diff options
11 files changed, 959 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/Application.cs b/gstreamer-sharp/Application.cs
index 1bd1408..80da1fc 100644
--- a/gstreamer-sharp/Application.cs
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/Application.cs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ namespace Gst {
int argc = 0;
gst_init (ref argc, ref argv);
+ gst_controller_init (ref argc, ref argv);
RegisterManagedTypes ();
@@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ namespace Gst {
throw new ApplicationException (init_call + " returned a new argv handle");
+ gst_controller_init (ref argc, ref argv_ptr);
if (argc <= 1) {
args = new string[0];
} else {
@@ -163,6 +166,9 @@ namespace Gst {
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern bool gst_init_check (ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv, out IntPtr error);
+ [DllImport("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
+ private static extern void gst_controller_init (ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern void gst_deinit();
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/ControlSource.custom b/gstreamer-sharp/ControlSource.custom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3cdc9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/ControlSource.custom
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern uint gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_get_get_value_offset ();
+static uint get_value_offset = gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_get_get_value_offset ();
+[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
+struct GstValueArray {
+ public IntPtr property_name;
+ public int nbsamples;
+ public ulong sample_interval;
+ public IntPtr values;
+[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
+struct GstControlSourceCallbacks {
+ public GetValueCallbackNative get_value;
+ public GetValueArrayCallbackNative get_value_array;
+delegate bool GetValueCallbackNative (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GLib.Value val);
+delegate bool GetValueArrayCallbackNative (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray va);
+public delegate bool GetValueCallback (ulong timestamp, ref GLib.Value value);
+public delegate System.Array GetValueArrayCallback (ulong timestamp, int nsamples, ulong interval);
+private GetValueCallbackWrapper GetValue_cb_wrapper;
+private GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper GetValueArray_cb_wrapper;
+private class GetValueCallbackWrapper {
+ public bool NativeCallback (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GLib.Value val) {
+ try {
+ bool __ret = managed (timestamp, ref val);
+ return __ret;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
+ // NOTREACHED: Above call does not return.
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ internal GetValueCallbackNative NativeDelegate;
+ GetValueCallback managed;
+ public GetValueCallbackWrapper (GetValueCallback managed) {
+ this.managed = managed;
+ if (managed != null)
+ NativeDelegate = new GetValueCallbackNative (NativeCallback);
+ }
+ public static GetValueCallback GetManagedDelegate (GetValueCallbackNative native) {
+ if (native == null)
+ return null;
+ GetValueCallbackWrapper wrapper = (GetValueCallbackWrapper) native.Target;
+ if (wrapper == null)
+ return null;
+ return wrapper.managed;
+ }
+private class GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper {
+ public bool NativeCallback (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray va) {
+ try {
+ System.Array values = managed (timestamp, va.nbsamples, va.sample_interval);
+ if (values == null)
+ return false;
+ System.Type t = values.GetType ();
+ if (t == typeof (string[])) {
+ string[] ret = (string[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteIntPtr (va.values, i * IntPtr.Size, GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (ret[i]));
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (short[])) {
+ short[] ret = (short[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt16 (va.values, i * 2, ret[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ushort[])) {
+ ushort[] ret = (ushort[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt16 (va.values, i * 2, (short) ret[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (int[])) {
+ int[] ret = (int[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt32 (va.values, i * 4, ret[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (uint[])) {
+ uint[] ret = (uint[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt32 (va.values, i * 4, (int) ret[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (long[])) {
+ long[] ret = (long[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt64 (va.values, i * 8, ret[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ulong[])) {
+ ulong[] ret = (ulong[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt64 (va.values, i * 8, (long) ret[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (float[])) {
+ float[] ret = (float[]) values;
+ Marshal.Copy (ret, 0, va.values, va.nbsamples);
+ } else if (t == typeof (double[])) {
+ double[] ret = (double[]) values;
+ Marshal.Copy (ret, 0, va.values, va.nbsamples);
+ } else if (t == typeof (bool[])) {
+ bool[] ret = (bool[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
+ Marshal.WriteInt32 (va.values, i * 4, ret[i] == false ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
+ // NOTREACHED: Above call does not return.
