Device uses an LG L2000 LTE chip and a Qualcomm MDM6800A for CDMA/EVDO. The firmware flasher tool speaks DIAG and includes a lot of LTE-related NV items. Device has two USB interfaces: 0 - Proprietary ethernet interface 1 - CDC-ACM serial port The ACM port speaks a proprietary protocol that MUX-es traffic from the following virtual interfaces (according to Windows): 0: LGE LTE DM Port 1: LGE USB Modem Port 2: LGE LTE RF Serial Port (com) 3: LGE CDMA USB Serial Port (com) 4: LGE CDMA USB GPS NMEA Port (com) 5: LGE CDMA LBS Serial Port (com) MUX Header Format ----------------- u32: magic, always [ 0x5a 0x48 0x12 0xa5 ] u32: sequence number (unpaired; host and device use separate sequence numbers) u32: length (not including this header, but including any padding) u16: MUX channel (21 f0: CMD) (11 f0: AT) Packets are 4-byte aligned with padding of zeros, and this padding is included in the length given in the header. AT commands may have trailing bytes outside the data length specified in the header, obviously these should be ignored. AT commands may also have trailing status bytes after the last 0x0D 0x0A which may take the place of OK and ERROR in some AT commands. Status bytes include 0x30 0x0d (success) and 0x34 0x0d (unknown AT command). CMD packets are terminated with a standard HDLC CRC-16 and 0x7E. Known CMD numbers are: 0xf14a - network attach, ethernet port start (use DHCP and IPv6 RA) AT SMS Indications ------------------ They appear out of nowhere without AT formatting: MT MSG: "612804xxxx","13/02/13,19:27:11+00",73 Heyy it's Tiffany i uploaded some pics on my profile on Misc AT command notes: ---------------------- +VZWMRUE: ,,, %LCNWINFO: , , <1x>, , , , , %LCNWINFO: , , <1x>, , , , = 6:LTE Reported AT Commands -------------------- Firmware version VL600ZV8 reports the following supported AT commands in response to an AT+CLAC query: E0V1 HE1 E Q V Z &F S3 S4 S5 CIMI GCAP CEER CPAS CSQ CLAC CGDCONT CGDSCONT CGTFT CGATT CGACT CGCMOD CGDATA CGPADDR CGEREP CSCB CSAS CRES CSDH CEREG CGEQOS CGCONTRDP CGSCONTRDP CGTFTRDP CGEQOSRDP CGMI CGMM CGMR CGSN GSN PWDT PTIMER PDMA PSDRAM PSMACTIVE PSMT PHIMLP PURTTX PURTRX PURTCB PFSEL PFID PFREAD PFRW PCSMWID PCSMCP PSYSC PCPGB PUETH PUMDM1 PUMDM2 PI2C PHIMULPATH PHIMTX PHIMTXPATH PHIMSTOPTX PCC5BOOT PURTLOOPBACK PMEMWRITE PMEMREAD PMUXLOOPBACK PSQ PHIMNC PUESTATUS PSWRESET PRFCONTROL PCMDBYPASS PTM PEMUATCI PNVTEST PNVRD PNVWR PSWTTST PSWT PSMTESTIP PTESTDATAPATH PTXPOWER PSPIWRITE PSPIREAD PLLARCSEND PLLARCNV PANTDISABLE PLLARCSTART PLLARCEND TURNMODE PPHYSTATUS PPHYSNR PLLARCSTARTEX PCPELTIMER PCPESTIMER PGCTCAL CSG AUTH LTEINIT SETIMSI SETPLMNID SETNPARAM ATCMODE SETKEY SETOP &C &D &E &F &S &V &W E I L M Q V X Z T P \Q \S \V %V D A H O S0 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S30 S103 S104 +VZWMRUC +VZWMRUE +VZWAPNE +CRSM +CSCS +CMEE +CCLK +CLCK +COPS +CPOL +CGDCONT +CPBS +CPBW +CPBR +CNMI +CMGF +CMGC +CSCA +CSMP +CPMS +CMGL +CMGR +CMGW +CMGS +CMGD +CMSS +CNMA +CMMS +CPWD +CNUM +CIMI +CPIN +CACM +CGSN +CFUN +CSIM +FCLASS +ICF +IFC +IPR +GMI +GMM +GMR +GCAP +GSN +DR +DS +CMEE $QCCLR $QCDMG $QCDMR $QCDNSP $QCDNSS $QCTER $QCSLOT $QCPWRDN $BREW $QCSYSMODE $QCCTM %ATCTEST %HOYATEST %EJTEST %CHANGTEST %TEMPTEST %FRST %SWV %SIMCHECK %GPS %CMSTATE %LCATT %LCRSSI %LCNWCHK %LCNWINFO %LCNWP %LCPID %LCPHPING %LCLTESTATE %LCLQOS %LCCQOS %LCDQOS %LCTFT %LCQOSAC %LCQOSRL %LCQOSMD %LCEMULP %LCVER %LCPKTSTATS %LCPINBLK %LCPINUNBLK %LCDMBR %LCMOD %LCMTU %LCIMSON %LCPINNUM %LCCMDT %LCFREQ %LCRETCTR %LCPTMR %LCLTEBOOTM %WIMSI %LCLTEBOOTTIME %GMTMR %LCIMSSETCFG %LCIMSGETCFG %LCRST %LCAPN %LCRPT %RSTSQN %SetApp %SETPIN %TSTRFSH %LCTCIV %LCINTPDNCTL %LCIIP %GMTT %LCINACT %RESETEN %LCACONMOD %LCGMSSCFG %SETLOG %LCBIPENABLEFLAG %LCROAMING %LOCGET %LOCON %LOCOFF +UART +MDN +MIN +LGPASS +LGUSERID +LGPASSX +PING +PINGF +PINGD +PPPCAR +MIPRMNAI +PPPPW +SKTENABLE +PINGA $LGTEST $QCDMG $LGDMGO $LGSO $LGFRC $LGSCI $LGSCM $LGMTH $LGMTS $LGMTN $LGOTAPA $LGNLOCK $LGMCCM $LGMNCM $LGS2M $LGS1M $LGMCCT $LGMNCT $LGS2T $LGS1T $LGMRUCL $LGACCOLC $LGBYCHAR $LGMEID $LGMDN $LGMIN $LGMODEP $LGBANDP $LGROAMP $LGDTB $LGPREV $LGAKEY $LGPWR $LGACTV $LGTC $LGEPRL $LGUIMID $OTADM