/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * Dan Williams * David Cantrell * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * (C) Copyright 2007 - 2012 Red Hat, Inc. */ #ifndef NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_H #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_H #include #include "nm-setting.h" G_BEGIN_DECLS #define NM_TYPE_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG (nm_setting_ip6_config_get_type ()) #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), NM_TYPE_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG, NMSettingIP6Config)) #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), NM_TYPE_SETTING_IP6CONFIG, NMSettingIP6ConfigClass)) #define NM_IS_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), NM_TYPE_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG)) #define NM_IS_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), NM_TYPE_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG)) #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), NM_TYPE_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG, NMSettingIP6ConfigClass)) #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_SETTING_NAME "ipv6" /** * NMSettingIP6ConfigError: * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown or unclassified error * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY: the property was invalid * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_MISSING_PROPERTY: the property was missing and is * required * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_METHOD: the property's value is * not valid with the given IPv6 method */ typedef enum { NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0, /*< nick=UnknownError >*/ NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY, /*< nick=InvalidProperty >*/ NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_MISSING_PROPERTY, /*< nick=MissingProperty >*/ NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_METHOD /*< nick=NotAllowedForMethod >*/ } NMSettingIP6ConfigError; #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ERROR nm_setting_ip6_config_error_quark () GQuark nm_setting_ip6_config_error_quark (void); #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD "method" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_DNS "dns" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_DNS_SEARCH "dns-search" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ADDRESSES "addresses" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ROUTES "routes" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_IGNORE_AUTO_ROUTES "ignore-auto-routes" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_IGNORE_AUTO_DNS "ignore-auto-dns" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_NEVER_DEFAULT "never-default" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_MAY_FAIL "may-fail" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_IP6_PRIVACY "ip6-privacy" #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_DHCP_HOSTNAME "dhcp-hostname" /** * NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_IGNORE: * * IPv6 is not required or is handled by some other mechanism, and NetworkManager * should not configure IPv6 for this connection. */ #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_IGNORE "ignore" /** * NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_AUTO: * * IPv6 configuration should be automatically determined via a method appropriate * for the hardware interface, ie router advertisements, DHCP, or PPP or some * other device-specific manner. */ #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_AUTO "auto" /** * NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_DHCP: * * IPv6 configuration should be automatically determined via DHCPv6 only and * router advertisements should be ignored. */ #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_DHCP "dhcp" /** * NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_LINK_LOCAL: * * IPv6 configuration should be automatically configured for link-local-only * operation. */ #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_LINK_LOCAL "link-local" /** * NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_MANUAL: * * All necessary IPv6 configuration (addresses, prefix, DNS, etc) is specified * in the setting's properties. */ #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_MANUAL "manual" /** * NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_SHARED: * * This connection specifies configuration that allows other computers to * connect through it to the default network (usually the Internet). The * connection's interface will be assigned a private address, and router * advertisements, a caching DNS server, and Network Address Translation (NAT) * functionality will be started on this connection's interface to allow other * devices to connect through that interface to the default network. (not yet * supported for IPv6) */ #define NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_SHARED "shared" /** * NMSettingIP6ConfigPrivacy: * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN: unknown or no value specified * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_DISABLED: IPv6 Privacy Extensions are disabled * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_PREFER_PUBLIC_ADDR: IPv6 Privacy Extensions * are enabled, but public addresses are preferred over temporary