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ internal GetValueArrayCallbackNative NativeDelegate;
+ GetValueArrayCallback managed;
+ public GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper (GetValueArrayCallback managed) {
+ this.managed = managed;
+ if (managed != null)
+ NativeDelegate = new GetValueArrayCallbackNative (NativeCallback);
+ }
+ public static GetValueArrayCallback GetManagedDelegate (GetValueArrayCallbackNative native) {
+ if (native == null)
+ return null;
+ GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper wrapper = (GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper) native.Target;
+ if (wrapper == null)
+ return null;
+ return wrapper.managed;
+ }
+public void SetCallbacks (GetValueCallback get_value, GetValueArrayCallback get_value_array) {
+ IntPtr off = new IntPtr (Handle.ToInt64 () + get_value_offset);
+ GstControlSourceCallbacks cbs = (GstControlSourceCallbacks) Marshal.PtrToStructure (new IntPtr (Handle.ToInt64 () + get_value_offset), typeof (GstControlSourceCallbacks));
+ GetValueCallbackWrapper gv_wr = new GetValueCallbackWrapper (get_value);
+ GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper gva_wr = new GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper (get_value_array);
+ GetValue_cb_wrapper = gv_wr;
+ GetValueArray_cb_wrapper = gva_wr;
+ cbs.get_value = gv_wr.NativeCallback;
+ cbs.get_value_array = gva_wr.NativeCallback;
+ Marshal.StructureToPtr (cbs, off, false);
+[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern bool gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_base_bind (IntPtr handle, IntPtr pspec);
+[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern void gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_override_bind (IntPtr gtype, BindNativeDelegate cb);
+delegate bool BindNativeDelegate (IntPtr handler, IntPtr pspec);
+static BindNativeDelegate Bind_cb_delegate;
+static BindNativeDelegate BindVMCallback {
+ get {
+ if (Bind_cb_delegate == null)
+ Bind_cb_delegate = new BindNativeDelegate (Bind_cb);
+ return Bind_cb_delegate;
+ }
+static void OverrideBind (GLib.GType gtype) {
+ OverrideBind (gtype, BindVMCallback);
+static void OverrideBind (GLib.GType gtype, BindNativeDelegate callback) {
+ gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_override_bind (gtype.Val, callback);
+static bool Bind_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr pspec) {
+ try {
+ ControlSource __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as ControlSource;
+ Gst.PropertyInfo pinfo = new Gst.PropertyInfo (pspec);
+ return __obj.OnBind (pinfo);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
+ return false;
+ }
+[DllImport ("libgobject-2.0-0.dll") ]
+static extern IntPtr g_object_class_find_property (IntPtr klass, IntPtr property);
+[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof (Gst.Controller.ControlSource), ConnectionMethod="OverrideBind") ]
+protected virtual bool OnBind (Gst.PropertyInfo pinfo) {
+ IntPtr klass = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (Handle);
+ IntPtr native_property = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (pinfo.Name);
+ IntPtr pspec = g_object_class_find_property (klass, native_property);
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_property);
+ if (pspec == IntPtr.Zero)
+ return false;
+ return gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_base_bind (this.Handle, pspec);
+[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern bool gst_control_source_get_value_array (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray value_array);
+[DllImport ("libglib-2.0-0.dll") ]
+static extern IntPtr g_try_malloc (int size);
+static readonly Type[] supported_types = new Type[] {
+ typeof (string),
+ typeof (short),
+ typeof (ushort),
+ typeof (int),
+ typeof (uint),
+ typeof (long),
+ typeof (ulong),
+ typeof (float),
+ typeof (double),
+ typeof (bool)
+public System.Array GetValueArray (ulong timestamp, int nsamples, ulong interval) {
+ GstValueArray va = new GstValueArray ();
+ GLib.Value v = GLib.Value.Empty;
+ if (!GetValue (0, ref v))
+ return null;
+ System.Type t = v.Val.GetType ();
+ v.Dispose ();
+ bool supported = false;
+ foreach (System.Type tmp in supported_types)
+ if (tmp == t)
+ supported = true;
+ if (!supported)
+ throw new Exception ("Unsupported type '" + t + "'");
+ int eltsize = Marshal.SizeOf (t);
+ va.values = g_try_malloc (eltsize * nsamples);
+ if (va.values == IntPtr.Zero)
+ throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
+ va.nbsamples = nsamples;
+ va.sample_interval = interval;
+ bool raw_ret = gst_control_source_get_value_array (Handle, timestamp, ref va);
+ if (!raw_ret) {
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
+ return null;
+ }
+ System.Array values = Array.CreateInstance (t, nsamples);
+ if (t == typeof (string)) {
+ string[] ret = (string[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ IntPtr str = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (va.values, i * IntPtr.Size);
+ ret[i] = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree (str);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (short)) {
+ short[] ret = (short[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ushort)) {
+ ushort[] ret = (ushort[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = (ushort) Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (int)) {
+ int[] ret = (int[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (uint)) {
