nsplugin -------- * consists of 2 files: libnpsoplugin.so and nsplugin, both are and should stay in .../program * libnpsoplugin.so is the plugin for mozilla, needs to be registered at mozilla. It calls nsplugin. * Two possibilities of enabling: - users' choice: there's an option to enable it in OOo's options; OOo then creates a symlink from ~/.mozilla/plugins to that .so - packagers choice: install symlinks in mozillas / firefox' plugin dir (/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or /opt/mozilla/lib/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla-forefox-plugins or /opt/MozillaFirefox/lib/plugins or whereever it lies on your system for Mozilla and Firefox) to that .so, affects everyone and is enabled in Mozilla. * Problems: - what is the priority? mozplugger in Debian seems to supersede OOo's plugin if both are installed... Does mozilla have a priority system for the plugins? * problems found in src680_102: - cannot be enabled globally by the system administrator, i#49590 - mozilla crashes if the document or tab is closed, i#49593 - the plugin eats all the events from keyboard, i#49595