%site-entities; ]> 1999-10-31 00:00

As of 9:10pm PST Oct 31, 1999, GStreamer has officially become a public project. I've released 0.0.9, in it's current somewhat sorry state, to get it out to anyone who wants to look around. A 0.1.0 release is planned in the near future (a couple weeks away, maybe) with a lot more of the plugins actually working, but for now it's still pretty cool.

<drumroll>And here it is...</drumroll>: gstreamer-0.0.9.tar.gz

GStreamer 0.0.9 released!
2000-01-27 00:00

I've just set up a SourceForge project for GStreamer, which means the page is now hosted on their servers, and CVS access will be up soon. You can go to the project's home page on SourceForge for mailing lists, forum discussions, release, etc. All of it will be here as well, eventually.

GStreamer now a SourceForge
2000-03-23 00:00

This redesign of the website should allow better structure and more documentation to show up as it's written.

New website design
2001-01-10 00:00

Today we finally released version 0.1.0, dubbed "Slipstream". The number of features is astounding even to us, which is why it's taken 3 days since code-freeze just to get the release out <g>. You can get a list of features from the main page, read more in the documentation section, or go download it!

GStreamer"Slipstream " 0.1.0 Released!
2001-01-31 00:00

As of January 29, 2001, RidgeRun, Inc. has hired Erik Walthinsen, aka Omega, head developer of the GStreamer project. His job will be continued development of GStreamer, as well as specific projects using GStreamer on embedded Linux systems.

GStreamer now sponsored by <A href="http://www.ridgerun.com/">RidgeRun, Inc.</A>!
2001-02-25 00:00

This release includes several major build and bug fixes. There are several core subsystem updates, but nothing major in this release. Update An interview with the lead developer, Omega has just been posted to LinuxPower. Update See slashdot for all the details. <g>

GStreamer "Lots of Duct Tape" 0.1.1 Released!
2001-03-01 00:00

We've got another interview online, this time with both Erik Walthinsen and Wim Taymans.

Linux.com Interview of GStreamer developers
2001-03-11 00:00

Well, it's only a few weeks until GUADEC. If you'd like to attend, please send me some email and I'll add you to the list of attendees.

2001: A GStreamer Odyssey GUADEC get closer
2001-03-29 00:00

These logos have been made by Brock Frazier at RidgeRun. We need to decide on what our logo is going to be very quickly, so t-shirts can somehow be printed for GUADEC.

Proposed logos posted
2001-04-02 00:00

Tonight in Den Haag, NL, there will be a talk on GStreamer given by Erik Walthinsen (Omega). More about it on the LUG website

Den Haag LUG talk
2001-05-15 00:00

A roadmap for the next two minor releases is now available. It's being updated to make it closer to reality constantly, but at some point will be frozen.

GStreamer Roadmap Available
2001-05-20 00:00

A new list has been created for daily email that was previously sent to the gstreamer-devel list. The new list is called gstreamer-daily, and will take the load of IRC logs and other nightly events off gstreamer-devel. Subscribe to the list if you wish to continue getting these nightly emails, or make use of the list archives otherwise.

New mailing-list created
2001-06-07 00:00

The latest release of GStreamer is available!

GStreamer "Critical Mass" 0.2.0 released!
2001-06-14 00:00

This weeks Development section of LWN has a fair bit of information about GStreamer in it.

GStreamer makes it to the top of LWN's <A href="http://www.lwn.net/2001/0614/devel.php3">Development section</A>
2001-06-27 00:00

The major feature of this release is the switch to GObject (glib-2.0) with the backwards-compatibility shim necessary to compile against gtk+-1.2 still. New plugins, and the ability to disable several large subsystems at compile time are also in this release.

GStreamer "Return of the Sedi Master" 0.2.1 released!
2001-08-03 00:00

The website gets a new logo and the website is redesigned using Server Side includes and Cascading Stylesheets to use the colors of the logo in the page design.

GStreamer website gets an updated look.
2001-08-10 00:00

Mozstreamer the Mozilla and Galeon plugin based upon GStreamer is now available.

Thanks goes to Steven Crouse and OEone Corporation for making Mozstreamer.

Mozstreamer listed on the front page of mozilla.org
2001-10-07 00:00

BeNOW.ca has started regularly rebroadcasting CJSW, a Calgary radio station, using GStreamer. He's got a radio receiver attached to an SBLive!, using gstreamer-launch to encode and send the audio to an icecast server. Update here's an mp3 clip (warning: mpg123 has a cow) and another of the cast, complete with mention of GStreamer <g>

BeNOW.ca rebroadcasting radio with GStreamer
2001-12-09 08:58 We have just put up an article/log of a discussion between Bill Haneman and Wim Taymans on the subject of Multimedia and Accessibility. Interesting reading if you want to know more about making multimedia apps accessible. Accessibility and Multimedia 2001-12-12 15:43 After nearly six months of development, the GStreamer team is extremely pleased to announce version 0.3.0. Links to source tarballs and binary packages can be found here. GStreamer 0.3.0 "Most Eventful Ever" Released 2002-01-08 12:10 After weeks of heavy development the GStreamer team is very happy to announce GStreamer 0.3.1. Lots of great stuff in this release so please check it out. GStreamer 0.3.1 released 2002-01-13 17:34 Thanks to the work of David Lehn, we now have Debian packages available for the recent 0.3.1 release. Debian Packages for 0.3.1 Now Available 2002-02-02 10:27 The GStreamer team is proud to announce GStreamer 0.3.2 'Do-B-day'. Update Since most developers were using glib-2.0 during QA for the last release, the gtk+-1.2 part got a bit overlooked. If you can't fix the compile errors yourself, either build against glib-2.0 or go back to 0.3.1. Onward! GStreamer 0.3.2 Available 2002-03-10 06:13 The 0.3.3 release of GStreamer is now available codename 'GUADEC By Foot'. GStreamer 0.3.3 Released 2002-04-07 18:23 Docs have been updated, check the docs page for more info. Use the CVS docs. We've got some new python bindings in the gst-python module (CVS only), including an example DVD player (in python!). We've also got a new parser; gst-launch filesrc ! spider ! osssink finally works. Release coming in a couple of weeks... Miscellaneous updates 2002-04-12 08:27
At GUADEC, some of us took the opportunity to do a live code review. We did this together with two people from MAS, a recently released new media server. From left to right : Leon (MAS), Ronald (BBB), Wim (wtay), Thomas (thomasvs), Erik (omega), Mike (MAS) Picture courtesy of Jeff Waugh
GStreamer Code Review at Guadec
2002-04-18 13:00 Once more the GStreamer team is here with a new and exciting release. Fewer bugs, more documentation and some new plugins. GStreamer 0.3.4 released 2002-04-24 14:23 EffecTV is a cool project which allows you to add real-time effects to a video stream captured from a v4l-device. Combining this with GStreamer allows you to use any effecTV plugin in any pipeline. This can easily let you do really nice things. Here's an example.

Starting from Alien Song, we first run the pipeline

gst-launch gnomevfssrc location="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/media/medium/alien.mpg" ! mpegdemux video_%02d! 
{ queue ! mpeg2dec ! colorspace ! agingTV ! colorspace !
mpeg2enc ! disksink location=alien-age.mpg }
to re-encode the movie with the agingTV effect. This is the result.

Next, we re-encode the same video using the edgeTV plug-in :

gst-launch gnomevfssrc location="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/media/medium/alien.mpg" ! mpegdemux video_%02d! 
{ queue ! mpeg2dec ! colorspace ! edgeTV ! colorspace !
mpeg2enc ! disksink location=alien-edge.mpg }
This is the result.

Finally, we add the effects; we create an aged version of the edgy version. This is where GStreamer really shines; in effectv you have to use loopback v4l devices.

gst-launch gnomevfssrc location="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/media/medium/alien.mpg" ! mpegdemux video_%02d! 
{ queue ! mpeg2dec ! colorspace ! edgeTV !
agingTV ! colorspace ! mpeg2enc ! disksink location=alien-edge-age.mpg }
And here's the result.

We hope to work with the effecTV authors to provide a convenient library which will allow easy access to these great effects.

The effecTV plug-ins : soon coming to a gst-enabled video editor near you !

sample created movies lack sound and encoding has been ctrl-c'd at random moments because I'm lazy. Colorspace is necessary because the effecTV plugins work in the RGB colorspace and MPEG video works in the YUV colorspace. The effecTV have just been added to CVS code and will be in the next stable GStreamer release. Here's screenshots of three different effects applied on the alien-song movie:

The EffecTV Age effect
The Age Effect The EffecTV Edge effect
The Edge Effect The EffecTV Edge/Age effects combined
The Age/Edge Effects Together

GStreamer ports effecTV plug-ins
2002-05-14 11:47 Jorn Baayen has just submitted a set of patches which ports GNOME 2.0 over to using GStreamer. These patches will hopefully go into CVS not long after 2.0 is released and be included in the next release after 2.0. You can see Jorn's announcement here. GNOME 2 ported to GStreamer 2002-05-27 12:51 The long wait is over. Wim Taymans have now commited the code to enable the event based seek system in GStreamer. This means GStreamer based applications can now have world class seek support. Seek enable YOUR app today! Event based seek is in! 2002-07-05 16:27 In our effort to change your lifes forever we are happy to announce GStreamer 0.4.0 'Desperately Seeking Sexiness' ready for public consumption. Lots of important fixes and additions in this release. GStreamer 0.4.0 released 2002-07-24 07:02 Steve Baker fixed the GStreamer Nautilus view (inside gst-player).

Here are some screenshots of it :

Michael Meeks has been overheard saying he was "duly impressed" by the view in particular and GStreamer's progress in general.

Nautilus view using GStreamer works
2002-07-11 22:18 0.4.0 is our first release to have its documentation on the site since 0.3.0. We even have a PDF version of the manual. If you're interested in helping us finish the plugin writer's guide, drop us a line. Documentation Updated 2002-08-06 06:58 We created a new CVS module, gst-template, which holds a few directories that contain a template file layout which you can use as a starting point in writing your own GStreamer code.

These templates use autoconf and automake. You can dive right in and modify these to what you want to do. At this point there is gst-app for a GStreamer application, and gst-plugin for a GStreamer plug-in. Check them out and try it yourself. Any feedback is appreciated.

For help in getting these from cvs, check our SourceForge CVS page.
Template code for applications and plug-ins available
2002-08-18 02:40 Thanks to the great work of Tim Jansen, there is now C++/KDE bindings for GStreamer. So if you have been wanting to make a KDE or Qt application using GStreamer there is no time better time than now to start. Check out the announcement for details. Also, here's a screenshot of a simple player he knocked up with the bindings : kde player GStreamer now with KDE bindings! 2002-09-03 02:55 Andy Wingo, our demon coder from hell, has put in the missing code that finally allows the editor to play video ! Not only that, but he also added an option that parses the GStreamer command pipelines you're all used to. The next release of gst-editor (the first using GNOME 2 technology) is bound to kick serious ass !