+ uint[] ret = (uint[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = (uint) Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (long)) {
+ long[] ret = (long[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ulong)) {
+ ulong[] ret = (ulong[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = (ulong) Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (float)) {
+ float[] ret = (float[]) values;
+ Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
+ } else if (t == typeof (double)) {
+ double[] ret = (double[]) values;
+ Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
+ } else if (t == typeof (bool)) {
+ bool[] ret = (bool[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4) != 0;
+ }
+ }
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
+ return values;
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/Controller.custom b/gstreamer-sharp/Controller.custom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3613b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/Controller.custom
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern IntPtr gst_controller_new_list (IntPtr objekt, IntPtr list);
+public Controller (GLib.Object objekt, string[] properties) : base (IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (GetType () != typeof (Controller)) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
+ }
+ GLib.List list = new GLib.List (properties, typeof (string), true, true);
+ Raw = gst_controller_new_list (objekt == null ? IntPtr.Zero : objekt.Handle, list == null ? IntPtr.Zero : list.Handle);
+public Controller (GLib.Object objekt, string property) : this (objekt, new string[] {property}) { }
+[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern bool gst_controller_remove_properties_list (IntPtr raw, IntPtr list);
+public bool RemoveProperties (string[] properties) {
+ GLib.List list = new GLib.List (properties, typeof (string), true, true);
+ bool raw_ret = gst_controller_remove_properties_list (Handle, list == null ? IntPtr.Zero : list.Handle);
+ bool ret = raw_ret;
+ return ret;
+public bool RemoveProperty (string property) {
+ return RemoveProperties (new string[] {property});
+[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
+extern static uint gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_properties_offset ();
+static uint properties_offset = gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_properties_offset ();
+public string[] Properties {
+ get {
+ GLib.List properties_list;
+ unsafe {
+ IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*) ( ( (byte*) Handle) + properties_offset);
+ properties_list = new GLib.List ( (*raw_ptr), typeof (string));
+ }
+ string[] properties = new string[properties_list.Count];
+ for (int i = 0; i < properties_list.Count; i++)
+ properties[i] = (string) properties_list[i];
+ return properties;
+ }
+[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
+extern static uint gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_object_offset ();
+static uint object_offset = gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_object_offset ();
+public GLib.Object Object {
+ get {
+ unsafe {
+ IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*) ( ( (byte*) Handle) + object_offset);
+ return GLib.Object.GetObject ( (*raw_ptr));
+ }
+ }
+[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
+struct GstValueArray {
+ public IntPtr property_name;
+ public int nbsamples;
+ public ulong sample_interval;
+ public IntPtr values;
+[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
+static extern bool gst_controller_get_value_array (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray value_array);
+[DllImport ("libglib-2.0-0.dll") ]
+static extern IntPtr g_try_malloc (int size);
+static readonly Type[] supported_types = new Type[] {
+ typeof (string),
+ typeof (short),
+ typeof (ushort),
+ typeof (int),
+ typeof (uint),
+ typeof (long),
+ typeof (ulong),
+ typeof (float),
+ typeof (double),
+ typeof (bool)
+public System.Array GetValueArray (string property, ulong timestamp, int nsamples, ulong interval) {
+ GstValueArray va = new GstValueArray ();
+ Gst.Object ob = (Gst.Object) this.Object;
+ Gst.PropertyInfo pi = ob.GetPropertyInfo (property);
+ System.Type t = (System.Type) pi.GType;
+ bool supported = false;
+ foreach (System.Type tmp in supported_types)
+ if (tmp == t)
+ supported = true;
+ if (!supported)
+ throw new Exception ("Unsupported type '" + t + "'");
+ int eltsize = Marshal.SizeOf (t);
+ va.values = g_try_malloc (eltsize * nsamples);
+ if (va.values == IntPtr.Zero)
+ throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
+ va.property_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (property);
+ va.nbsamples = nsamples;
+ va.sample_interval = interval;
+ bool raw_ret = gst_controller_get_value_array (Handle, timestamp, ref va);
+ if (!raw_ret) {
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.property_name);
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
+ return null;
+ }
+ System.Array values = Array.CreateInstance (t, nsamples);
+ if (t == typeof (string)) {
+ string[] ret = (string[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ IntPtr str = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (va.values, i * IntPtr.Size);
+ ret[i] = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree (str);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (short)) {