addresses * @NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_PREFER_TEMP_ADDR: IPv6 Privacy Extensions * are enabled and temporary addresses are preferred over public addresses * * #NMSettingIP6ConfigPrivacy values indicate if and how IPv6 Privacy * Extensions are used (RFC4941). */ typedef enum { NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN = -1, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_DISABLED = 0, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_PREFER_PUBLIC_ADDR = 1, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_PREFER_TEMP_ADDR = 2 } NMSettingIP6ConfigPrivacy; typedef struct NMIP6Address NMIP6Address; GType nm_ip6_address_get_type (void); NMIP6Address * nm_ip6_address_new (void); NMIP6Address * nm_ip6_address_dup (NMIP6Address *source); void nm_ip6_address_ref (NMIP6Address *address); void nm_ip6_address_unref (NMIP6Address *address); /* Return TRUE if addresses are identical */ gboolean nm_ip6_address_compare (NMIP6Address *address, NMIP6Address *other); const struct in6_addr *nm_ip6_address_get_address (NMIP6Address *address); void nm_ip6_address_set_address (NMIP6Address *address, const struct in6_addr *addr); guint32 nm_ip6_address_get_prefix (NMIP6Address *address); void nm_ip6_address_set_prefix (NMIP6Address *address, guint32 prefix); const struct in6_addr *nm_ip6_address_get_gateway (NMIP6Address *address); void nm_ip6_address_set_gateway (NMIP6Address *address, const struct in6_addr *gateway); typedef struct NMIP6Route NMIP6Route; GType nm_ip6_route_get_type (void); NMIP6Route * nm_ip6_route_new (void); NMIP6Route * nm_ip6_route_dup (NMIP6Route *source); void nm_ip6_route_ref (NMIP6Route *route); void nm_ip6_route_unref (NMIP6Route *route); /* Return TRUE if routes are identical */ gboolean nm_ip6_route_compare (NMIP6Route *route, NMIP6Route *other); const struct in6_addr *nm_ip6_route_get_dest (NMIP6Route *route); void nm_ip6_route_set_dest (NMIP6Route *route, const struct in6_addr *dest); guint32 nm_ip6_route_get_prefix (NMIP6Route *route); void nm_ip6_route_set_prefix (NMIP6Route *route, guint32 prefix); const struct in6_addr *nm_ip6_route_get_next_hop (NMIP6Route *route); void nm_ip6_route_set_next_hop (NMIP6Route *route, const struct in6_addr *next_hop); guint32 nm_ip6_route_get_metric (NMIP6Route *route); void nm_ip6_route_set_metric (NMIP6Route *route, guint32 metric); typedef struct { NMSetting parent; } NMSettingIP6Config; typedef struct { NMSettingClass parent; /* Padding for future expansion */ void (*_reserved1) (void); void (*_reserved2) (void); void (*_reserved3) (void); void (*_reserved4) (void); } NMSettingIP6ConfigClass; GType nm_setting_ip6_config_get_type (void); NMSetting * nm_setting_ip6_config_new (void); const char * nm_setting_ip6_config_get_method (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); guint32 nm_setting_ip6_config_get_num_dns (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); const struct in6_addr *nm_setting_ip6_config_get_dns (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_add_dns (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, const struct in6_addr *dns); void nm_setting_ip6_config_remove_dns (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); void nm_setting_ip6_config_clear_dns (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); guint32 nm_setting_ip6_config_get_num_dns_searches (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); const char * nm_setting_ip6_config_get_dns_search (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_add_dns_search (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, const char *dns_search); void nm_setting_ip6_config_remove_dns_search (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); void nm_setting_ip6_config_clear_dns_searches (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); guint32 nm_setting_ip6_config_get_num_addresses (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); NMIP6Address * nm_setting_ip6_config_get_address (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_add_address (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, NMIP6Address *address); void nm_setting_ip6_config_remove_address (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); void nm_setting_ip6_config_clear_addresses (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); guint32 nm_setting_ip6_config_get_num_routes (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); NMIP6Route * nm_setting_ip6_config_get_route (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_add_route (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, NMIP6Route *route); void nm_setting_ip6_config_remove_route (NMSettingIP6Config *setting, guint32 i); void nm_setting_ip6_config_clear_routes (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_get_ignore_auto_routes (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_get_ignore_auto_dns (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); const char * nm_setting_ip6_config_get_dhcp_hostname (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_get_never_default (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); gboolean nm_setting_ip6_config_get_may_fail (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); NMSettingIP6ConfigPrivacy nm_setting_ip6_config_get_ip6_privacy (NMSettingIP6Config *setting); G_END_DECLS #endif /* NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_H */