTmp.getValue();
+ OCX_Control *pObj=NULL;
+ String sId;
+ if (pObj = OCX_Factory(rControlModel,sId,rName))
+ {
+ uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet(rControlModel,
+ uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ SvGlobalName aName;
+ aName.MakeId(sId);
+ String sFullName(String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(
+ "Microsoft Forms 2.0 ")));
+ sFullName.Append(rName);
+ rSrc1->SetClass(aName,0x5C,sFullName);
+ // ^^^^, this pathetic 0x5c is the magic number
+ // which the lack of originally blocked the implementation of
+ // the controls export
+ // cmc
+ bRet = pObj->Export(rSrc1,xPropSet,rSize);
+ delete pObj;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_CheckBox::Import(
+ const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > &rServiceFactory,
+ uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > &rFComp, awt::Size &rSz)
+ OUString sServiceName = WW8_ASCII2STR("");
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xCreate =
+ rServiceFactory->createInstance( sServiceName );
+ if( ! )
+ return(sal_False);
+ rFComp = uno::Reference< form::XFormComponent > (xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if( ! )
+ return(sal_False);
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xCreate,uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ rSz.Width = nWidth;
+ rSz.Height = nHeight;
+ uno::Any aTmp(&sName,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Name"), aTmp );
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
+ if ((!(fEnabled)) || (fLocked))
+ bTemp = sal_False;
+ else
+ bTemp = sal_True;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"), aTmp);
+ aTmp <<= ImportColor(nForeColor);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"), aTmp);
+ bTemp = nMultiState;
+ aTmp = bool2any(bTemp);
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("TriState"), aTmp);
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ INT16 nTmp=pValue[0]-0x30;
+ aTmp <<= nTmp;
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultState"), aTmp);
+ }
+ if (pCaption)
+ {
+ UniString sTmp(pCaption,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ xPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"), aTmp);
+ }
+ aFontData.Import(xPropSet);
+ return(sal_True);
+sal_Bool OCX_CheckBox::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x1D, 0xD2, 0x8B,
+ 0x42, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0x11, 0x9E, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xAA,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0xF3, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x43, 0x68, 0x65, 0x63,
+ 0x6B, 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65,
+ 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74,
+ 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72,
+ 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x68, 0x65, 0x63, 0x6B,
+ 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x39,
+ 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x43, 0x00, 0x68, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00,
+ 0x6B, 0x00, 0x42, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00,
+ 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aTest[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x34, 0x00, 0x46, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0xE2, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x95, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x30, 0x69, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x43, 0x68, 0x65, 0x63,
+ 0x6B, 0x42, 0x6F, 0x78, 0x31, 0x20, 0x52, 0x6F,
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x54, 0x69, 0x6D, 0x65,
+ 0x73, 0x20, 0x4E, 0x65, 0x77, 0x20, 0x52, 0x6F,
+ 0x6D, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x00,
+ };
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(12);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x01;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0x80;
+ pBlockFlags[4] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[5] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[6] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[7] = 0;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp=fEnabled;
+ if (fEnabled)
+ nTemp = nTemp << 1;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x01;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TextColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nForeColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nForeColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x04;
+ nStyle = 4;
+ *xContents << nStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x40;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("TriState"));
+ nMultiState = any2bool(aTmp);
+ *xContents << nMultiState;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x20;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nValueLen = 1|0x80000000;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("DefaultState"));
+ INT16 nDefault;
+ aTmp >>= nDefault;
+ *xContents << nValueLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x40;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Label"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nCaptionLen = pStr->getLength();
+ ByteString sByte;
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ {
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nCaptionLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *xContents << nCaptionLen;
+ pBlockFlags[2] |= 0x80;
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ }
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ nDefault += 0x30;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(nDefault);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ if (nCaptionLen)
+ xContents->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ bRet = aFontData.Export(xContents,rPropSet);
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[4];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[5];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[6];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[7];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;
+sal_Bool OCX_FontData::Read(SvStorageStream *pS)
+ *pS >> nIdentifier;
+ *pS >> nFixedAreaLen;
+ pS->Read(pBlockFlags,4);
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x01)
+ *pS >> nFontNameLen;
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x02)
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 nTmp;
+ *pS >> nTmp;
+ fBold = nTmp & 0x01;
+ fItalic = (nTmp & 0x02) >> 1;
+ fUnderline = (nTmp & 0x04) >> 2;
+ fStrike = (nTmp & 0x08) >> 3;
+ fUnknown1 = (nTmp & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ *pS >> nUnknown2;
+ *pS >> nUnknown3;
+ *pS >> nUnknown4;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x04)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ *pS >> nFontSize;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x10)
+ {
+ Align(pS,2);
+ *pS >> nLanguageID;
+ }
+ if (pBlockFlags[0] & 0x40)
+ *pS >> nJustification;
+ if (nFontNameLen)
+ {
+ Align(pS,4);
+ nFontNameLen &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ pFontName = new char[nFontNameLen+1];
+ pS->Read(pFontName,nFontNameLen);
+ pFontName[nFontNameLen]=0;
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+void OCX_FontData::Import(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet)
+ uno::Any aTmp;
+ if (pFontName)
+ {
+ UniString sTmp(pFontName,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OUString sStr = sTmp;
+ aTmp.setValue(&sStr,getCppuType((OUString *)0));
+ rPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("FontName"), aTmp);
+ }
+ if (bHasAlign)
+ {
+ sal_Int16 nAlign = ImportAlign(nJustification);
+ aTmp <<= nAlign;
+ rPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("Align"), aTmp);
+ }
+ if (fBold)
+ {
+ float nBold=150;
+ aTmp.setValue(&nBold,getCppuType((float *)0));
+ rPropSet->setPropertyValue( WW8_ASCII2STR("FontWeight"), aTmp);
+ }
+sal_Bool OCX_FontData::Export(SvStorageStreamRef &rContent,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet)
+ sal_uInt8 nFlags=0x00;
+ nFixedAreaLen = rContent->Tell();
+ rContent->SeekRel(8);
+ ByteString sByte;
+ uno::Any aTmp;
+ if (bHasFont)
+ {
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("FontName"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ nFontNameLen = pStr->getLength();
+ if (nFontNameLen)
+ sByte = ByteString(String(*pStr),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ }
+ if (!nFontNameLen)
+ {
+ sByte = ByteString("Times New Roman");
+ nFontNameLen = sByte.Len();
+ }
+ nFontNameLen |= 0x80000000;
+ *rContent << nFontNameLen;
+ nFlags |= 0x01;
+ if (bHasFont)
+ {
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("FontWeight"));
+ float nBold;
+ aTmp >>= nBold;
+ if (nBold >= 150)
+ {
+ nFlags |= 0x02;
+ sal_uInt8 nTmp=0x01;
+ *rContent << nTmp;
+ nTmp=0x00;
+ *rContent << nTmp;
+ *rContent << nTmp;
+ *rContent << nTmp;
+ }
+ if (bHasAlign)
+ {
+ *rContent << sal_uInt16(0x0200);
+ nFlags |= 0x10;
+ nFlags |= 0x20; // ?