+ short[] ret = (short[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ushort)) {
+ ushort[] ret = (ushort[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = (ushort) Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (int)) {
+ int[] ret = (int[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (uint)) {
+ uint[] ret = (uint[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = (uint) Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (long)) {
+ long[] ret = (long[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ulong)) {
+ ulong[] ret = (ulong[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = (ulong) Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (float)) {
+ float[] ret = (float[]) values;
+ Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
+ } else if (t == typeof (double)) {
+ double[] ret = (double[]) values;
+ Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
+ } else if (t == typeof (bool)) {
+ bool[] ret = (bool[]) values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4) != 0;
+ }
+ }
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.property_name);
+ GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
+ return values;
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/Gstreamer.metadata b/gstreamer-sharp/Gstreamer.metadata
index 0e051f6..2595784 100644
--- a/gstreamer-sharp/Gstreamer.metadata
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/Gstreamer.metadata
@@ -1057,6 +1057,59 @@
+ <!-- GStreamer Controller library -->
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstInterpolateMode']" name="name">InterpolateMode</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstLFOWaveform']" name="name">LFOWaveform</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/callback[@cname='GstControlSourceBind']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/callback[@cname='GstControlSourceGetValue']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/callback[@cname='GstControlSourceGetValueArray']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']" name="name">Controller</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/property" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_all']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_control_source']/return-type" name="owned">true</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_value_array']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_value_arrays']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_init']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/constructor[@cname='gst_controller_new']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/constructor[@cname='gst_controller_new_valist']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/constructor[@cname='gst_controller_new_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_remove_properties']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_remove_properties_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_remove_properties_valist']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_set']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_set_from_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_set_interpolation_mode']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_unset']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_unset_all']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']" name="name">ControlSource</attr>
+ <remove-node path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']/class_struct" />
+ <add-node path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']">
+ <class_struct cname="GstControlSourceClass">
+ <field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GObjectClass" />
+ <method vm="bind" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="4" />
+ </class_struct>
+ <virtual_method name="Bind" cname="bind" hidden="1">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
+ <parameter type="GParamSpec*" name="pspec" />
+ </parameters>
+ </virtual_method>
+ </add-node>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_control_source_get_value']/parameters/parameter[@name='value']" name="pass_as">ref</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']" name="name">InterpolationControlSource</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_interpolation_control_source_set']/parameters/parameter[@name='value']" name="pass_as">ref</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_interpolation_control_source_set_from_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_interpolation_control_source_get_all']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstLFOControlSource']" name="name">LFOControlSource</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/struct[@cname='GstTimedValue']" name="hidden">1</attr>
+ <attr path="/api/namespace/struct[@cname='GstValueArray']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<!-- GStreamer Interfaces library -->
<attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstColorBalanceType']" name="name">ColorBalanceType</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstMixerFlags']" name="name">MixerFlags</attr>
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/ b/gstreamer-sharp/
index 57632ea..e363df6 100644
--- a/gstreamer-sharp/
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/
@@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ customs = \
MixerTrack.custom \
TunerNorm.custom \