See these screenshots for a sneak preview :
the result of launching
'gst-editor -l filesrc location=/home/thomas/gst/media/AlienSong.mpg ! mpegdemux video_%02d! { queue ! mpeg2dec ! colorspace ! xvideosink disable-xv=true } mpegdemux0.audio_%02d! { queue ! mad ! osssink }'
(I set disable-xv to true to take the screenshot)
a manually re-ordered pipeline window to show the structure

GStreamer Editor now plays video !
2002-09-22 05:33 The GStreamer revolution continues with the announcement of GStreamer 0.4.1. This release has focused on fixing bugs and stabilizing the current feature set. This has lead to much more polished experience for developers and users alike. There are some new features however like experimental Flash support and iRadio metadata support. GStreamer 0.4.1 is available 2002-09-28 14:17 The GStreamer teams very own media player, gst-player, has a new release out today to go with our recently released GStreamer release. gst-player 0.4.1 has many new nice features like improved GNOME 2 integration, Nautilus view, improved error handling and more. Check the release notes for all the details and download instructions. GStreamer Player 0.4.1 released 2002-10-06 15:15 After two years of (sporadic) development, gst-editor, GStreamer's graphical pipeline editor, has finally been released into the wild. The code is very alpha and is prone to eating small mammals, so don't use it near your cat. Please report any reproduceable bugs to Gnome bugzilla. First-Ever Release of GStreamer Editor 2002-10-20 05:17 You can now find the Gnonlin project on the web with some preliminary information and of course the current source code. Gnonlin is our companion library for GStreamer for non-linear video editors. So if you are interested in these kind of applications make sure to visit Gnonlin on the web. Gnonlin gets a real web presence 2002-10-29 01:26 David Schleef has been developing a LGPL Flash rendering libary which in turn the GStreamer Flash plugins are using. This library is independent of GStreamer as such, only non-system dependency being libart. So if Flash rendering is your thing be sure to check out the new libSwfdec homepage. Swfdec website online 2002-11-01 08:10 The GStreamer team is proud to announce version 0.4.2 of the GStreamer Multimedia Framework. This release contains many bugfixes and feature additions including new wav encoder and libshout2 plugin. GStreamer 0.4.2 releleased! 2002-11-01 16:13 Zeeshan Ali Khattak has made a videowall using Red Hat Linux, GStreamer and commodity hardware. To find out how and why, and see some cool pictures, check out the Video Whale project homepage. Making Videowall with GStreamer 2002-12-01 11:11 Want to let people know about the worlds best multimedia architecture? Well know you can as we have now a opened a section where you can order clothes, mugs and other stuff with the GStreamer logo, including our world famous three RGB coloured slugs. So go visit the GStreamer shop. GStreamer shop opens its doors 2002-12-10 12:32 The GStreamer team is proud to announce our latest development release. Lots of work has gone into this one and things are really starting to flesh out. GStreamer "Private Dancer" 0.5.0 2002-12-19 14:38 Zeeshan Ali has put up a how-to explaining how he made a video Wall using GStreamer. So read the how-to and see the pictures. Video Wall How-To 2003-01-07 09:11 Once more we catch the world unprepared by released a new version of GStreamer. Version 0.5.1 contains many bugfixes and little improvements. New features include our threadless scheduler 'opt' and the new ffmpeg based plugin. GStreamer 0.5.1 2003-01-22 11:08 The GStreamer team has another release ready to satisfy your multimedia needs. This is a to be considered a release candidate in preparation for our 0.6.0 release later this week. Due to the constant pressure from the GNOME release team to make this release we found a suitable code name. GStreamer 0.5.2 released 2003-02-01 19:03 The long wait is over. The first ABI stable GStreamer release is now available for download. This release series will be maintained in parallel with our development series until we release 1.0. GStreamer 0.6.0 released 2003-02-05 08:09 Our own Thomas Vander Stichele was interviewed in preparation for his talk at this years FOSDEM conference. To find out what is happening in the GStreamer world be sure to read it. GStreamer hacker Thomas Vander Stichele interviewed 2003-02-21 14:25 A major new release of the GStreamer Media player is available. This release features a huge GUI update and lot better stability. GStreamer Player 0.5.0 released 2003-02-22 16:02 The online GStreamer documentation has just been updated to cover the 0.6 release series. Full API docs, a manual and plugin writers guide available for your reading pleasure at the GStreamer documentation page. GStreamer documentation updated 2003-03-17 23:46 We have a new release of the GStreamer editor which works with the 0.6.x stable series of GStreamer. GStreamer Editor with new Release! 2003-04-18 17:08 We've released a new version that is API and ABI compatible with 0.6.0. This release features major bugfixes in all areas. GStreamer 0.6.1 released 2003-04-23 11:48 The 0.5.1 release of GStreamer Player is now available. Lots of cleanups and new stuff in this release. For instance we now support visualization when playing music and drag and drop form Nautilus. GStreamer Player 0.5.1 released 2003-06-09 16:43 This new release on the stable branch features a lot of bugfixes. GStreamer 0.6.2 "Wild Rover" is OUT 2003-08-27 12:05 A new smashing release of the GStreamer stable branch is out fixing the bugs you have reported in regards to Rhythmbox and Sound Juicer. GStreamer 0.6.3 available 2003-09-14 05:32 We have a new release of our media player application for your testing pleasure. New for this release is support for video effects and many bug fixes. GStreamer Player 0.6.0 released 2003-10-14 06:34 The GStreamer team is very happy to announce the release GStreamer 0.6.4. -the latest update in our ABI stable 0.6.x release series. There are many small and minor fixes in this release to enhance your multimedia pleasure. In related news, Scott Wheeler has made Suse packages of GStreamer which you can use with his very cool Juk music player and manager for KDE. You'll find Scott's packages also listed in the download section. GStreamer 0.6.4 2003-10-22 14:07 The time has finally come. The first release in our new series of development releases is available. GStreamer 0.7.1 2003-11-26 13:03 It is time for a new release from the GStreamer development branch. 0.7.2 takes us a big step closer to 0.8 and introduces a lot of nice new plugins and features, like AAC and MVA support. GStreamer 0.7.2 Released 2003-12-20 04:57 The league of extraordinary gentlemen is proud to announce another release of the GStreamer 0.7 development series. A lot of work has gone into this release to fix up bugs in current plugins and core. Check out our release notes and grab the tarballs from our download page GStreamer 0.7.3 released 2003-12-21 13:49 In order to send out a strong signal that we are serious about our cross-desktop commitment and to get improved CVS services we are moving our CVS repository to freedesktop.org. We hope that this move will be an positive milestone in our continued development. For details for how to access freedesktop CVS check out the information in our developers page. GStreamer moves to Freedesktop.org 2004-02-06 13:40 GStreamer and GStreamer Plugins 0.7.4 released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce another release of the GStreamer 0.7 development series. A lot of work has gone into this release to fix up bugs in current plugins and core.

For GStreamer 0.7.4, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

For GStreamer Plugins 0.7.4, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-02-12 15:24 GStreamer 0.6.5 "EOS" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce another release of the GStreamer 0.6.x stable series. This release is a service release, fixing some parallel install issues and documentation build.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-02-26 18:55 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.7.1 released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first release of the GStreamer FFmpeg plugin.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-02-26 18:57 GStreamer and GStreamer Plugins 0.7.5 released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce another release of the GStreamer 0.7 development series. A lot of work has gone into this release to fix up bugs in current plugins and core.

For GStreamer 0.7.5, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

For GStreamer Plugins 0.7.5, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-05 11:02 GStreamer Plugins 0.6.5 "EOS" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce another release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.6.x stable series. This release is a service release, fixing some parallel install issues and compilation against newer ALSA and mpeg2dec libraries.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-09 19:50 GStreamer 0.7.6 "Almost" and GStreamer Plugins 0.7.6 "There" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce another release of the GStreamer 0.7 development series. This release is a Release Candidate for the final 0.8.0 release due next week, so please give it your utmost testing effort.

For GStreamer 0.7.6, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

For GStreamer Plugins 0.7.6, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-11 02:30 GStreamer Pipeline Editor "Flying Delorean" 0.7.0 released

The GStreamer team is happy to announce a new release of the GStreamer Pipeline Editor. This release brings gst-editor into line with the latest GStreamer API and support for new features such as internationalisation, and better error handling and debugging.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-16 13:16 GStreamer 0.8.0 "Executive Slacks" and GStreamer Plugins 0.8.0 "Pharmaceutical Itch" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

For GStreamer 0.8.0, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

For GStreamer Plugins 0.8.0, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-16 14:29 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.0 "In Buildings" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first stable release of the GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.x series.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-18 10:59 GStreamer Player 0.8.0 "Losing Grip" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first stable release of the GStreamer Player 0.8.x series.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-03-31 18:02 GStreamer Python bindings 0.7.91 released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the second release of the Python bindings targetting the 0.8.x series of GStreamer. It is still unstable so make sure you file a bug for all nasty things you can find.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz archive.

2004-04-15 15:16 GStreamer 0.8.1 "Snow Brigade" and GStreamer Plugins 0.8.1 "Comforting Sounds" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

For GStreamer 0.8.1, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

For GStreamer Plugins 0.8.1, check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-04-16 15:50 GStreamer Monkey's Audio Plugin 0.8.0 "She Drives" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first stable release of the GStreamer Monkey's Audio Plugin 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-04-21 16:50 GStreamer Fedora Core 2 repository online

Packages for Fedora Core 2 are now online as well. Check our Fedora instructions on how to set up the packages.

The repository includes most GStreamer plugins, the editor, the player, the python bindings, gstreamer-ffmpeg and gstreamer-monkeysaudio.

2004-06-04 13:48 GStreamer 0.8.2 "Gigantic" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-06-05 18:59 GStreamer 0.8.3 "Oops" released

The GStreamer team is not as proud as usual to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

This release is a hotfix release for the breakage of the switch element of gst-plugins.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-06-18 12:38 AmaroK 1.0 released

Mark Kretschmann and the AmaroK team announced the 1.0 version of their great audio player AmaroK. AmaroK uses the best KDE technology available to create music for your ears and eyes. Like any good multimedia software these days AmaroK can use GStreamer as its backend. You can find out more about Amarok and the features of this first release at the AmaroK homepage.

