** Yet more smb:/// problems ( in 1.1.4 ) It seems the regexp is capturing slot:/// URIs that are vital for various reasons (although the UCP itself never seems to see these - oddly). The change to the '://' URI pattern match was rather a failure. ucb/source/core/ucb.cxx (registerContentProvider) is passed the regexp as 'Scheme' -> typedef ucb::RegexpMap< ProviderList_Impl > ProviderMap_Impl; m_aProviders ... ucb.cxx (queryContentProvider) calls 'map' in ucb/source/inc/regexpmap.hxx -> ucb/source/inc/regexpmap.tpt Val const * RegexpMap< Val >::map(rtl::OUString const & rString, rtl::OUString * pTranslation, bool * pTranslated) const { for (int n = Regexp::KIND_DOMAIN; n >= Regexp::KIND_PREFIX; --n) { List< Val > const & rTheList = m_pImpl->m_aList[n]; List< Val >::const_iterator aEnd(rTheList.end()); for (List< Val >::const_iterator aIt(rTheList.begin()); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt) if (aIt->m_aRegexp.matches(rString, pTranslation, pTranslated)) return &aIt->m_aValue; } if (m_pImpl->m_pDefault && m_pImpl->m_pDefault->m_aRegexp.matches(rString, pTranslation, pTranslated)) return &m_pImpl->m_pDefault->m_aValue; return 0; } ** Older 2.0 smb:/// problems Tracing smb:/// problems: auth callbacks have changed incompatibly cf. gnome-vfs-standard-callbacks.h + we're getting fill-authentication & full-authentication information, never the 'simple-authentication' we crave. + revision 1.9 date: 2003/12/04 20:37:55; author: alexl; state: Exp; lines: +122 -0 2003-12-04 Alexander Larsson * libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs.h: Include gnome-vfs-standard-callbacks.h * libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-standard-callbacks.h: Add new standard auth callbacks + ie. in the 2.5.x development cycle, + ergo we need to depend on 2.6.x + NLD & JDS etc. foo have this ... Tracing Domain problem (non apperance in auth dialog): + uui/source/iahndl.cxx /::handle/ -> handleAuthenticationRequest -> executeLoginDialog an empty Realm == no realm (sigh) + can't set realm ... #7 0x43821670 in UUIInteractionHandler::executeLoginDialog () from /opt/OOInstall/program/libuui680li.so #8 0x438246ca in UUIInteractionHandler::handleAuthenticationRequest () from /opt/OOInstall/program/libuui680li.so #9 0x4381b097 in UUIInteractionHandler::handle () from /opt/OOInstall/program/libuui680li.so #10 0x40d6d9d9 in ucbhelper::InterceptedInteraction::impl_handleDefault () from /opt/OOInstall/program/libucbhelper3gcc3.so Tracing nasty infinite loop with wrong pwd & 'remember pwd' checked -> handleAuthenticationRequest -> getContinuations ( ... xSupplyAuthentication ) ( XInteractionSupplyAuthentication ) -> Get password container service: "com.sun.star.task.PasswordContainer" Tracing some bugs in the VFS / URI load process: desktop/source/app/app.cxx (GetURL_Impl) from: desktop/source/app/dispatchwatcher.cxx failing in: tools/source/fsys/urlobj.cxx: INetURLObject::smartRel2Abs then to: framework/source/services/desktop.cxx (loadComponentFromURL) to: framework/source/loadenv/loadenv.cxx (classifyContent) -> Failing on UCB service lookup.