TunerChannel.custom \
- Adapter.custom
+ Adapter.custom \
+ Controller.custom \
+ ControlSource.custom
build_customs = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(customs))
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/glue/ b/gstreamer-sharp/glue/
index d7963eb..d35bf82 100644
--- a/gstreamer-sharp/glue/
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/glue/
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ libgstreamersharpglue_0_10_la_SOURCES = \
indexfactory.c \
mixertrack.c \
tunernorm.c \
- adapter.c
+ adapter.c \
+ controller.c \
+ controlsource.c
nodist_libgstreamersharpglue_0_10_la_SOURCES = generated.c
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/glue/controller.c b/gstreamer-sharp/glue/controller.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a540871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/glue/controller.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include <gst/controller/gstcontroller.h>
+gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_properties_offset (void)
+ return (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstController, properties);
+gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_object_offset (void)
+ return (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstController, object);
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/glue/controlsource.c b/gstreamer-sharp/glue/controlsource.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173a09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/glue/controlsource.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <gst/controller/gstcontrolsource.h>
+gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_get_get_value_offset (void)
+ return (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstControlSource, get_value);
+const gchar *__gtype_prefix = "__gtksharp_";
+#define HAS_PREFIX(a) (*((guint64 *)(a)) == *((guint64 *) __gtype_prefix))
+static GObjectClass *
+get_threshold_class (GObject *obj)
+ GType gtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (obj);
+ while (HAS_PREFIX (g_type_name (gtype)))
+ gtype = g_type_parent (gtype);
+ GObjectClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype);
+ if (klass == NULL) klass = g_type_class_ref (gtype);
+ return klass;
+gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_base_bind (GstControlSource *csource, GParamSpec *pspec)
+ GstControlSourceClass *parent = (GstControlSourceClass *) get_threshold_class (G_OBJECT (csource));
+ if (parent->bind)
+ return parent->bind (csource, pspec);
+ return FALSE;
+gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_override_bind (GType gtype, gpointer cb)
+ GstControlSourceClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype);
+ if (!klass)
+ klass = g_type_class_ref (gtype);
+ ((GstControlSourceClass *) klass)->bind = cb;
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/gstreamer-api.raw b/gstreamer-sharp/gstreamer-api.raw
index e938735..fbf4af3 100644
--- a/gstreamer-sharp/gstreamer-api.raw
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/gstreamer-api.raw
@@ -6873,6 +6873,310 @@
+ <namespace name="Gst.Controller" library="libgstcontroller-0.10.dll">
+ <enum name="GstInterpolateMode" cname="GstInterpolateMode" type="enum">
+ <member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_NONE" name="None" />
+ <member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_TRIGGER" name="Trigger" />
+ <member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR" name="Linear" />
+ <member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_QUADRATIC" name="Quadratic" />
+ <member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_CUBIC" name="Cubic" />
+ <member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_USER" name="User" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="GstLFOWaveform" cname="GstLFOWaveform" type="enum">
+ <member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_SINE" name="Sine" />
+ <member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_SQUARE" name="Square" />
+ <member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_SAW" name="Saw" />
+ <member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_REVERSE_SAW" name="ReverseSaw" />
+ <member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE" name="Triangle" />
+ </enum>
+ <callback name="GstControlSourceBind" cname="GstControlSourceBind">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
+ <parameter type="GParamSpec*" name="pspec" />
+ </parameters>
+ </callback>
+ <callback name="GstControlSourceGetValue" cname="GstControlSourceGetValue">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
+ </parameters>
+ </callback>
+ <callback name="GstControlSourceGetValueArray" cname="GstControlSourceGetValueArray">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GstValueArray*" name="value_array" />
+ </parameters>
+ </callback>
+ <object name="GstController" cname="GstController" parent="GObject">
+ <class_struct cname="GstControllerClass">
+ <field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GObjectClass" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
+ </class_struct>
+ <field name="Properties" cname="properties" type="GList*" />
+ <field name="Lock" cname="lock" type="GMutex*" />
+ <field name="Object" cname="object" type="GObject*" />
+ <field name="Priv" cname="priv" type="GstControllerPrivate*" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING - 1" type="gpointer" />
