== Export as PDF does not export selected sheets == * The user wants to export the 2nd and 3rd sheets as pdf document. So, she selects the 2nd and 3rd sheets by ctrl-click with the mouse cursor. * She clicks the "quick export to PDF" icon in the tool bar, but only sees the first sheet exported as pdf. Note that the first sheet is not selected. * She then tries File - Export as PDF menu, which brings up more detailed pdf export options in the dialog. She selects 'Selection' in the Range option, and hits "Export" button at the bottom. But the pdf document still contains the first sheet, not the 2nd and 3rd sheets that she wanted to export. * After lots of struggle, she realizes that her document has a non-default print range set. So she removes the print range by Format - Print Ranges - Remove, then tries to export as PDF by File - Export as PDF menu once again (and select 'Selection' in the Range option). * This time she succeeds; the PDF document only contains the 2nd and 3rd sheets. == Unable to type a formula into a cell and have it computed. == * The user tries to type a formula expression into a cell, an expression such as '=SUM(A1:A10)'. * However, even after hitting ENTER, that expression remains displayed as-is, instead of it being interpreted and the result being displayed. * She then realizes that the format of that cell is set to TEXT, resets it to Default and re-enters the formula. This time, it gets interpreted.