2004-06-22 16:30 GStreamer Python 0.7.92 "I stick my neck out for nobody" released

The GStreamer team is not as proud as usual to announce a new development release of the GStreamer Python bindings.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-06-23 18:30 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.2 "Kristiansand" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

This release features over 62 bug fixes and 20 new elements.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-07-16 13:29 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.1 "Just Another Victim" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce another stable release of the GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.x series.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-07-18 00:00 Planet GStreamer Launched

Now you can read the daily ramblings and mindless weblog dribble from the GStreamer team at Planet GStreamer!

If PG is too much braindump for you, we also now offer a GStreamer News RSS 1.0 feed for your pleasure.

2004-07-20 21:05 GStreamer 0.8.4 "Paella" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-08-02 15:57 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.3 "Water" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-08-16 14:16 GStreamer 0.8.5 "Stuttgart" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-08-31 14:03 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.4 "Alias" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-09-09 18:03 Fluendo CEO interviewed on OSNEWS

The CEO of Fluendo Julien Moutte is interviewed about Fluendo and its plans around GStreamer. The interview covers Fluendo´s distributed streaming media server and also features a demo of their soon to be released java port of Ogg Theora.

Check out the interview on OSNEWS

2004-10-05 15:21 GStreamer 0.8.6 "Narc" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-10-06 19:01 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.5 "Take You On" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-10-06 19:05 GStreamer 0.8.7 "A Cruise" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-10-09 20:42 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.2 "Titan Shifting Gears" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-10-11 18:12 gst-python 0.7.93 "I aint sleepy either" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the fourth release of the Python bindings targetting the 0.8.x series of GStreamer. It is still unstable so make sure you file a bug for all nasty things you can find.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2archive.

2004-11-08 23:57 gst-editor 0.8.0 "Si Senor!" released

A new release of the GStreamer graphical pipeline editor, gst-editor, containing various fixes and enhancements.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-11-15 15:08 gst-python 0.8.0: Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first stable release of the Python bindings targetting the 0.8.x series of GStreamer.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2archive.

2004-11-25 11:44 Interview with KDE Multimedia hacker Scott Wheeler

OpenForBusiness interviews Scott Wheeler maintainer of the JuK media player and KDE multimedia hacker. Topics includes among other things JuK and of course usage of GStreamer in KDE.

2004-11-25 19:58 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.6 "IOU Love" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-11-29 09:40 Amarok 1.2-beta 1 released

The amaroK team has announced their 1.2 beta 1 release. The release features such goodies as a 10-band graphical equalizer for GStreamer and Vorbis stream metadata support.

2004-11-29 13:34 gst-python 0.8.1: "Don't listen to him, Sascha. Fill it up!" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the second stable release of the Python bindings targetting the 0.8.x series of GStreamer.

Check out the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-12-06 12:00 Fluendo announces sponsorship of Xiph.org for Vorbis and Theora RTP support

Fluendo have done two press relases of interest to the GStreamer community recently. The first announced the offical launch of the Flumotion open source project and website. The second press release is about how we are sponsoring Xiph.org to implement specifications for Vorbis and Theora over RTP. You find this press release here.

2004-12-08 12:00 Interview on OSNEWS with amaroK developers

amaroK developers Mark, Max and Leinir are being interviewed on osnews about their music player amaroK, GStreamer and multimedia in general. Be sure to check it out.

2004-12-20 12:00 First release of Pitivi Non-linear editor

The Pitivi team proudly announced the first release of Pitivi, a non-linear video editor using the GStreamer framework. Be sure to check out this first release of what is destined to be the best NLE the world has ever seen :).

2004-12-23 13:01 GStreamer 0.8.8 "I'll Take Care Of You" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2004-12-27 20:20 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.3 "Tiny Piece of Plastic" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-01-05 13:34 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.7 "Hyperspace" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

It also wishes you a happy New Year !

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-01-14 13:40 gst-player officially unmaintained and deprecated

gst-player has been part of GStreamer almost from day one, but only been maintained at irregular intervals. Currently it is quite broken in many cases and we have due to this decided to officially remove it from the project as today there are better alternatives. This means all references to the player have been removed and the bugzilla entry will also be removed. If you are looking for a GTK+-based video player using GStreamer we recommend Totem.

2005-01-20 19:00 GStreamer licensing advisory online

GStreamer is a project which aims to fullfill an important part of the infrastructure for free and open source operating systems. As a result of this we need to make sure everything we do is licensed in a way that enables us to fullfill this role well. To help ensure this we have, after a lot of discussion and gathering of external feedback, put together this licensing advisory. It explains both how plugins for GStreamer will have to be licensed for us to approve them for inclusion and suggestions for how free software developers should license their software to solve the practical problems facing us today. We strongly advise everyone to read this. The content of this advisory is also included in our FAQ.

2005-02-08 12:44 GStreamer 0.8.9 "Like Eating Glass" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-03-07 18:07 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.8 "Fluded" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer Plugins 0.8.x series.

It also wishes you a happy New Year !

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-05-03 15:54 GStreamer 0.8.10 "No Fun" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-05-25 20:11 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.9 "Old Hat"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of GStreamer Plugins in the 0.8.x stable release series.

Check out release page for details.

2005-05-25 20:32 Gnonlin 0.2.1

A new version of Gnonlin was made today. Gnonlin is a library for making nonlinear video editors. With this release all Gnonlin elements can be handled using only the standard GStreamer API.

Check out Gnonlin homepage for more details.

2005-05-25 20:36 Nokia launch mobile device using GStreamer

Nokia today announced the Nokia 770 web tablet which runs GNU/Linux and uses GStreamer for its multimedia. Check out their developer page for details. This is a great validation of the effort the GStreamer team and we are very happy about GStreamer being used by Nokia for their device.

2005-06-11 01:47 GStreamer FFMpeg 0.8.5 "For the better of the world" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer FFmpeg 0.8.x series. See the release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-06-17 19:28 GStreamer 0.9.1 "Left" released

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce a new release of the GStreamer Core in the GStreamer 0.9 development series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-06-17 19:29 GStreamer Base Plugins 0.9.1 "Right" released

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce a new release of the GStreamer Base Plugins in the GStreamer 0.9 development series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-06-21 18:38 GStreamer Python 0.8.2 'Another one bites the dust'

A new better, strong, faster, cuter and in general more fantastic release of the GStreamer python bindings are out. Get it while its hot and juicy.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-07-01 18:08 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.10 "Jangle"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of GStreamer Plugins in the 0.8.x stable release series.

Check out release page for details.

2005-08-05 14:00 GStreamer FFMpeg 0.8.6 "Vamoz a la Playa"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release of the GStreamer FFMpeg plugins for the 0.8.x stable release series.

Check out release page for details.

2005-09-04 14:41 GStreamer 0.8.11 "So Long ..." released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of the GStreamer 0.8.x series.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-09-04 14:43 GStreamer Plugins 0.8.11 "... And Thanks For All The Fix"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of GStreamer Plugins in the 0.8.x stable release series.

Check out release page for details or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2005-09-05 19:10 GStreamer 0.9 plug-ins split-up

In the 0.9.x development series, gst-plugins has been split up in four separate modules. Read why.

2005-09-06 16:10 GStreamer 0.9 development series releases

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce new releases of GStreamer modules in the 0.9.x development release series. 5 modules have been released: GStreamer 0.9.2, GStreamer Base Plug-ins 0.9.2, GStreamer Good Plug-ins 0.9.1, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins 0.9.1, and GStreamer Bad Plug-ins 0.9.1.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad.

2005-10-03 20:05 GStreamer 0.9 development series releases

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce new releases of GStreamer modules in the 0.9.x development release series. 7 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, GStreamer Good Plug-ins, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins, GStreamer Bad Plug-ins, GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

All of these have version 0.9.3; this makes it easier for people to follow API changes through our development cycle.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python,

2005-10-24 01:09 GStreamer 0.9 development series releases

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce new releases of GStreamer modules in the 0.9.x development release series. 7 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, GStreamer Good Plug-ins, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins, GStreamer Bad Plug-ins, GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

All of these have version 0.9.4; this makes it easier for people to follow API changes through our development cycle.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python,

2005-10-25 12:00 GStreamer FFMpeg 0.8.7 "Redneck soup"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release of the GStreamer FFMpeg plugins for the 0.8.x stable release series.

Check out release page for details.

2005-11-11 20:41 GStreamer 0.9 development series releases

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce new releases of GStreamer modules in the 0.9.x development release series. 7 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, GStreamer Good Plug-ins, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins, GStreamer Bad Plug-ins, GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

All of these have version 0.9.5; this makes it easier for people to follow API changes through our development cycle.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python,

2005-11-23 20:50 GStreamer 0.9 development series releases

The GStreamer team is petrified to announce new releases of GStreamer modules in the 0.9.x development release series. 7 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, GStreamer Good Plug-ins, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins, GStreamer Bad Plug-ins, GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

All of these have version 0.9.6; this makes it easier for people to follow API changes through our development cycle.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python,

2005-12-01 20:14 GStreamer 0.9 development series releases

The GStreamer team is proud to announce new releases of GStreamer modules in the 0.9.x development release series. 7 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, GStreamer Good Plug-ins, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins, GStreamer Bad Plug-ins, GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

This is a pre-release for the new 0.10 stable series. It has a major/minor of 0.10 and all library versioning reset.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python,

2005-12-05 18:59 GStreamer 0.10.0 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first release of the new GStreamer stable release series. 7 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, GStreamer Good Plug-ins, GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins, GStreamer Bad Plug-ins, GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

This release comes close to 18 months after the 0.8.0 release. It's been a fun ride and we thank you all. Hop on board for the next leg.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, gst-python

We also have a special release announcement for GStreamer 0.10. Check it out!

2005-12-20 13:30 GStreamer Monkey's Audio 0.8.2 release

We just released an updated Monkey's Audio plugin, updating it to work with latest version of the Monkey's Audio format using the mac-port library.

Check out release notes for gst-monkeysaudio

2005-12-23 19:17 GStreamer Core, Base and Python 0.10.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the new GStreamer stable release series. 3 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

We'd also like you to wish you a happy Christmas !

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-python

2006-01-13 20:17 GStreamer Plugins Good and Ugly 0.10.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the new GStreamer stable release series. 2 modules have been released: GStreamer Good Plug-ins, and GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly.

