]> CCSS Reference Manual CCSS: Introduction TODO CCSS: Dependencies The CCSS library depends on the following libraries: GLib A general-purpose utility library, not specific to graphical user interfaces. GLib provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a main loop abstraction, and so on. LibSoup (optional) LibSoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME. It uses GObjects and the glib main loop, to integrate well with GNOME applications. Projects using CCSS CCSS is used by Gtk CSS Engine The Gtk CSS Engine API Reference TODO. Basic Usage &ccss_block_t; &ccss_function_t; &ccss_grammar_t; &ccss_node_t; &ccss_style_t; &ccss_stylesheet_t; CSS properties &ccss_background_t; &ccss_border_t; &ccss_border_image_t; &ccss_color_t; &ccss_padding_t; &ccss_position_t; &ccss_property_t; Unstable interfaces &ccss_color_impl_t; &ccss_function_impl_t; &ccss_property_impl_t; &TreeIndex;