+ <property name="ControlRate" cname="control-rate" type="guint64" readable="true" writeable="true" />
+ <method name="Get" cname="gst_controller_get">
+ <return-type type="GValue*" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetAll" cname="gst_controller_get_all" deprecated="1">
+ <return-type type="const-GList*" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetControlSource" cname="gst_controller_get_control_source">
+ <return-type type="GstControlSource*" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetType" cname="gst_controller_get_type" shared="true">
+ <return-type type="GType" />
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetValueArray" cname="gst_controller_get_value_array">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GstValueArray*" name="value_array" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetValueArrays" cname="gst_controller_get_value_arrays">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GSList*" name="value_arrays" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Init" cname="gst_controller_init" shared="true">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="int*" name="argc" />
+ <parameter type="char***" name="argv" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <constructor cname="gst_controller_new">
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GObject*" name="object" />
+ <parameter ellipsis="true" />
+ </parameters>
+ </constructor>
+ <constructor cname="gst_controller_new_list">
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GObject*" name="object" />
+ <parameter type="GList*" name="list" />
+ </parameters>
+ </constructor>
+ <constructor cname="gst_controller_new_valist">
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GObject*" name="object" />
+ <parameter type="va_list" name="var_args" />
+ </parameters>
+ </constructor>
+ <method name="RemoveProperties" cname="gst_controller_remove_properties">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter ellipsis="true" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RemovePropertiesList" cname="gst_controller_remove_properties_list">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GList*" name="list" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RemovePropertiesValist" cname="gst_controller_remove_properties_valist">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="va_list" name="var_args" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Set" cname="gst_controller_set" deprecated="1">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetControlSource" cname="gst_controller_set_control_source">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="csource" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetDisabled" cname="gst_controller_set_disabled">
+ <return-type type="void" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gboolean" name="disabled" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetFromList" cname="gst_controller_set_from_list" deprecated="1">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="GSList*" name="timedvalues" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetInterpolationMode" cname="gst_controller_set_interpolation_mode" deprecated="1">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="GstInterpolateMode" name="mode" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetPropertyDisabled" cname="gst_controller_set_property_disabled">
+ <return-type type="void" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="gboolean" name="disabled" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SuggestNextSync" cname="gst_controller_suggest_next_sync">
+ <return-type type="GstClockTime" />
+ </method>
+ <method name="SyncValues" cname="gst_controller_sync_values">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Unset" cname="gst_controller_unset" deprecated="1">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="UnsetAll" cname="gst_controller_unset_all" deprecated="1">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ </object>
+ <object name="GstControlSource" cname="GstControlSource" parent="GObject">
+ <class_struct cname="GstControlSourceClass">
+ <field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GObjectClass" />
+ <field name="Bind" cname="bind" type="GstControlSourceBind" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
+ </class_struct>
+ <field name="GetValue" cname="get_value" type="GstControlSourceGetValue" access="public" />
+ <field name="GetValueArray" cname="get_value_array" type="GstControlSourceGetValueArray" access="public" />
+ <field name="Bound" cname="bound" type="gboolean" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING" type="gpointer" />
+ <method name="Bind" cname="gst_control_source_bind">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GParamSpec*" name="pspec" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetType" cname="gst_control_source_get_type" shared="true">
+ <return-type type="GType" />
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetValue" cname="gst_control_source_get_value">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetValueArray" cname="gst_control_source_get_value_array">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GstValueArray*" name="value_array" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ </object>
+ <object name="GstInterpolationControlSource" cname="GstInterpolationControlSource" parent="GstControlSource">