2006-01-14 14:47 GStreamer Python 0.8.3 'Nadolig LLawen'

A new better, strong, faster, cuter and in general more fantastic release of the GStreamer python bindings are out. Get it while its hot and juicy.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2006-01-16 21:57 GStreamer Core, Base and Python 0.10.2 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the new GStreamer stable release series. 3 modules have been released: GStreamer, GStreamer Base Plug-ins, and GStreamer Python Bindings.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-python

2006-01-25 11:37 GStreamer article on Newsforge

Newsforge have an article discussing GStreamer 0.10 and some of the efforts undertaken around it. The article is not 100% exact, but all PR is good PR :)

2006-02-08 20:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.3 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Core release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes here, or download tarballs here,

2006-02-09 12:30 GStreamer Base and Good stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the GStreamer stable release series. 2 modules have been released: GStreamer Base Plug-ins and GStreamer Good Plug-ins.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good or download tarballs gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good

2006-02-09 17:30 GStreamer Core 0.8.12 "Cookies" and Plugins 0.8.12 "Ravage" released

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new stable release of GStreamer Core and Plugins in the 0.8.x stable release series.

Check out the core release page and the plugins release page for details, or download the core tar.gz / tar.bz2 or the plugins tar.gz / tar.bz2 archives.

2006-02-20 12:00 GStreamer Ugly and Bad stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the GStreamer stable release series. 2 modules have been released: GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins and GStreamer Bad Plug-ins.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad

2006-03-08 11:50 GStreamer Python 0.8.4 '64 bits is enough for anyone'

This release fixes installation on 64-bit systems.

Check out release notes or download the tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive.

2006-03-10 20:16 GStreamer Core and Base Plugins 0.10.4 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Core and Base Plugins release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base.

2006-03-13 20:57 GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.5 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Base Plugins release in the new GStreamer stable release series. This release is a quick fix release that addresses seekable playback of "local" files on NFS shares.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-base.

2006-03-21 23:20 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.3 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series. This release contains API additions, bug fixes and better compatibility with older GStreamer releases..

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2006-03-31 13:19 GStreamer Ugly Plugins 0.10.3 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Ugly Plugins release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-ugly, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-ugly.

2006-03-31 13:20 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.10.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new FFmpeg release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gst-ffmpeg.

2006-04-06 20:19 GNonLin 0.10.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new GNonLin release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2006-04-28 13:02 GStreamer 0.10.5 and Base Plugins 0.10.6 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Core and Base Plugins release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base.

2006-04-28 15:40 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.4 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2006-05-04 17:44 GStreamer Good and Bad Plugins 0.10.3 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce new releases of the Good and Bad plugins collections in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good or gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good or gst-plugins-bad.

2006-05-11 14:13 GNonLin 0.10.4 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2006-05-14 17:30 GStreamer 0.10.6 and Base Plugins 0.10.7 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Core and Base Plugins release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base.

2006-06-09 20:49 GStreamer 0.10.7 and Base Plugins 0.10.8 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Core and Base Plugins release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base.

2006-06-10 19:03 GStreamer 0.10.8 stable release

The GStreamer team is embarassed to announce a new Core release in the new GStreamer stable release series.

This release fixes a bug when updating the registry causing some programs (like the GNOME mixer applet) to exit prematurely. We recommend no one use or ship GStreamer 0.10.7, but move to this version instead.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, or download tarballs for gstreamer.

2006-07-14 17:55 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.9 stable releases

The GStreamer team is embarassingly proud to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2006-07-20 18:28 GNonLin 0.10.5 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2006-07-20 19:07 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.5 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2006-08-14 13:11 GStreamer Good and Ugly Plugins 0.10.4 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce new releases of the Good and Ugly plugins collections in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good or gst-plugins-ugly, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good or gst-plugins-ugly.

2006-09-14 21:15 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.10 stable releases

The GStreamer team is embarassingly proud to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2006-11-27 21:14 GNonLin 0.10.6 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2006-12-04 19:00 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.6 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2006-12-06 21:15 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.11 stable releases

The GStreamer team is ecstatic to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2006-12-13 21:56 GStreamer "Ugly" Plugins 0.10.5 and GStreamer FFmpeg Plugins 0.10.2 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excessively happy to announce new "Ugly" and FFmpeg Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg.

2006-12-21 17:00 GStreamer "Good" Plugins 0.10.5 and GStreamer "Bad" Plugins 0.10.4 stable releases

The GStreamer team is fairly pleased to announce new "Good" and "Bad" Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad.

2007-01-26 18:12 GNonLin 0.10.7 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2007-01-31 18:00 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.7 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2007-03-07 19:00 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.12 stable releases

The GStreamer team is relieved to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2007-05-26 14:10 GNonLin 0.10.8 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2007-06-05 15:00 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.13 stable releases

The GStreamer team is proud to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2007-06-19 12:30 GStreamer Good (0.10.6), Bad (0.10.5) & Ugly (0.10.6) Plugins stable releases

The GStreamer team is proud to announce new releases of the Good, Bad & Ugly plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly.

2007-08-01 19:20 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.8 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2007-08-03 17:00 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.14 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2007-08-09 15:10 GNonLin 0.10.9 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2007-11-14 23:59 GStreamer and GStreamer Base Plugins 0.10.15 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce new Core and Base Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base.

2007-11-28 11:00 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.9 stable release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new Python Bindings release in the GStreamer 0.10 stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python.

2007-12-04 22:00 GStreamer FFmpeg Plugins 0.10.3 stable releases

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new FFmpeg Plugins releases in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gst-ffmpeg.

2008-01-28 23:59 GStreamer Core 0.10.16 Base 0.10.16 and Python Bindings 0.10.10 stable releases

The GStreamer team is proud to announce new releases of GStreamer Core, GStreamer Base Plugins and GStreamer Python Bindings in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python.

2008-01-30 14:30 GStreamer Core 0.10.17 Base 0.10.17 stable releases

The GStreamer team is surprised to announce new releases of GStreamer Core and GStreamer Base Plugins in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

These unscheduled releases replace the ill-fated 0.10.16 versions of Core & Base. See the release notes for details, but the important point is that everyone should pretend 0.10.16 didn't happen.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base

2008-02-20 00:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.7, Bad 0.10.6 & Ugly 0.10.7 stable releases

The GStreamer team is thrilled to announce new releases of the Good, Bad and Ugly Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly

2008-03-21 21:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.18 Base 0.10.18 Python 0.10.11 stable releases

The GStreamer team is happy to provide new releases of GStreamer Core, GStreamer Base Plugins and GStreamer Python Bindings in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python

2008-04-04 03:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.19 Base 0.10.19 stable releases

The GStreamer team is happy to provide new releases of GStreamer Core, GStreamer Base Plugins in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base or download tarballs for gstreamer and gst-plugins-base

2008-04-24 02:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.8 & Bad 0.10.7 stable releases

The GStreamer team is thrilled to announce new releases of the Good and Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad

2008-05-22 00:00 GStreamer Ugly 0.10.8 & FFmpeg 0.10.4 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to present new releases of the Ugly and FFmpeg Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg or download tarballs for gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg

2008-06-18 16:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.20 Base 0.10.20 Python 0.10.12 stable releases

The GStreamer team is happy to provide new releases of GStreamer Core, GStreamer Base Plugins and GStreamer Python Bindings in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python

2008-07-31 23:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.9 & Bad 0.10.8 stable releases

The GStreamer team is thrilled to announce new releases of the Good and Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad

2008-08-26 23:59 GStreamer Good 0.10.10 & Ugly 0.10.9 stable releases

The GStreamer team is thrilled to announce new releases of the Good and Ugly Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-ugly or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-ugly

2008-09-03 017:00 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.10.5 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to present a new releases of the FFmpeg Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-ffmpeg or download tarballs for gst-ffmpeg

2008-10-02 00:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.21 Base 0.10.21 Python 0.10.13 stable releases

The GStreamer team is happy to provide new releases of GStreamer Core, GStreamer Base Plugins and GStreamer Python Bindings in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python

2008-10-24 23:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.11 & Bad 0.10.9 stable releases

The GStreamer team is thrilled to announce new releases of the Good and Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad

2008-11-03 17:10 GNonLin 0.10.10 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2008-11-19 15:00 GStreamer Ugly 0.10.10 stable release

The GStreamer team is happy to announce a new release of the Ugly Plugins module in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-ugly or download the tarball at gst-plugins-ugly

2008-11-28 23:30 GStreamer FFmpeg 0.10.6 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the FFmpeg Plugins module in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out the release notes here, or download the tarball here.

2009-01-19 23:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.22, Base Plugins 0.10.22, Bad Plugins 0.10.10 and Python Bindings 0.10.14 stable release

The GStreamer team is happy to announce the first releases of 2009 with new versions of Core, the Base Plugins module, the Bad Plugins module and the Python Bindings for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-bad and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-bad and gst-python

2009-01-22 14:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.12 stable release

The GStreamer team presents a new release of the Good Plugins module in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series. This release provides a fix for security advisory TKADV2009-0xx.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good or download a tarball at gst-plugins-good

2009-01-22 22:30 GStreamer Good 0.10.13 stable release

Hot on the heels of 0.10.12, the GStreamer team presents a new release of the Good Plugins module in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series. This release contains a fix for a gettext bug that prevented 0.10.12 from building translations correctly.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good or download a tarball at gst-plugins-good

2009-02-19 20:30 GStreamer Good 0.10.14 stable release

The GStreamer team presents a new release of the Good Plugins module in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good or download a tarball at gst-plugins-good

2009-03-20 00:00 GStreamer Bad 0.10.11, Ugly 0.10.11 & FFmpeg 0.10.7 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to present new releases of the Bad, Ugly and FFmpeg Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg or download tarballs for gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg

2009-05-10 0:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.23, Base Plugins 0.10.23 and Python Bindings 0.10.15 stable release

The GStreamer team is relieved to announce new releases of Core, the Base Plugins module and the Python Bindings for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python

2009-05-20 23:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.15 & Bad 0.10.12 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce new releases of the Good and Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad

2009-05-24 11:18 GNonLin 0.10.11 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2009-06-18 00:00 GStreamer Bad 0.10.13 & Ugly 0.10.12 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to present new releases of the Bad and Ugly Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly or download tarballs for gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly

2009-06-29 23:00 GStreamer FFmpeg module 0.10.8 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of the GStreamer FFmpeg module.

Check out release notes here, or download tarballs from here.

2009-07-13 14:30 GStreamer OpenGL plug-in module 0.10.1 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first release of the gst-plugins-gl OpenGL support module.

Check out release notes here, or download tarballs from here.

2009-08-05 2:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.24, Base Plugins 0.10.24 and Python Bindings 0.10.16 stable release

The GStreamer team is relieved to announce new releases of Core, the Base Plugins module and the Python Bindings for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base and gst-python

2009-08-10 17:10 GNonLin 0.10.12 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2009-08-29 20:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.16 & Bad 0.10.14 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce new releases of the Good and Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad

2009-09-03 12:26 GStreamer C# bindings 0.9.0 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first GStreamer C# bindings release for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer-sharp or download tarballs for gstreamer-sharp

2009-09-07 12:00 GNonLin 0.10.13 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release in the 0.10.x stable series of GNonLin.