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Align"));
+ nFlags |= 0x40;
+ sal_Int16 nAlign;
+ aTmp >>= nAlign;
+ nJustification = ExportAlign(nAlign);
+ *rContent << nJustification;
+ }
+ }
+ Align(rContent,4,TRUE);
+ rContent->Write(sByte.GetBuffer(),sByte.Len());
+ Align(rContent,4,TRUE);
+ UINT32 nOldPos = nFixedAreaLen;
+ nFixedAreaLen = rContent->Tell()-nFixedAreaLen;
+ nFixedAreaLen -= 4;
+ rContent->Seek(nOldPos);
+ *rContent << nStandardId;
+ *rContent << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *rContent << nFlags;
+ *rContent << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *rContent << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *rContent << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool OCX_Image::Export(SvStorageRef &rObj,
+ const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet,
+ const awt::Size &rSize)
+ sal_Bool bRet=sal_True;
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aCompObj[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x41, 0x92, 0x59, 0x4C,
+ 0x26, 0x69, 0x1B, 0x10, 0x99, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x0B, 0x65, 0xC6, 0xF9, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x4D, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x6F, 0x66,
+ 0x74, 0x20, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x20,
+ 0x32, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x20, 0x49, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x67,
+ 0x65, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x6D,
+ 0x62, 0x65, 0x64, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x4F,
+ 0x62, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x2E,
+ 0x49, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0xF4, 0x39, 0xB2, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\1CompObj")));
+ xStor->Write(aCompObj,sizeof(aCompObj));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor3( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3ObjInfo")));
+ xStor3->Write(aObjInfo,sizeof(aObjInfo));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor3.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor3->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aOCXNAME[] = {
+ 0x49, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x67, 0x00,
+ 0x65, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xStor2( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("\3OCXNAME")));
+ xStor2->Write(aOCXNAME,sizeof(aOCXNAME));
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xStor2.Is() && (SVSTREAM_OK == xStor2->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ {
+ SvStorageStreamRef xContents( rObj->OpenStream( C2S("contents")));
+ xContents->SeekRel(8);
+ pBlockFlags[0] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[1] = 0x02;
+ pBlockFlags[2] = 0;
+ pBlockFlags[3] = 0;
+ uno::Any aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(
+ WW8_ASCII2STR("BackgroundColor"));
+ aTmp >>= nBackColor;
+ *xContents << ExportColor(nBackColor);
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x10;
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Border"));
+ sal_Int16 nBorder;
+ aTmp >>= nBorder;
+ nSpecialEffect = ExportBorder(nBorder,nBorderStyle);
+ *xContents << nBorderStyle;
+ pBlockFlags[0] |= 0x20;
+ *xContents << nSpecialEffect;
+ pBlockFlags[1] |= 0x01;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("Enabled"));
+ fEnabled = any2bool(aTmp);
+ if (fEnabled)
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 nTemp = 0x19;
+ *xContents << nTemp;
+ pBlockFlags[1] |= 0x20;
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ *xContents << sal_uInt8(0x00);
+ }
+ aTmp = rPropSet->getPropertyValue(WW8_ASCII2STR("ImageURL"));
+ OUString *pStr = (OUString *)aTmp.getValue();
+ /*Magically fetch that image and turn it into something that
+ *we can store in ms controls, wmf,png,jpg are almost certainly
+ *the options we have for export...*/
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ *xContents << rSize.Width;
+ *xContents << rSize.Height;
+ Align(xContents,4,TRUE);
+ nFixedAreaLen = xContents->Tell();
+ nFixedAreaLen-=4;
+ xContents->Seek(0);
+ *xContents << nStandardId;
+ *xContents << nFixedAreaLen;
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[0];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[1];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[2];
+ *xContents << pBlockFlags[3];
+ DBG_ASSERT(!(xContents.Is() &&
+ (SVSTREAM_OK == xContents->GetError)),"damn");
+ }
+ return bRet;