+ <class_struct cname="GstInterpolationControlSourceClass">
+ <field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GstControlSourceClass" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
+ </class_struct>
+ <field name="Lock" cname="lock" type="GMutex*" />
+ <field name="Priv" cname="priv" type="GstInterpolationControlSourcePrivate*" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING" type="gpointer" />
+ <method name="GetAll" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_get_all">
+ <return-type type="GList*" />
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetCount" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_get_count">
+ <return-type type="gint" />
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetType" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_get_type" shared="true">
+ <return-type type="GType" />
+ </method>
+ <constructor cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_new" />
+ <method name="Set" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_set">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ <parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetFromList" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_set_from_list">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GSList*" name="timedvalues" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetInterpolationMode" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_set_interpolation_mode">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstInterpolateMode" name="mode" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Unset" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_unset">
+ <return-type type="gboolean" />
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
+ </parameters>
+ </method>
+ <method name="UnsetAll" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_unset_all">
+ <return-type type="void" />
+ </method>
+ </object>
+ <object name="GstLFOControlSource" cname="GstLFOControlSource" parent="GstControlSource">
+ <class_struct cname="GstLFOControlSourceClass">
+ <field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GstControlSourceClass" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
+ </class_struct>
+ <field name="Priv" cname="priv" type="GstLFOControlSourcePrivate*" />
+ <field name="Lock" cname="lock" type="GMutex*" />
+ <field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING" type="gpointer" />
+ <property name="Waveform" cname="waveform" type="GstLfoWaveform" readable="true" writeable="true" />
+ <property name="Frequency" cname="frequency" type="gdouble" readable="true" writeable="true" />
+ <property name="Timeshift" cname="timeshift" type="guint64" readable="true" writeable="true" />
+ <property name="Amplitude" cname="amplitude" type="GValue" readable="true" writeable="true" />
+ <property name="Offset" cname="offset" type="GValue" readable="true" writeable="true" />
+ <method name="GetType" cname="gst_lfo_control_source_get_type" shared="true">
+ <return-type type="GType" />
+ </method>
+ <constructor cname="gst_lfo_control_source_new" />
+ </object>
+ <struct name="GstTimedValue" cname="GstTimedValue">
+ <field name="Timestamp" cname="timestamp" type="GstClockTime" />
+ <field name="Value" cname="value" type="GValue" />
+ </struct>
+ <struct name="GstValueArray" cname="GstValueArray">
+ <field name="PropertyName" cname="property_name" type="gchar*" />
+ <field name="Nbsamples" cname="nbsamples" type="gint" />
+ <field name="SampleInterval" cname="sample_interval" type="GstClockTime" />
+ <field name="Values" cname="values" type="gpointer*" />
+ </struct>
+ </namespace>
<namespace name="Gst.Interfaces" library="libgstinterfaces-0.10.dll">
<enum name="GstColorBalanceType" cname="GstColorBalanceType" gtype="gst_color_balance_type_get_type" type="enum">
<member cname="GST_COLOR_BALANCE_HARDWARE" name="Hardware" />
diff --git a/gstreamer-sharp/ b/gstreamer-sharp/
index 4a168ed..f4e440f 100644
--- a/gstreamer-sharp/
+++ b/gstreamer-sharp/
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
<dllmap dll="libgobject-2.0-0.dll" target="libgobject-2.0@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
<dllmap dll="libgstreamer-0.10.dll" target="libgstreamer-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
<dllmap dll="libgstbase-0.10.dll" target="libgstbase-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
+ <dllmap dll="libgstcontroller-0.10.dll" target="libgstcontroller-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
<dllmap dll="libgstinterfaces-0.10.dll" target="libgstinterfaces-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
diff --git a/source/gstreamer-sharp-source.xml b/source/gstreamer-sharp-source.xml
index 0ba19d1..34891f2 100644
--- a/source/gstreamer-sharp-source.xml
+++ b/source/gstreamer-sharp-source.xml
@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@
+ <library name="libgstcontroller-0.10.dll">
+ <namespace name="Gst.Controller">
+ <dir>../../gstreamer/libs/gst/controller</dir>
+ <!-- Needs to be bound -->
+ <exclude>../../gstreamer/libs/gst/controller/gstcontrollerprivate.h</exclude>
+ <exclude>../../gstreamer/libs/gst/controller/gstinterpolationcontrolsourceprivate.h</exclude>
+ <exclude>../../gstreamer/libs/gst/controller/gstlfocontrolsourceprivate.h</exclude>
+ </namespace>
+ </library>
<library name="libgstinterfaces-0.10.dll">
<namespace name="Gst.Interfaces">