Check out release notes for gnonlin, or download tarballs for gnonlin.

2009-09-16 09:00 GStreamer C# bindings 0.9.1 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new GStreamer C# bindings release for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer-sharp or download tarballs for gstreamer-sharp

2009-10-05 16:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.25, Base Plugins 0.10.25, Python Bindings 0.10.17 and FFmpeg plugin 0.10.9 stable release

The GStreamer team is relieved to announce new releases of Core, the Base Plugins module, the Python Bindings and the FFmpeg plugin module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-python and gst-ffmpeg or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-python and gst-ffmpeg

2009-10-21 18:00 GStreamer Bad 0.10.15 & Ugly 0.10.13 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to present new releases of the Bad and Ugly Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly or download tarballs for gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly

2009-10-23 23:00 GStreamer Bad 0.10.16 stable release

Hot on the heels of Wednesday's release of the Bad Plugins module 0.10.15 is an update that fixes several problems - including possible deadlocks when starting DVDs.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-bad or download the tarball gst-plugins-bad

2009-11-17 01:00 GStreamer Good 0.10.17 & Bad 0.10.17 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce new releases of the Good and Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good and gst-plugins-bad

2009-11-25 11:15 GStreamer C# bindings 0.9.2 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new GStreamer C# bindings release for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer-sharp or download tarballs for gstreamer-sharp

2010-02-11 00:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.26, Base Plugins 0.10.26 and Good Plugins 0.10.18 stable release

The GStreamer team is thrilled to announce new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module and the gst-plugins-good module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good,

2010-02-11 16:20 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.18 & GNonLin 0.10.14 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce new releases of the Python Bindings and the GNonLin set of plugins Bad Plugins modules in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python and gnonlin or download tarballs for gst-python and gnonlin

2010-02-15 13:00 GStreamer on Symbian OS

GStreamer is now ported on Symbian platform. The GStreamer core version ported is v0.10.19. It works with the S60 SDK versions 3.2 and 5.0. It has been tested with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N78 phone models.

The initial package contains:

  • gstreamer core
  • gst-plugins-base
  • audio source and sink elements for symbian
  • some gst-good-plugins
  • Test application

Next steps are to integrate the changes step by step with the official source tree.

2010-03-08 00:30 GStreamer Core 0.10.27, Base Plugins 0.10.27, Good Plugins 0.10.19, Ugly Plugins 0.10.14, Bad Plugins 0.10.18 and FFmpeg plugins 0.10.10 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excited to announce new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, the gst-plugins-good module, the gst-plugins-ugly module, the gst-plugins-bad module and the gst-ffmpeg module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-ffmpeg,

2010-03-09 01:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.28, Base Plugins 0.10.28, Good Plugins 0.10.21 stable releases

The GStreamer team announces new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, and the gst-plugins-good module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

These follow-up releases fix a number of regressions that were discovered after the previous releases.

(Note that there never was an official Good Plugins 0.10.20 release, it was skipped.)

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good,

2010-03-09 13:15 GNonLin 0.10.15 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the GNonLin set of plugins in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gnonlin or download tarballs for gnonlin

2010-04-28 03:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.29, Base Plugins 0.10.29, Good Plugins 0.10.22 stable releases

The GStreamer team announces new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, and the gst-plugins-good module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good,

2010-05-03 14:15 GStreamer Conference 2010 Announced

The first ever GStreamer user and developers conference is going to take place in Cambridge, United Kingdom on the 26th of October 2010. Check out our conference page for details and mark the date in your calendar. See you in Cambridge!

2010-05-31 03:00 GStreamer Good Plugins 0.10.23, Ugly Plugins 0.10.15, Bad Plugins 0.10.19 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excited to announce new releases of the gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly and gst-plugins-bad modules for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series. These versions introduce support for WebM/VP8.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad,

2010-07-15 12:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.30, Base Plugins 0.10.30, Good Plugins 0.10.24 stable releases

The GStreamer team announces new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, and the gst-plugins-good module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good,

2010-07-15 22:00 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.19 and FFmpeg plugin 0.10.11 stable releases

The GStreamer team announces new releases of the GStreamer Python bindings and the FFmpeg plugin module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gst-python, gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gst-python, gst-ffmpeg,

2010-07-16 15.30 GStreamer Conference 2010 timetable now online

The timetable for the GStreamer Conference 2010 in Cambridge, UK is now online. You find the conference page here and the timetable can be found here. We hope to see you all here in October!.

2010-09-03 01:00 GStreamer Good Plugins 0.10.25, Ugly Plugins 0.10.16, Bad Plugins 0.10.20 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excited to announce new releases of the gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly and gst-plugins-bad modules for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

For more details, check out the release notes for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, and gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad directly.

2010-09-04 14:30 GStreamer OpenGL plug-in module 0.10.2 release

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release of the gst-plugins-gl OpenGL integration module.

Check out release notes here, or download tarballs from here.

2010-09-06 17:20 GNonLin 0.10.16 stable releases

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the GNonLin set of plugins in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gnonlin or download tarballs for gnonlin

2010-10-13 01:10 gst-openmax 0.10.1 stable release

We are pleased to announce the first stable release of gst-openmax.

Check out the release notes.

2010-12-01 23:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.31, Base Plugins 0.10.31, Good Plugins 0.10.26 and Python Bindings 0.10.20 stable releases

The GStreamer team announces new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, the gst-plugins-good module and the gst-python module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-python directly.

2011-01-22 11:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.32, Base Plugins 0.10.32, Good Plugins 0.10.27, Ugly Plugins 0.10.17, Bad Plugins 0.10.21, GNonLin 0.10.17, gst-python 0.10.21 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excited to announce new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, the gst-plugins-good module, the gst-plugins-ugly module, the gst-plugins-bad module, the GNonLin module and the gst-python bindings module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gnonlin, gst-python, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gnonlin, gst-python directly.

2011-01-24 01:10 GStreamer Editing Services 0.10.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is excited to announce the first stable release of the GStreamer Editing Services.

Check out the release notes here or download tarballs from here.

2011-02-11 00:00 GStreamer mailing lists move to freedesktop.org

The GStreamer mailing lists have been moved to freedesktop.org. All subscriptions should automatically have been moved over to the new lists, subscribers should have received welcome e-mails from the new lists already. If not, please check your SPAM filters and other e-mail filters and head to http://lists.freedesktop.org to re-subscribe.

The old mailing lists will be disabled (posts should be rejected with a message that the list has moved) and subscriptions will be disabled. After a transition period people will be unsubscribed from the old lists automatically.

If you encounter any problems with the mailing list move, please find us on IRC (#gstreamer on irc.freenode.net) to let us know.

2011-03-08 17:00 GStreamer Good Plugins 0.10.28 stable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer gst-plugins-good module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

This is an ad-hoc bug-fix release that fixes a build issue when building against newer kernels where the old video4linux interface has been removed. It is identical to the 0.10.27 release in all other respects.

Check out release notes for gst-plugins-good, or download tarballs for gst-plugins-good,

2011-05-10 12:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.33, Base Plugins 0.10.33, Good Plugins 0.10.29, Ugly Plugins 0.10.18, Bad Plugins 0.10.22 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excited to announce new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, the gst-plugins-good module, the gst-plugins-ugly module, and the gst-plugins-bad module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad directly.


  • GStreamer core:
    • new parser base class: GstBaseParse
    • new core element: funnel
    • OSX multi-arch fixes
    • new QoS type for QoS events
    • new progress message API to notify applications of asynchronous operations
  • gst-plugins-base:
    • support for 16-bit-per-component video formats
    • playbin2 fixes and improvements for custom and non-raw sinks
    • oggmux muxes based on running time now
    • orc 0.4.14 or newer recommended
  • gst-plugins-good:
    • amrparse, aacparse, ac3parse, flacparse, mpegaudioparse, dcaparse audio parsers (moved from -bad)
    • muxers now mux based on running time
    • ISO MP4 muxers: mp4mux/3gppmux/qtmux/mj2mux (moved from -bad)
    • new matroskaparse element
    • new v4l2radio element
    • rtpsession: support RTCP Early Feedback (the AVPF profile)
    • orc 0.4.14 or newer recommended
  • gst-plugins-ugly:
    • x264enc: allow changing bitrate and quantizers dynamically at runtime
    • x264enc: proxy downstream caps restrictions upstream via get_caps()
    • lamemp3enc: proxy downstream rate/channels restrictions upstream via get_caps()
    • mad: allow build without libid3tag (which isn't really needed anyway)
  • gst-plugins-bad:
    • hlsdemux: Add HTTP live streaming parser/demuxer element
    • new elements: h263parse, zebrastripe, patchdetect
    • scenechange: new scene change detection element
    • removed audioparsersbad plugin, it has been moved to -good
    • make opencv plugin work with OpenCV 2.2
    • countless (still experimental) camerabin2 fixes and improvements
    • experimental VP8 RTP payloader/depayloader (RTP payloading not finalised yet)
    • curlsink: add libcurl-based sink element (acts as client, not server)
    • decklink: add decklink plugin
    • linsys: add plugin for Linear Systems SDI boards
    • sdi: add raw SDI muxing/demuxing elements
    • camerabin now relies on muxers to mux based on running time (ie. latest base/good/ugly releases)
... and many other fixes and improvements of course.

2011-05-13 12:00 GStreamer core and Base Plugins 0.10.34 stable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core and gst-plugins-base modules for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

This is an ad-hoc bug-fix release that fixes a thread-safety issue with the widely-used multiqueue element, and a corner case timestamping issue in basesrc. It is identical to the 0.10.33 release otherwise. gst-plugins-base 0.10.34 is fully identical to 0.10.33 and was just made to keep core/base version numbers in sync.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base,

2011-05-19 12:00 GStreamer Conference 2011

We are very happy to announce that registration and Call for papers is now open for the GStreamer Conference 2011.

Due to the success and great attendance of last years event this is the second year we are organizing a conference focusing on GStreamer and GStreamer related technologies. So if you are writing an application or creating a product using GStreamer or potentially using GStreamer this is definitely the conference to attend. So check out the conference website and hopefully we see you in Prague this October.

2011-06-15 23:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.35, Base Plugins 0.10.35, Good Plugins 0.10.30 stable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, and gst-plugins-good modules for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

This is an ad-hoc bug-fix release that fixes compilation issues after recent changes in GLib's atomic ops API (in GLib 2.29.x). These releases are otherwise pretty much identical to 0.10.34/0.10.29, apart from a handful of other minor fixes.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good,

2011-07-20 13:00 GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-in 0.10.12 stable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer gst-ffmpeg module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes here, or download tarballs here.

2011-08-02 20:59 GStreamer Core 0.11.0, Base Plugins 0.11.0 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core and gst-plugins-base modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is the first release of the unstable 0.11 series that will lead up to the next 1.0 stable series later this year.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base,

2011-09-14 13:00 GStreamer Conference 2011 schedule announced

The conference schedule for the GStreamer Conference 2011 is now online. Be sure to check out the exciting list of talks and presenters. And remember the early bird registration ends on September 24th, so be sure to register quickly.

2011-09-29 17:49 GStreamer Core 0.11.1, Base Plugins 0.11.1 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core and gst-plugins-base modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is a new release of the unstable 0.11 series that will lead up to the next 1.0 stable series later this year.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base,

2011-10-29 18:00 GStreamer Python Bindings 0.10.22 stable releases

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer Python Bindings module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series. This is primarily a bug-fix release that fixes issues with pad probes and encoding profiles/encodebin.

Check out release notes for gst-python, or download tarballs for gst-python directly.

2011-11-02 17:30 GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-in 0.10.13 stable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer gst-ffmpeg module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes here, or download tarballs here.

2012-02-17 11:11 GStreamer Core 0.11.2, Base Plugins 0.11.2, Good Plugins 0.11.1, Bad Plugins 0.11.1, Ugly Plugins 0.11.1, FFmpeg Plugins 0.11.1 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core, Base/Good/Bad/Ugly/FFmpeg modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is the next release of the unstable 0.11 core and base series that will lead up to the next 1.0 stable series later this year.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-ffmpeg,

2012-02-21 14:00 GStreamer Core 0.10.36, Base Plugins 0.10.36, Good Plugins 0.10.31, Ugly Plugins 0.10.19, Bad Plugins 0.10.23 stable releases

The GStreamer team is excited to announce new releases of the GStreamer core module, the gst-plugins-base module, the gst-plugins-good module, the gst-plugins-ugly module, and the gst-plugins-bad module for the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Check out release notes for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad directly.


  • GStreamer core:
    • new muxer/mixer helper class: GstCollectPads2
    • weak ref support for mini objects
    • qdata support for buffers to attach additional metadata
    • input-selector: "sync-streams" property to sync inactive inputs with active one
    • multiqueue: add "sync-by-running-time" property to sync not-linked/deactivated streams by running time (instead of input order of buffers)
  • gst-plugins-base:
    • new GstAudioDecoder and GstAudioEncoder base classes
    • new GstAudioInfo audio format description API (which matches the new API in 0.11)
    • add support for compressed audio payloading and passhthrough (think S/PDIF, mp3 over bluetooth)
    • new tag convenience API to get info about creative commons licenses
    • new GstTagMux base class
    • new video API to force key units via events
    • new video overlay composition API for subtitles
    • decodebin/playbin2 now plug parsers by default
  • gst-plugins-good:
    • new souphttpclientsink element
    • new splitfilesrc element to expose multiple files as one single file
    • compressed audio format passthrough support for pulseaudio
    • rtspsrc is now fully async
    • shout2send: support webm streaming
    • rtpsession: Full Intra Requests (FIR) support using new force-key-unit API
    • propagate downstream caps constraints upstream in audio parsers and rtp payloaders
    • many multifile plugin improvements for file/stream splitting
  • gst-plugins-ugly:
    • most audio decoders and encoders ported to the new base classes (with the exception of mad)
    • lame mp3 and twolame mp2 encoders now output framed mpeg audio (better for muxing)
    • x264enc now supports configuration via downstream caps restrictions (useful for encodebin / rtp etc.)
    • mad doesn't depend on libid3tag any longer (often a hassle on embedded builds)
    • mpeg2dec is more error resilient
    • lots of dvdreadsrc fixes
  • gst-plugins-bad:
    • new API-unstable video codec parsing library with support for H.264, MPEG-4 (part 2), MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, and VC-1
    • video: (API-unstable) video decoder/encoder base classes have seen countless fixes (but some issues still remain before they can be moved into -base)
    • video: new (API unstable) abstract video surface API for hardware-accelerated codecs: GstSurfaceBuffer, GstSurfaceConverter
    • video: new (API unstable) GstVideoContext interface
    • video parsers are consolidated into the videoparserbad plugin and based on new codec parsing library
    • video parsers are ranked for autoplugging now (so they can act as converters where needed)
    • video parsers accept unparsed input as well now (useful for encoding/transcoding pipelines)
    • new audiovisualizers plugin with experimental (and private) audio visualizer base class
    • camerabin2 is no longer considered experimental (and has seen many fixes and improvements)
    • OS/X: new avcsrc to capture DV or HDV video from Firewire port
    • Windows: new d3dvideosink
    • new debugging elements: compare (with memcmp and ssim method) and debugspy
    • new faceoverlay element to overlay an SVG image on top of a face
    • new freeverb element (audio reverb effect)
    • new intermediate surface elements provide stream decoupling
    • within the same pipeline: inter{video,audio,sub}{sink,src}
    • new motioncells element to detect motion in video
    • new Opus audio decoder, encoder, parser and RTP payload/depayloader
    • new removesilence element
    • new rtmpsink element for output to an RTMP server
    • countless other fixes and improvements
... and many other fixes and improvements of course.

2012-03-21 13:00 GStreamer Participating in Google Summer of Code 2012

The GStreamer project is happy to announce that we are a mentoring organization in the 2012 Google Summer of Code. This means students from all over the world who are interested in open source and multimedia can apply to do a project related to GStreamer as their paid summer job this year. You can find more information about this and how to apply on the GStreamer Google Summer of Code 2012 wiki page..

2012-03-22 15:58 GStreamer Core 0.11.3, Base Plugins 0.11.3, Good Plugins 0.11.2, Bad Plugins 0.11.2, Ugly Plugins 0.11.2, FFmpeg Plugins 0.11.2 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core, Base/Good/Bad/Ugly/FFmpeg modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is hopefully the last release of the unstable 0.11 core and base series that will lead up to the next 1.0 stable series next.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-ffmpeg, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-ffmpeg,

2012-04-13 09:33 GStreamer Core 0.11.90, Base Plugins 0.11.90, Good Plugins 0.11.90, Bad Plugins 0.11.90, Ugly Plugins 0.11.90, libav Plugins 0.11.90 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core, Base/Good/Bad/Ugly/libav modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is the first release candidate of the upcoming 1.0 release. It is intended for developers and people wanting to port their plugins and applications to the new series. Only minor or absolutely necessary changes to the core/base API/ABI will happen between this release and the final 1.0.0 release.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav,

2012-05-02 15:31 GStreamer Conference 2012 Announced

The popular GStreamer user and developers Conference is back for the third year, this year going to San Diego in the USA. The conference will take place on August 27th and August 28th. Check out our conference page for details and the Call for Papers and mark the dates in your calendar. See you in San Diego!

2012-05-13 17:06 GStreamer Core 0.11.91, Base Plugins 0.11.91, Good Plugins 0.11.91, Bad Plugins 0.11.91, Ugly Plugins 0.11.91, libav Plugins 0.11.91 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core, Base/Good/Bad/Ugly/libav modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is the second release candidate of the upcoming 1.0 release. It is intended for developers and people wanting to port their plugins and applications to the new series. Only minor or absolutely necessary changes to the core/base API/ABI will happen between this release and the final 1.0.0 release.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav,

2012-06-07 16:43 GStreamer Core 0.11.92, Base Plugins 0.11.92, Good Plugins 0.11.92, Bad Plugins 0.11.92, Ugly Plugins 0.11.92, libav Plugins 0.11.92 unstable release

The GStreamer team announces a new release of the GStreamer core, Base/Good/Bad/Ugly/libav modules for the 0.11 GStreamer unstable release series.

This is the third release candidate of the upcoming 1.0 release. It is intended for developers and people wanting to port their plugins and applications to the new series. Only minor or absolutely necessary changes to the core/base API/ABI will happen between this release and the final 1.0.0 release.

Check out release notes for gstreamer core or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer or gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav,

2012-07-20 17:31 GStreamer Conference 2012 Schedule online

We are happy to announce that the schedule for this years GStreamer Conference in San Diego, USA is available. You can find out more about the conference and schedule on the GStreamer Conference page. This year in addition to a lot of interesting talks about GStreamer we have talks about ALSA, V4L, OpenGL and the Opus audio codec.

2012-09-13 11:30 GStreamer Conference 2012 Talk recordings online

Thanks to our partners at Ubicast we have the recordings of this years GStreamer Conference online. Be sure to view the talks here.

2012-09-24 18:00 GStreamer 1.0 released

The GStreamer project is pleased to announce the very first release of the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

The 1.x series is a stable series targeted at end users. It is not API or ABI compatible with the 0.10.x series. It can, however, be installed in parallel with the 0.10.x series and will not affect an existing 0.10.x installation.

Major improvements include:

  • more flexible memory handling
  • extensible and negotiable metadata for buffers
  • caps negotiation and renegotiation mechanisms, decoupled from buffer allocation
  • improved caps renegotiation
  • automatic re-sending of state for dynamic pipelines
  • reworked and more fine-grained pad probing
  • simpler and more descriptive audio and video caps
  • more efficient allocation of buffers, events and other mini objects
  • improved timestamp handling
  • support for gobject-inspection-based language bindings
  • countless other improvements
An overview of the architectural changes can be found in Wim Tayman's GStreamer 1.0 keynote from the GStreamer Conference 2012 in San Diego (click on the 'Share' tab for other video formats).

Most of these changes involve the GStreamer plugin API. The application API has changed comparatively little, and most applications should be fairly easy to port to the new API. There is a porting guide available.

The GStreamer team would like to thank everyone who helped bring this release about, whether by submitting patches, reporting bugs, testing, sponsoring development, attending hackfests, or simply supplying moral support.

This is the end of a long development process, but also the beginning of one. This release does not mark the pinnacle of perfection, but the point where the team is content with the API and stability and quality of the code base in general, especially compared to the old 0.10 series.

There will be bugs to fix, and starting from this release there will be distinct bug-fixing and feature development cycles, with the goal of getting bug-fixes out quicker and unencumbered by other more risky changes. See the ReleasePlanning/RoadMap page on the wiki for a tentative road map and possible schedule.

Please also note that we may still need to fine-tune some minor aspects of plugin behaviour in the next development cycle (e.g. bufferpool draining on renegotiation), so keep an eye out for that when porting elements over.

Release tarballs can be downloaded directly here: gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, and gst-libav (formerly gst-ffmpeg).

Packages should be available shortly in debian sid, fedora 18, ubuntu quantal, and other distros.

As always, please let us know of any issues you run into by filing a bug in bugzilla: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/bugs/

2012-10-07 17:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.1 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team announces a new bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

2012-10-25 13:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.2 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team announces a new bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

2012-11-21 13:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.3 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team announces a new bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Improvements include:

  • bufferpool: fix deadlock
  • baseparse: forward stream-start event in push mode, fixing issues with streamsynchronizer
  • basesink: reset START_TIME when needed, fixing position reporting after seeking beyond end
  • typefind: detect isml ftyp as iso-fragmented video/quicktime
  • typefinding improvements fixing playback of some wavpack files
  • textoverlay rendering fixes
  • gobject-introspection annotation fixes
  • API: gst_video_decoder_get_qos_proportion()
  • rtspsrc: numerous improvements
  • build fix for gst-plugins-base installed in non-default prefix
  • multifilesink: post messages in max-size mode as well
  • vp8dec: improve robustness on decoding errors, e.g. for videocalling
  • cdio: try to handle CD-TEXT in non-UTF8 encodings
  • xingmux, siddec, dvdlpcmdec and dvdsubdec fixes
  • mpegtsmux: fix DTS/PTS confusion
  • tsdemux, tsparse: seeking fixes
  • tsdemux, tsparse: fix timestamping with push-based input
  • h264parse: fix PPS insertion
  • mpg123audiodec: fix leaks from not chaining up in the finalize function
  • avcodecmap: Y41B is YUV411P, not YUV410P
  • numerous bug fixes
  • some memory leak fixes

2012-12-18 23:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.4 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team announces a new bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Improvements include:

  • basesrc: fix potential leaks when re-activating in a different mode
  • bindings: make all pad probe types work with bindings
  • bindings: fix gst_event_parse_stream_start() annotation, fixing crash
  • bindings: fix annotation for gst_app_src_push_buffer(), fixing crash
  • bindings: add several missing annotations for GstRtspMessage API
  • documentation improvements
  • playbin: fix occasional not-negotiated errors when switching visualisations
  • ssaparse: ignore invalid UTF-8 in SSA/ASS subtitles init sections in matroska files
  • streamsynchronizer: better timestamp and gap handling at EOS, fixing potential OOM in baseaudiosink
  • deinterleave: properly set srcpad channel position
  • osxvideosink: Fix resizing the Cocoa window on receiving new caps
  • rtspsrc fixes
  • shout2send: also accept audio/webm in addition to video/webm
  • videobox: fix border filling for planar YUV formats
  • webmmux: fix linking to shout2send
  • v4l2: fix build on FreeBSD
  • siddec: initialize debug category
  • mpeg4videoparse: also parse divx 4/5
  • mpeg4videoparse: export number of sprite warping points in caps (decoders might have no or only limited GMC support)
  • mpegtsmux: propagate flow returns upstream; don't crash when reused
  • rtmpsrc: disable seeking if the configured url specifies live=true
  • build fixes for OS/X (shm) and Windows (d3dvideosink)
  • libav G.726 decoder fixes
  • miscellaneous bug fixes
  • some memory leak fixes

2013-01-08 12:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.5 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Improvements include:

  • rtspsrc: fix regression that make rtspsrc hang when stopping
  • alsasrc: don't output buffers without timestamps or with bogus timestamps
  • add GST_CLOCK_TYPE_OTHER clock type
  • discoverer, decodebin: fix state change re-sync race that might lead to deadlocks
  • add GST_BIN_FLAG_NO_RESYNC flag that disables a resync when an element is added, removed or linked in the bin; this is interesting for complex bins that dynamically add elements to themselves and want to manage the state of those elements without interference from state resync threads (which may cause deadlocks)
  • video: fix crashes with and frame sizes of A420 video format
  • fix VP6-alpha video playback
  • jpegenc: pass flow returns upstream
  • audio/video parsers: fix negotiation with encoders in some transcoding cases
  • qtdemux: fix pixel-aspect-ratio of some files with ProRes video
  • cairo: port cairooverlay to 1.0
  • psdemux: tentative port to 1.0; take into account both DTS and PTS
  • shm: Actually get the permissions on get_property
  • waylandsink: do not default to fullscreen mode
  • build: fix build with new automake 1.13
  • build: pass CC, LD, AS, AR and NM to the libav configure if set
  • miscellaneous bug fixes

2013-03-15 10:00 GStreamer 0.10 no longer maintained

Since this has never been announced officially outside of the conference circuit, the GStreamer team would like to clarify that GStreamer 0.10 is no longer maintained. Not by us, nor by anyone else. There will be no more GStreamer 0.10 releases, not even bug-fix releases. Bugs will not be investigated unless they also apply to GStreamer 1.x. Patches will only be reviewed and pushed if they apply to one of the current 1.x branches or fix an issue that still pertains to 1.x. Bug fixes have not been backported systematically to 0.10 for a very long time now, and there are many hundreds of bugs that have only been fixed in 1.x, and manymore are fixed every week. Any commits to the 0.10 branch are made purely on an ad-hoc basis now, and we may lock down the branch completely. No more features will be added to 0.10. However, GStreamer 0.10 support is of course still available on a commercial basis from the usual suspects.

We realise and regret that this may cause some inconvenience, and we also understand that there are circumstances where there are valid reasons not to migrate to 1.0 at this time, or in some cases ever, but we would also like to dispel any doubt whatsoever that there is any other way. We have neither the resources, nor the will or the energy to maintain more than one major version. We must use the little resources we have on code that has a future.

We are happy to provide help and advice to anyone migrating to 1.0. If there are plugins that haven't been ported yet that you need, let us know, maybe we can help get them ported.

Thanks for your understanding.

Happy hacking, see you on the other side!

- Your GStreamer maintainers and release managers

2013-03-22 16:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.6 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Improvements include:

  • build fixes for out-of-tree autogen.sh and automake 1.13, and recent kernel/video4linux
  • gobject-introspection fixes for bindings
  • videoscale: Correct DAR and border calculations
  • playbin: make sure converters are always plugged when needed, fixes not-negotiated errors with some sinks
  • playbin: fix subtitleoverlay caps handling to avoid not-negotiated errors when subtitle plugins are missing
  • adder: make "caps" property work properly
  • alsasink: don't use 100% CPU in some cases
  • reliability fixes for flushing seeks and shutdowns in queue and bastransform
  • appsrc: fix locking order
  • audiovisualisation fixes
  • deinterlace: fix infinite loop on EOS with non-default methods or fields
  • avidemux push mode fixes, make dv-in-avidemux work
  • level: send a final level message on EOS
  • osxvideosink fixes
  • ximagesrc: Set the pixel aspect ratio correctly in the output caps
  • v4l2: don't check stride for encoded formats
  • leak fixes in GstBin, pango, auparse, gdppay
  • qtdemux: skip disabled tracks and ignore chapter subtitle tracks
  • RTSP and RTP fixes
  • Opus audio decoder, encoder and RTP payloader fixes
  • codecparser fixes for H.264, MPEG-2 and VC-1 parsing
  • opensles, eglglessink, and decklink plugins ported to 1.0
  • libav: fix H.264 decoding errors in some files and update to 0.8.5 release
  • miscellaneous bug fixes

2013-03-22 17:40 GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper plugin 1.0.0 release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper plugin release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for gst-omx, or download tarballs for gst-omx,

2013-04-26 14:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.7 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce another bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Improvements include:

  • better support for static plugins
  • streamsynchronizer is now a public element, useful in HLS pipelines for example
  • osxaudio plugin ported to 1.0
  • androidmedia plugin is ported to 1.0
  • internal libav snapshot in gst-libav has been updated to libav 0.8.6
  • Now uses frame based threading if possible and disables slice based threading until libav 0.9.x is used (as is the case in git master already) This provides potentially better performance and fixes some display corruptions caused by bugs in the slice based threading
  • a number of bug fixes

2013-05-21 23:00 GStreamer Conference 2013: Registration now open, Call for Papers

About the GStreamer Conference

The GStreamer Conference 2013 will take place from 22-23 October 2013 in Edinburgh (UK), and will be co-hosted with the Embedded Linux Conference Europe and the Automotive Linux Summit.

It is a conference for developers, decision-makers, and anyone else interested in the GStreamer multimedia framework and open source multimedia.

Registration now open

You can now register for the GStreamer Conference 2013 on the conference website.

Call for Papers

The initial submission needs to be only a couple of paragraphs describing the talk you want to give and the desired length of your talk (please allow for 5-10 minutes of questions at the end as well).

Talks can be on almost anything multimedia related, ranging from talks about applications to challenges in the lower levels in the stack or hardware.

Please send all proposals to gstreamer-conference@lists.freedesktop.org.

2013-06-05 19:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.1.1 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new development release with feature additions for the API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

2013-06-10 20:00 GStreamer 1.0.7 binaries for Windows, Mac OS X and Android

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce binary builds for GStreamer 1.0.7, the plugin modules and all their dependencies. In future the team hopes to update these binary builds shortly after every stable GStreamer release. Builds are currently provided for Windows (32/64 bit), Mac OS X (32/64 bit x86) and Android (ARM). Future releases will include support for iOS.

These binary builds include the GStreamer core, the plugin modules and all their dependencies.

Check out the release announcement mail for additional information or download the files for Windows, Mac OS X and Android.

2013-07-11 17:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.1.2 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new development release with feature additions for the API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

2013-07-12 23:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.8 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce another bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, Mac OS X and Windows. Check the release announcement mail of the binaries for more details.

2013-07-29 15:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.1.3 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new development release with feature additions for the API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

2013-07-31 15:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.9 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce another bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, Mac OS X and Windows.

2013-08-24 21:00 Orc 0.4.18 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team announces another maintenance bug-fix release of liborc, the Optimized Inner Loop Runtime Compiler. It contains:

  • Important bugfix in reading constants from bytecode
  • Documentation and code cleanup
  • Fix cache flushing on iOS

Direct tarball download: orc-0.4.18.

2013-08-28 15:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.1.4 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new development release with feature additions for the API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

2013-08-29 20:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.0.10 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce another bug-fix release for the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, Mac OS X and Windows.

2013-09-08 12:00 GStreamer Conference 2013 Schedule now available

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce that the schedule for this year's GStreamer Conference is now available.

The GStreamer Conference takes place on 22-23 October in Edinburgh (UK), alongside LinuxCon Europe, the Embedded Linux Conference Europe, the Automotive Linux Summit, and the Linux Kernel Summit.

Topics covered include embedded systems, mobile platforms, optimisations, streaming servers, hardware-accelerated video decoding, testing and Q&A, best practices, industry changes, OpenGL, multimedia editing, latest codec developments, network synchronisation, and chickens.

2013-09-19 12:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.1.90 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release candidate for the 1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

2013-09-24 15:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.2.0 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release of the stable 1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.

Binaries for Windows, Mac OS X and Android will be provided in the next days and will be announced separately.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for a list of changes.

2013-11-10 12:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.2.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the stable 1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.

Binaries for Windows, Mac OS X and Android will be provided in the next days and will be announced separately.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2012-12-09 12:00 GStreamer Conference 2013 talk recordings online

Thanks to our partners at Ubicast the recordings of this year's GStreamer Conference talks are now available online. You can view or download the talks here.

2013-12-27 12:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.2.2 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the stable 1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.

Binaries for Android, iOS, OS X and Windows are also provided.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-02-09 15:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.2.3 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the stable 1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.

Binaries for Android, iOS, OS X and Windows are also provided.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-02-25 22:00 GStreamer RTSP Server Library 1.2.3 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release of the GStreamer RTSP Server Library for the GStreamer 1.x API series.

Major changes include:

  • Ported to GStreamer 1.0 API
  • Multithreaded for better responsiveness and scaleability
  • Support for authentication and access restrictions
  • Support for TLS
  • API refactored a bit for clarity (e.g. MediaMapping -> MountPoints)
  • Improved seeking support
  • Better live pipeline support
  • Better IPv6 and multicast support
  • Improved portability (ported to gio)
  • Support for automatic synchronous playback of multiple clients via GstNetTimeProvider
  • Support for more range formats
  • New example how to feed data to the server via appsrc
  • New example how to prioritise some clients over others using cgroups
  • Many more unit tests
  • Hundreds of bug-fixes and other improvements

Check out the for release notes, or download the gst-rtsp-server-1.2.3.tar.xz tarball directly.

Binaries for Android, Windows, OS/X and iOS will hopefully be available with the next round of bug-fix releases (1.2.4).

The release depends on GStreamer Core and Base Plugin Libraries 1.2.3, which is why this initial release carries the version number 1.2.3.

2014-03-16 01:10 Gst Python, GNonLin and GStreamer Editing Services 1.2.0 stable release

The GStreamer project is pleased to announce the very first release of the new API and ABI-stable 1.x series of gst-python, GNonLin, and Gstreamer Editing Services.

Check out the GES release notes here or download tarballs from here.

Check out the GNonLin release notes here or download tarballs from here.

Check out the gst-python release notes here or download tarballs from here.

2014-04-18 11:00 Orc 0.4.19 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team announces another maintenance bug-fix release of liborc, the Optimized Inner Loop Runtime Compiler. It contains:

  • Fix out-of-tree builds
  • Fix many memory leaks, compiler warnings and coverity warnings
  • Documentation fix for mulhsw, mulhuw

Direct tarball download: orc-0.4.19.

2014-04-20 9:30 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.2.4 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the stable 1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.

Binaries for Android, iOS, OS X and Windows are also provided.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav,

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-04-23 15:32 GNonLin and GStreamer Editing Services 1.2.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the stable 1.2 release series of GStreamer Editing Services and GNonLin.

Check out the GES release notes here or download tarballs from here.

Check out the GNonLin release notes here or download tarballs from here.

2014-04-26 11:08 gst-python 1.2.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a new release of the stable 1.2 release series of gst-python.

Check out the gst-python release notes here or download tarballs from here.

2014-05-03 20:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.3.1 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release of the unstable 1.3 release series. The 1.3 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework. The unstable 1.3 release series will lead to the stable 1.4 release series in the next weeks, and newly added API can still change until that point.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows will be provided separately during the unstable 1.3 release series.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

2014-05-21 15:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.3.2 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release of the unstable 1.3 release series. The 1.3 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework. The unstable 1.3 release series will lead to the stable 1.4 release series in the next weeks, and newly added API can still change until that point.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows will be provided separately during the unstable 1.3 release series.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

2014-06-22 20:00 GStreamer Core and Plugins 1.3.3 development release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the third release of the unstable 1.3 release series. The 1.3 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework. The unstable 1.3 release series will lead to the stable 1.4 release series in the next weeks, and newly added API can still change until that point.

This is hopefully the last 1.3 development release and will be followed by the first 1.4.0 release candidate (1.3.90) in 1-2 weeks. Which then hopefully is followed by 1.4.0 soonish in early July.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows will be provided separately during the unstable 1.3 release series.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

2014-06-29 13:00 GStreamer Core, Plugins and RTSP server 1.3.90 release candidate

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release candidate of the stable 1.4 release series. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

This release candidate will hopefully shortly be followed by the stable 1.4.0 release if no bigger regressions or bigger issues are detected, and enough testing of the release candidate happened. The new API that was added during the 1.3 release series is not expected to change anymore at this point.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are provided together with this release.

The stable 1.4 release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x, 1.2.x and any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.2.x it contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were considered too risky as a bugfix.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server.

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-07-12 17:00 GStreamer Core, Plugins and RTSP server 1.3.91 release candidate

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the second release candidate of the stable 1.4 release series. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

This release candidate will hopefully shortly be followed by the stable 1.4.0 release if no bigger regressions or bigger issues are detected, and enough testing of the release candidate happened. The new API that was added during the 1.3 release series is not expected to change anymore at this point.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are provided together with this release.

The stable 1.4 release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x, 1.2.x and any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.2.x it contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were considered too risky as a bugfix.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server.

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-07-19 17:00 GStreamer Core, Plugins and RTSP server 1.4.0 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release of the stable 1.4 release series. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are provided together with this release.

The stable 1.4 release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x, 1.2.x and any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.2.x it contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were considered too risky as a bugfix.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server.

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-07-23 12:00 GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper plugin 1.2.0 release

The GStreamer project is proud to announce a new release of the GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper plugin for the API and ABI-stable 1.x series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

This plugin wraps available OpenMAX IL components and makes them available as standard GStreamer elements.

Check out the release notes for gst-omx, or download tarballs for gst-omx,

2014-08-25 15:00 GStreamer Conference 2014 schedule of talks available now

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce that the schedule of talks for this year's GStreamer Conference is now available on the GStreamer Conference website.

The GStreamer Conference takes place on 16-17 October 2014 in Düsseldorf (Germany), alongside LinuxCon Europe, the Embedded Linux Conference Europe, and the Linux Plumbers Conference.

Topics covered include GStreamer on embedded systems, set-top boxes and mobile platforms; testing, tracing and debugging; HTML5, WebRTC and the Web; Wayland, 3D video and OpenGL; secure RTP and real-time streaming; adaptive streaming (HLS, DASH, MSS); latest codec developments; and multi-device synchronisation.

There will be two parallel tracks over two days, and a social event for attendees on the Thursday evening.

All talks will be recorded by Ubicast.

We hope to see you in Düsseldorf in October!

The GStreamer Conference 2014 is sponsored by Google.

2014-08-27 17:00 GStreamer Core, Plugins and RTSP server 1.4.1 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a bugfix release of the stable 1.4 release series. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features. The 1.4.x bugfix releases only contain important bugfixes compared to 1.4.0.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are provided by the GStreamer project for this release.

The 1.x series is a stable series targeted at end users. It is not API or ABI compatible with the 0.10.x series. It can, however, be installed in parallel with the 0.10.x series and will not affect an existing 0.10.x installation.

The stable 1.4.x release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x and any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.0.x it contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were considered too risky as a bugfix.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server, or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server.

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-09-24 13:00 gst-editing-services, gst-python and gnonlin 1.3.90 release candidate

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release candidate of the stable 1.4 release series of gst-editing-services, gst-python and gnonlin. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

This release candidate will hopefully shortly be followed by the stable 1.4.0 release if no bigger regressions or bigger issues are detected, and enough testing of the release candidate happened. The new API that was added during the 1.3 release series is not expected to change anymore at this point.

The stable 1.4 release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x, 1.2.x and any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.2.x it contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were considered too risky as a bugfix.

Check out the release notes for gst-editing-services, gnonlin, gst-python, and download tarballs for gst-editing-services, gnonlin, gst-python.

2014-09-29 17:30 GStreamer Core, Plugins and RTSP server 1.4.3 stable release

Note that this announcement includes everything from 1.4.2 too, which was never officially released as some critical bugs were found.

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a bugfix release of the stable 1.4 release series. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features. The 1.4.x bugfix releases only contain important bugfixes compared to 1.4.0.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are provided by the GStreamer project for this release.

The 1.x series is a stable series targeted at end users. It is not API or ABI compatible with the 0.10.x series. It can, however, be installed in parallel with the 0.10.x series and will not affect an existing 0.10.x installation.

The stable 1.4.x release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x and any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.0.x it contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were considered too risky as a bugfix.

Check out the release notes for GStreamer core (1.4.3), gst-plugins-base (1.4.3), gst-plugins-good (1.4.3), gst-plugins-ugly (1.4.3), gst-plugins-bad (1.4.3), gst-libav (1.4.3), or gst-rtsp-server (1.4.3), or download tarballs for gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-plugins-bad, or gst-libav, or gst-rtsp-server.

Check the release announcement mail for details and the release notes above for a list of changes.

Also available are binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

2014-09-29 13:00 GstValidate 1.3.90 release candidate

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the first release candidate of the stable 1.4 version of the GstValidate developper tool.

This release candidate will hopefully shortly be followed by the stable 1.4.0 release if no bigger regressions or bigger issues are detected, and enough testing of the release candidate happened. The new API that was added during the 1.3 release series is not expected to change anymore at this point.

Check out the release notes for here, and download tarballs here,

2014-10-12 13:30 GStreamer Conference 2014: Talks, Schedule and Speakers

This year's GStreamer Conference will take place on October 16-17 in Düsseldorf, Germany, alongside LinuxCon Europe, the Embedded Linux Conference Europe, and the Linux Plumbers Conference.

The conference schedule with full details about talks and speakers is now available on the conference website.

Topics covered include embedded systems, mobile platforms, optimisations, adaptive streaming, hardware-accelerated video decoding, testing and Q&A, OpenGL, editing, digital television support, latest codec developments, stereoscopic 3D video, and many others.

All talks will be recorded by Ubicast.

If you're not registered yet, it's not too late, you can still sign up, see the conference home page for details.

Many thanks go to our sponsors Centricular, Collabora, and Google without whom this conference would not have been possible in this form.

We hope to see you all in Düsseldorf next week!

2014-10-20 13:00 gst-validate, gst-editing-services, gst-python and gnonlin 1.4.0 stable release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce the new the stable 1.4 release of gst-editing-services, gst-python, gnonlin, and GstValidate. The 1.4 release series is adding new features on top of the 1.0 and 1.2 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release series of the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Check out the release notes for gst-editing-services, gnonlin, gst-python, gst-validate, and download tarballs for gst-editing-services, gnonlin, gst-python. gst-validate.